Encouragement from Dr. Ellen

I am a parent of a college student. I want my student to have an exceptional experience that helps him emerge into adulthood. I am guessing you have similar dreams for your Hope student! I offer a few bits of perspective on college student development for you to consider. 1) College students learn and grow …

Family Access Chats | Spring 2022

Thanks for joining us for Family Access Chats this semester. Here are the recordings in case you missed anything. And here are the links that we discussed for your reference: Boerigter Center for Calling and Career: hope.edu/boerigter DiscoverWork: hope.edu/discoverwork The Hope College Connection: connection.hope.edu *Open to alumni, families, students, faculty and staff* Additional resources available to students: Second Seminar …

Fall 2020 Reflections and Questions To Ask Your Student

In writing this blog post, I attempted a variety of introductions that would provide just the right words to reflect on the semester Hope students, parents, staff and faculty have endured this fall. I realized with each attempt, however, that there was no one perfect way to describe a semester that was unlike any other …

Tips on Talking with Your Student About Returning to Hope’s Campus

Dear Parents and Families, Greetings from the Hope College Parents’ Council! As co-chairs of the council, we are hearing from other parents whose students are experiencing a wide range of emotions as they prepare to return to Hope — excitement, uncertainty, nervousness and everything in between! No matter what the emotion, it’s clear that Hope …

Hope Families Can Join “The Hope College Connection”

Greetings from our home in Lake Ann, Michigan where we are spending quality time learning and re-learning Spanish with our youngest daughter, Elizabeth. She is finishing up her Hope College senior year at home with us. We have had a lot of fun listening to virtual classes and watching her adapt to this different way …

Supporting Your Student During COVID-19

You may suddenly find yourself trying to help your student navigate this new normal on the road to their first job or internship. Even though their search might look a little different, there are many ways you can support your student and keep them in the game. Here are some helpful suggestions: First, if your …

Prepare to Pivot

The word “unprecedented” has been used a lot lately to describe not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the response from government and business. Businesses and schools have shifted to work at home and online learning in order to maintain social distance. This has several implications for your student preparing for their next steps whether …

Helping Your Student Navigate Homesickness

It’s October! The first month of college and classes has ended, and we are moving toward midterm exams. As the director of Hope’s Counseling and Psychological Services, I wanted to take a minute of your time to address the concern of homesickness and adjusting to college. Most of our students have settled into their rooms …

From Our Hope Family to Yours

Dear Hope Families, Welcome to the 2019-20 academic year! Later this month, I will be meeting many of you as you help your student move into their campus home — some of you for the first time, others for the last time. Whether your child is entering their freshman year or their senior year, this …

Get Oriented! Five Reminders for First-Year Families

Hello New Hope Families! This is the week we’ve been waiting for all summer — Orientation is almost here, and we are excited to share these five reminders for all participating families: 1. Next Friday is the day! Move-in Day is Friday, August 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Orientation Assistants (“OAs”) will be …