An Unforgettable Birthday Dinner

I don’t know about you But I’m feeling 22 -Taylor Swift, 22 On January 23, 2022, I turned 22. Turning 18 and 20 was nerve wracking because these numbers signified the beginning of adulthood in the US and Japan, respectively; and turning 21 was thrilling because it meant that I had finally reached the legal …

The Irish Pub

On the second night in Dublin, Ireland, I went to an authentic Irish pub for the first time. My only exposure to an Irish pub was the Curragh (if you’re a Hope student, you know what I’m talking about), and I was thrilled to experience the true Irish pub. The name of the pub that …

Why Ireland?

So Yuki, why did you decide to go to Ireland? Undoubtedly, this was the most commonly asked question during the winter break after I told people my plan to study abroad. To be completely honest, even now, as I’m sitting on the airplane to Dublin, I don’t quite know how to answer the question.  I …