
Two weeks ago, I went to Chicago with a couple of my friends. I have not been to Chicago before, so I did not know what to expect. I have visited cities like Los Angeles, Denver, New York, San Francisco, Boston and Minneapolis, so I was preparing myself for a “typical” American city. I was totally wrong. …

The Pictures Talk For A Change

Hello, readers! Hope your weekend was awesome! I decided to switch it up a little and let the pictures of my Saturday in Chicago speak for themselves. Just to give you some background, every year the Student Activities Committee (SAC) puts on a Chicago trip in the fall and spring where you take a bus …

Hope College’s Annual Chicago Trip!

Hey Folks! As I promised, here is another post, and it’s a happier one too! Last weekend, I had the privilege with 2 other SAC (Student Activities Committee) members to plan the annual Chicago trip. This trip had so much planning behind it, and I didn’t realize this until I jumped in the bandwagon. But, …