Running for Refugees

Running is one of my favorite past times. I make it a point to run every time I am in a new place. Not only is running a great way to get to know a city, but it also helps me relax when I am dealing with stressful situations. Study abroad can often be stressful. …


As you may have noticed from earlier blogs, my program strives to balance between immersing us in Granada as well as having us experience other locations nearby. By this point we have been to Alpujarra, Ronda, Sevilla, Málaga, Córdoba, and now MOROCCO! Yes, that’s right, a beautiful country on a different continent. IES Granada has …

Summer Adventures

It’s hard to believe I only have one week left in Belgrade. This semester has flown by, what with the independent study month, multiple excursions and travel weekends. But my adventures are not over yet. After the program ends I will be traveling around the Balkans, spending time in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria for a …

Long Weekend in Bosnia

Most SIT students require students to stay in the country they are studying in for the duration of the semester. The SIT program in the Balkans is unique in that way. We have two free travel weekends. For the first one I went to Slovenia-which I wrote about in an earlier post. Though we only …

Building Community Through the Practice of Bikram Yoga

During ISP/ISPJ period we have very flexible schedules. We don’t have any scheduled class time, the entire month is devoted to working on our projects. Since I am spending less time in class I decided to take advantage of having a few more hours in my day. While my project takes up a good deal …

The Belgrade Marathon

This weekend was the 29th Belgrade Marathon. I had heard about it before arriving in Serbia and knew I was going to run the either the full or half marathon. In the end I decided to do the half because I did not have enough time to train for a full marathon. On the day of the marathon …

The ICTY Comes to A Close

Last Tuesday, March 22, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia(ICTY) based in The Hague announced that Radovan Karadzic was guilty of committing genocide in Srebrenica. While the Balkans is usually a forgotten place in the world, last Tuesday articles about Karadzic appeared in newspapers worldwide. As I read those stories and imagined people …

Exploring the Past in Sarajevo

Sarajevo is a beautiful city. The hotel we stayed in was in the old town which is in the center of the city has many shops and cobblestone streets. Sarajevo is in a valley and the city is surrounded by beautiful hills. I went running up these hills and was in awe of how beautiful …

The Dayton (dis)Agreements

After spending a week in Belgrade after returning from Kosovo we left once again, this time for Bosnia & Herzegovina. The situation in Bosnia is very complicated. I will start first by describing the political situation. The current government system and way the country is divided was established in November 1995 with the signing of the Dayton …

Picking My Way Through the Pijaca

I enter through a side entrance of Kalenic market to find myself among fur coats and random assortments of high heels. My boots “click-clack” on the uneven cobblestones as I make my way towards the food stands. Someone is playing Serbian music on a radio. A light rain begins to fall, yet people continue their …