Introducing Me

It’s catchy and different, I guess to use “Introducing Me” as my topic, and I especially chose this as my introductory topic because it reminds me of my sisters. Being teenagers, my sisters loved “High School Musical.” They learned every song, and watched it over and over again. Regardless of the fact that I tried …

Winter Break Woes

Winter break came as a much needed interval in this semester; however, I must voice how grateful I am to be back at Hope. As this break was a mere four days, my family decided to turn it into a skiing weekend. As I’ve only ever skied once before I welcomed this opportunity to relearn …

Meet Rosemarie.

My name is Rosemarie Falsetta and I am a sophomore with a double major in Communications and Political Science. I am currently involved in a few organizations on campus. I sit on the executive board of Hope College Republicans as the Public Relations Chair, which allows my passion for politics to grow. I also sit …

Hello World

I’m Trevor Wagoner, a Hope Fund Scholarship recipient and a junior here at Hope. I am currently majoring in Mechanical Engineering, with minors in Mathematics and Physics. I live and work in Cook Village as a Residential assistant. I’m also a varsity athlete on the men’s swim team, and I’m involved with the Formula SAE team and …

Blogging Debut!

Hi there! My name is Victoria! I’m originally from the small village of Vicksburg, Michigan, but am currently a sophomore here at Hope College and am double majoring in Theatre and French. I am extremely involved with the theatre department here at Hope and will probably be posting a lot about it! (See below for what …

Getting to Know Me

Hi, I’m Anna! Since this is my first post you all probably want to know a little bit about me. I’m a junior, but this is my second semester here. I transferred from Harper College in Illinois. When I was transferring, Hope was at the top of my list. Thanks to the help of the …