Contested Memory in Kosovo

This past week was our first study visit. What I love about SIT programs is that study trips are always included as part of the program and part of the learning process. These trips are invaluable as they really help contextualize the information we learn in class. For our first study visit we traveled to Kosovo, …

Belgrade Urban Running Team

Sometimes running really is the only thing that makes sense. No matter where I am in the world or how stressed I am, I always find time to run. 45 minutes, my Asics and suddenly everything is okay. Running really IS about community and it is one of my favorite aspects about the sport. My …

24 Hours in Slovenia

Most SIT programs limit to students to traveling within the country they are studying. The reason for this is so students can focus on learning about that specific country and also so students can focus on their coursework as well since SIT is an academically rigorous program. This was never a problem in Tunisia and …


My first two weeks in Belgrade have flown by. I am constantly discovering more and more things I love about this city, country and the people who live here. Before coming to Serbia I did not really know what to expect. This isn’t a region of the world we learn about in school. And if …

Getting to Know Belgrade

This city is amazing. And I know I say that about every new place I visit, but Belgrade really is a unique place. I was surprised by how “hip” the city is. It has a large number of cultural cafes featuring poetry readings, film festivals, and performances by local artists. I have already stumbled upon …

Belgrade Bound

In less than 48 hours I will be on my way to Belgrade, Serbia. Since I arrived home from Tunisia on December 14th a lot of my time has been spent preparing for Serbia. I had several books I needed to read as part of my course work, I had to unpack and re-pack, and …

Cape town

I spent my last few two days in South Africa in the beautiful city of Cape Town. Compared to Durban the parts of Cape Town I saw were very touristy and European. The city is in between the ocean and the mountains. So anywhere you go the views are breathtaking. Speaking of mountains, let’s talk …

A piece of my soul…

Why did I go to South Africa? The answer to that question has changed dramatically since I left for Durban on August 20th.  I went to South Africa to focus on the racial history of the country to get an international perspective on race. I spent some time intentionally pondering race in South Africa but …

Besleema Tunisia

Saying goodbye is never easy. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to many places and I’ve never really been ready to leave any of them. Although I’m excited to see my family and friends back home, I’m not yet ready to leave Tunisia. I feel so comfortable here. If only I could stay and continue …

Review of Durban

Here are the top five things I loved about Durban, South Africa: 1. Midnight walks on the beach I lived in Windermere flats my last month in Durban. My apartment overlooked the ocean and the city skyline. So of course one of my favorite things to do at night was walk along the beach. The …