Heather is Shaped by Hope College Women’s Basketball

Visiting Hope College for the first time, Heather Randall fell in love with the professor-to-student ratio, basketball environment, and the Hope community. She knew from the beginning that great relationships were going to be built with fans, teammates, and coaches.  Heather has been playing basketball since 4th grade and always knew she wanted to play at …

Chapel Choir Will Cross Oceans

Gabby Barber, a junior at Hope College, is a music and political science major and on Chapel Choir’s leadership board. She has been a soprano singer in Chapel Choir for three years. When Gabby came to Hope College she knew that music would be a concrete part of her future, because it was a huge part of …

Lydia Berkey Doesn’t Shoot for the Stars, She Builds Her Own Ladder to Them

Lydia Berkey’s first three years at Hope College have been stuffed to the brim with her involvement on campus. She brings her leadership abilities and inspirational spirit to every project she undertakes. Now in her junior year, Lydia is the Vice President of Student Congress, and has previously been involved in the Student Activities Committee for two years. She works in the Bultman …

The Pull & the Tooley Family

The Pull, a unique tug-of-war contest, is one of America’s oldest standing college traditions: on Saturday, Hope College will experience the Pull for the 120th time. Each year, freshman and sophomore teams face each other from each bank of Black River, attempting to claim the rope for themselves. Each team is comprised of 18 Pullers …

Homecoming Donut Run 5K | Benefiting Dance Marathon

Hey you. Yes, you. Let’s chat! I want to tell you about something amazing. My name is Erin Murphy and I am a senior here at Hope College studying Communication and Business. I currently serve as the Marketing Director for Dance Marathon. I’ve been a part of Dance Marathon since my freshman year and have …

Thank You!

Many of you participated in Scholarship Day of Giving and we are grateful for your support. Thanks to you, we raised more than $162,000 — all for student scholarships through the Hope Fund. The number of gifts and the total raised both exceeded last year’s day of giving. On behalf of the Hope College community, …

Unlock $25,000 for Scholarships at 700 Donors

Scholarship Day of Giving is now over halfway to our overall goal. We were close to our goal of 500 donors by 5 pm, but came up just short. Help us reach the next goal of 700 gifts and an additional $25,000 will be unlocked and added to today’s total thanks to another generous group of challenge donors. How can you …

125th Donor Thank You

Today’s the day many on Hope’s campus hit the refresh button for hope.edu/give2hope with a strong sense of gratitude. Each new commitment to support Hope students represents a unique donor story, while simultaneously launching new Hope stories for students receiving scholarships. We are excited to introduce you to the 125th Scholarship Day of Giving donor. CJ Ditzenberger’s …

Scholarship Day of Giving Details

Scholarship Day of Giving will kick-off at midnight Monday for a 24 hour challenge of 1,000 gifts. Here’s how you can be involved: Make a gift at hope.edu/give2hope. Share #give2hope throughout the day on your social media channels. Change your Facebook cover photo to the Scholarship Day of Giving image. You’ll want to download the …

Scholarship Day of Giving 2017

Join us for the third annual Scholarship Day of Giving on April 18, 2017. The goal is 1,000 gifts to the Hope Fund in 24 hours. Gifts received online and on the phone will be added to our project at hope.edu/give2hope. Online ambassadors will become part of our team for the day by helping to …