Fall Update from Student Development

Dear Hope Families, I hope you are enjoying the summer with your loved ones. Here at Hope College, we are busy preparing for the arrival of our students. Our campus community is eager to greet all our students — both new and returning students — in person. One of the best parts of the new …

Give to What You Love

Greetings from Hope College! I am writing to share some details — and my excitement — about Hope’s upcoming Day of Giving, which begins at midnight Thursday, April 11 and runs through noon on Friday, April 12. For this year’s Day of Giving, we will be inviting alumni, employees, friends and families to give to …

Day of Giving 2019 – Join our Team!

Get ready! Hope College’s Day of Giving is 14 days away. We need your voice, your networks and your enthusiasm to help promote Hope College. Please join our team on Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12 and become an online ambassador! What’s an Ambassador? An ambassador can be an alumni, parent, employee or friend …

Spring Update from Student Development

Dear Hope Families, Here at Hope, we are in the final weeks of the academic year, and the entire community is ready to finish strong. As you probably know, this time of the year is filled with meaningful tasks — completing classwork, preparing for final exams, finding summer work, planning to launch a new career …

A Message from the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Dear Hope Families, Greetings from the new Boerigter Center for Calling and Career! I am honored to join the staff of Hope College as the first executive director of the Boerigter Center. We have a great team of talented professionals working together to help students identify their gifts and get ready for life after college. …

A Message from the Registrar

“You’re a person!” exclaimed a surprised student when first meeting with me. Most students, and some families, don’t realize a Registrar is a person’s role and not just the name of an office. While there is a head Registrar, the Registrar’s Office, including our Advising Suite, is first and foremost a team. Our team consists …

A Tradition of Travel Gets a Boost

Hope College began hosting educational tours for alumni and friends in the 1960s. The integration of learning with Hope faculty and the opportunity to connect with friends from the Hope community have always set these programs apart. Over the past few years we have had increasing momentum for lifelong learning and travel. After two recent sell-out trips …

A Message from Campus Safety Director, Jeffrey Hertel

Dear Families, Greetings from the Office of Campus Safety! Since joining Hope College as Director of Campus Safety in 2016, I have been impressed by the caliber and commitment of the students we serve — your daughters and sons. I feel blessed to work in a safe and compassionate community, where students and employees genuinely …

Meet the Provost

As provost, I think about academic affairs at Hope College every single day. I focus on our students’ education and experience. I spend most of my days meeting with faculty, staff, and students asking questions and listening for what’s going well and what can be improved. Here’s what I know so far. We have 235 …