Questions for a Nykerk Coach

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Hi everyone!

One of my favorite posts last year was answering a bunch of questions that people asked me about bring the Nykerk orator. I thought that once I became a coach the questions would stop, but they have actually increased! So here again are the most frequent questions I have been asked since the Nykerk season began:

  1. Who is the Nykerk orator this year? The odd year Nykerk orator I am coaching this year is Gabby Gazall, a.k.a. G-baby, who is such a blessing and joy to work with. The sophomore orator being coached by senior oration coaches Jordan and Alyssa is Rosemary Walsh. I happen to be friends with Rosemay and could not be more thrilled for her!
  2. Wait, you’re a coach? How did that happen? Let me start by saying that each category in Nykerk (song, play, oration) except song and play morale has two coaches. The song and play coaches interview for their position at the end of their sophomore Nykerk season. Oration differs from this process because the two orators, one from freshman year and one from sophomore year, become the oration coaches. Because Claire Tally was the orator freshman year for our class of 2015 and I was the orator sophomore year, we are both oration coaches for the class of 2017. It is against the Nykerk rules for a girl to be chosen as the orator twice, so there will always be two coaches.
  3. What if someone doesn’t want to be a coach, or they transfer/study abroad? Though it’s rare, this kind of situation has happened before. If an oration coach cannot fulfill her coaching duties, a replacement is chosen. Typically, the replacement is an English or communications major with substantial writing and performing experience. This isn’t ideal because only an oration coach knows what it is like to go through the process and can give the most help. It is made clear to all girls who auditions that oration is a three-year commitment.
  4. What is the Nykerk theme this year? There is no longer a Nykerk theme! Traditionally, an overarching theme has been chosen for Nykerk each year, but this year’s general chair Erin decided to have the theme only apply to oration. This changes nothing about how Nykerk is run or how the songs are chosen and the plays are written. All it means is that instead of Nykerk the event having a theme, only the category of oration will have a theme. This year’s oration theme is Dynamic!
  5. How was the theme chosen? Me, my co-coach Claire, Jordan, Alyssa, and Erin all sat down together and spent an afternoon brainstorming. We felt that the themes for the last few years had been restricting, and consequently wanted to choose something that was quite abstract and could be interpreted many different ways.
  6. What do you do as an oration coach? My role as a coach is very different from my role as an orator. The biggest difference is that I do not have to write the speech. The two oration speeches you will hear on Saturday night are the original works of the orators themselves, not the coaches. As an orator, I had my time to write whatever I wanted and be heard. As an oration coach, it is my job to make sure that Gabby communicates her speech effectively. This means helping her brainstorm ideas, editing the speech, and coming up with motions. Claire and I work together to provide Gabby with all the tools she will need to be successful on Nykerk night! At this point in the season, our job is basically over; it is now up to Gabby to perfect the speech.

I can’t believe Nykerk is only two days away!!!! AHHH!!!! I’m so excited to see G-baby perform her speech, as well as seeing all of the other performances! I will be sure to give you a complete update of how it goes!


Stress For Dummies (or College Students)

Stress is probably one of the most used words in college. “Oh, how are you doing today?” “Stressed.” That’s my response at least. But I just wanted to post on stress, because it’s an issue we all face. Usually, stress is a great thing, and is a common thing. In healthy amounts, it helps us gets motivated to achieve what we want to do. Sometimes, I work well under stress because I take it as a challenge. So there’s one way of managing your stress, accept it as a challenge.

Another way you should manage stress is by getting sleep. More than 8 hours, at least. Why? Because you’ll retain the information you learned the night before while studying, and you’re more alert so you can learn more. When you’re stressed, you’re also more prone to getting sick. So, sleeping will help because 1) you’ll retain more, 2) you’ll be more alert and awake, and 3) you’ll be less prone to sickness.

So far, we have accepting our stress as a challenge and sleeping. Now, I want to talk about time management. College is such a busy time with academics and social groups. Both play such a big role in your college career. That’s one thing I learned last year; I was too busy with my work, and I spent a lot of time doing extra-cirriculars. I had no balance between school and social life. So, I had to manage time. At first, this was hard. For some, it comes easier. But you need to realize that you’re here for school, so that should be your priority. Don’t join too many extra-cirriculars you can’t handle. Definitely though, if you are interested in doing something, go for it! But realize how much time you have and prioritize. So, there’s another way to take on stress, time management.

And lastly, my favorite way of relieving stress. exercise. This can be running, walking, weightlifting, swimming, playing sports, and being physically active. My body just feels so awesome afterwards. I feel like I am unstoppable and that I can take on the day. To tackle stress, we should all accept it as a challenge, sleep, manage our time, and exercise. By all means, there are so many more ways. But these are the things you can do immediately that can produce immediate, to almost immediate effects. NOW, you are all thinking why are you telling me this? We already know this. Well, in my defense, we all know how to manage our stress, but most of us don’t do anything about it. This leads to stress just piling up, so it’s harder and harder to get rid of. So, I’m encouraging that you at least do some of these techniques, because trust me, they will help. Managing my stress immediately helped me in so many ways. I wish I would have done it sooner that later, but hey, better late than never, right?

Ok, that’s all I have for now. Expect another post later today! If you have any questions, TWEET me, and follow me! It will be a grand time.

RESOURCES: Here is an awesome link about stress management. There is also a questionnaire you can take to see where you are with stress. Click here!

Five Games to Play This Halloween

It’s that time of year again! In just one more day, little kids will dress up as either Batman or Superman and come to your door demanding candy. Many of us, however, see Halloween as a time to scare ourselves by playing the creepiest video games around. Below you’ll find my favorite games to play around Halloween, along with some new ones that you should definitely check out.

1. Costume Quest


While not exactly scary, Costume Quest, without a doubt, deserves a spot on this list. Created by the masters at Double Fine, the game is just downright adorable in every sense of the word. You’ll play as one of three characters who use costumes to transform into what they’re dressed up as to battle monsters and save Halloween. The game only costs $14.99 on PC/Mac, PlayStation 3 and Xbox, and the PC/Mac version also comes with the Grubbins on Ice DLC.

2.  Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare


As far as doing DLC right goes, Rockstar Games has always hit that nail right on the head. The Undead Nightmare expansion for Red Dead Redemption was so good in fact that it scored a perfect 10 from IGN. With a perfectly campy B-movie story, stepping back into John Marston’s shoes to put a zombie infested old west back to sleep  is just about one of the coolest things you’ll ever do in a video game. The soundtrack and voice acting are just as great as the original game’s as well. If you haven’t played Red Dead Redemption yet, there’s a handy Game of The Year Edition that includes the base game and all it’s DLC for a meager $29.99.

3. Resident Evil: Revelations


Resident Evil: Revelations instantly found a spot on my radar when I heard that the game would bring the series back to its survival horror roots. Despite some small issues like an incredibly confusing story and limited enemy variety, the game accomplished just what it set out to do. It felt great stepping back into Jill Valentine’s shoes for a fair chunk of the story, and the episodic setup worked very well on the Nintendo 3DS. There really isn’t much difference between the 3DS and HD console versions, but I can confirm that playing this game on the big screen is totally worth the extra cash. Just prepare to feel some serious buyer’s remorse for Resident Evil 6 if you haven’t already.

4. Outlast

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In my review of Outlast, I said that it was the scariest game that I’ve ever played. It’s been a few weeks, and that statement still rings true. Exploring the Asylum on Mount Massive is one of the most terrifying experiences I’ve ever had playing a video game. The next-gen lighting effects definitely make up for the shoddy character models, and for $19.99, you’ll get a solid six hours of fear out of this game. Since it’s only out on PC, the upcoming PlayStation 4 version probably won’t do much more in terms of graphics, it’s quite easy to run as well.

5. Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut


Curve Studios made a serious mark with their expert port of Thomas Was Alone to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita earlier this year. They followed it up perfectly with their original game, Stealth Inc.. They didn’t stop there, though. Just this past September they released Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. I’m playing through the game now for review, but what I will say is that it’s extremely creepy and best played with the lights off and headphones on. The Director’s Cut of the game also comes with extra content that’s unlocked in its ‘New Game +’ mode. $12.99 for both versions of the game is an absolute steal, and it’ll definitely scare your pants off.

Weekend at Home!

This past weekend I was able to spend the night more than two nights at my home in Springfield, IL for the first time since Christmas Break last year. Needless to say, I was incredibly excited to go home and spend time with my family. I decided to go home so I could attend the Amigos En Cristo Banquet. Amigos en Cristo is the non-profit organization that my dad helped start in 2007. The organization is a huge part of my family and is a passion of mine that I share with my dad. The banquet is one of the main ways the organization raises its support. My parents and others put a lot effort into planning and organizing such a large event. The field directors from Juarez, Mexico, came to the event and they brought four students from the program as well. The students performed some traditional Mexican dances that everyone really enjoyed. The event turned out to be a success with over 200 people attending.

Springfield had perfect weather while I was home. It was in the upper 60s and sunny. I spent a lot of time enjoying the outdoors on the bike trail. I was able to see a lot of good family friends while home, and I have definitely missed these people. We played Balderdash for hours together and enjoyed some great food at dinner together. I also watched TV for the first time in months while at home. We watched the OSU football game and watched the Cardinals play in the World Series.

I enjoyed the relaxation and felt refreshed after spending time with great friends and family. It always feels good to go home, but I’m glad to be back at Hope. I’m trying to enjoy what little time I have left as much as possible!

Have an awesome week!

Morgan and I hanging out with my dog Nestle
Morgan and I hanging out with my dog Nestle
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The students performing a traditional Mexican dance

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Last Week of October!

To the not so morning people, HAPPY MONDAY! To the rare morning people, HAPPY MONDAY ALSO! I don’t know if anyone of you realize, but today is the last Monday of October. Yeah, four more days until November. It’s simply crazy to think about. This semester if flying, and sooner or later, it’ll be over. Anyways, because it’s the last Monday of October, make it count! A long time ago, I viewed Monday as the most dreadful day (it still is) but thinking about it differently totally changed my productivity. A new Monday means a new week, which means a fresh start. Whether you had a bad week or a good week last week, make this week even better.

I had a not so bad week last week, but I plan on having an even better week. I had only one exam to focus on, and I did all of my homework ahead so I had time to sleep, study, and relax. I also ran 7.10 miles for fun. I mean, everyone is running, so I might as well, right?

Yeah, I also beat my personal record. It's such a great motivator!
Yeah, I also beat my personal record. It’s such a great motivator!

So, here a few things I hope to accomplish this week, and maybe you can make a checklist and check things as you get through the week with your own list! I want to finish all of my assignments for this week AND next week. Is that even possible? Absolutely. you just have to manage your time wisely! Some might call me an overachiever, but I’m going to call myself on top of my game. This week, I also want to run 3 times, 10 miles each! I mean, I bought cold/winter running gear, so I might as well use it right? Maybe I can even break another personal record?

This week is also my first full week at my new clinical! I’m so excited to learn and see what geriatric nursing is all about! Also, let’s not forget, on FRIDAY, is it fellow blogger Chelsea Barfield‘s 22nd birthday, and one of my great friends, Nate’s 21st birthday! I absolutely can’t wait to spend time with them. Oh, and advising meetings are already happening. This means we sign-up for our Spring Semester classes next week. WHERE HAS THE TIME COME? Anyways, away with the Monday we go. Make sure you follow me on twitter. CLICK HERE! I tweet cool things, and I tweet awesome pictures of my amazing college. Have a great Monday, all!


It has been exactly a week now since Steph and I completed the Grand Rapids Marathon. After 26.2 miles of running we crossed the finish line. All of the hours of training had finally paid off and an item got crossed off my bucket list. I do not think I have ever felt so accomplished in my life.

We started training back in June and slowly worked our way up to completing a full marathon. I didn’t think I would want to run another marathon while I was training, but after crossing the finish line I wanted to try again. My goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon the next time I run a Marathon. I also would like to do a marathon with more music and people. The Grand Rapids Marathon was pretty quiet since majority of the race was on a bike trail. However, the scenery was beautiful. My parents and friends came to watch the big event, and I loved seeing them at different spots while running. My friend Kimberly ran the last 6 miles with me and helped me finish. Miles 20-26 were definitely my hardest miles.

I’m already looking forward to my next marathon. Now whenever I need a nice study break I will research different marathons.

I’ll write again soon talking about my fun weekend home :]

Getting ready to cross the finish line!
Getting ready to cross the finish line!
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Loved the support from friends and family!


A creative weekend!

I’ve been in a super creative mood all weekend. I’m not really sure why. Maybe because I’ve had such a laidback week so I feel like I need to do something productive with my time now. Honestly, I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten more sleep in the past week than the average college student gets in a month. It’s been pretty fantastic. I wish I could continue to do that for the rest of the semester but I’m sure at some point my late nights will start happening again. But for now, it ROCKS.

Saturday night we had cluster craft night! We painted mason jars. It was really fun and they all turned out super cute! Here is mine:

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I didn’t really have a plan with it. I kinda just did whatever, but I like how it turned out!

I also did most of my homework on Saturday. That’s really unusual for me but it let me have a pretty relaxed day today!

This morning, my friend Kelly and I went to breakfast at the Windmill Restaurant downtown. I love Windmill so of course I was super excited to go with Kelly! They have two-dollar cinnamon rolls the size of your head and they’re fantastic. And look how cute and festive my cappuccino was! I honestly don’t have a lot of Halloween spirit, but I was still excited about the cute sprinkles. Tis the season!

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After we went to church, I came back and finished my homework. Still in my creative mood, I pulled out my guitar and learned some new songs. I hadn’t done that in a while so it felt really good!

I have also been looking for a good planner for basically forever, but none that I can find have enough space in them for me! I finally designed my own (as I’ve been promising myself I’d do for the longest time) today, and I am so excited about how it turned out! I just have pages that I’m going to print out every day to use, but I love them! They have just the things I need!

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I am super excited to finally have a planner that’s right for me. The search has ended! Later tonight I took out my sketchbook from my senior year and started drawing again. I forgot how relaxing it is!

OH! BONUS PICTURE. I totally forgot. My roommate is in Nykerk Play (more on that later!) and on Thursday night, a bunch of morale boys came and decorated our room for her! It was a little crazy but super fun!

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There was yarn everywhere and we had a lot of balloons to pop, but SURPRISE! There was candy in the balloons. Christin was very gracious and shared some with me. I have such a nice roommate! 🙂

What have you been up to this weekend? Leave me a comment, send me an email at, or follow me on Twitter and tweet at me! My username is @hopekathryn17. Have a great week!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
    for those who love him.”

I Corinthians 2:9

As Told By Instagram [Part 3]

Hey everybody! Just wanted to share a few more photos from my Instagram!

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One night some of my friends and I went to Captain Sundae for some ice cream. I was pretty excited about my pumpkin pie flurry.

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Here are all the lovely girls that went to Captain Sundae that night! We had a great time and some delicious ice cream.

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This one is from the Pull. My mind is still blown by that day. It was insane!

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This is a late post from the Captain Sundae adventure. It looks like a really nice picture… Until you see me. Sorry about that.

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On my friend Jessica’s birthday a bunch of us went to the Curragh Irish restaurant downtown. It was delicious and we had a great time together with lots of laughs.

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My brother Ethan got married on October 5th! This is he and I with his beautiful bride, Trina. It was such a great day and I’m so happy for them!

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I cut my hair! I got it cut at Engedi Salon in downtown Holland and I was super happy with it. Yay!

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I think my mom was a little excited about me coming home for Fall Break. This is what I walked in the house to!

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I got to go to Portillo’s over fall break. We don’t have these in Michigan and I’ve realized that they’re really one of my favorite things about Illinois. So good!

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I was sick when I came back from Fall Break and my roommate went and got me this cereal because I love puffins. She’s such a gem. Thanks again Christin!

Thanks for reading! Leave me a comment, send me an email at, or tweet me! My username is @hopekathryn17! Thanks again! 🙂

Another Week at Hope

Hello everyone! Another week is finished, and the weekend has arrived. This past week has been pretty busy; however, I still had time to do some fun things that I would love to share with you.

Last Friday night, I went with a group of friends to the Hope vs. Calvin volleyball game. Calvin’s volleyball team had been rated number one since the beginning of the season. Even though Hope has a great team, they had been struggling to beat Calvin. It was so exciting when Hope was able to get the victory after five long sets.

Not only was the volleyball game fun to attend because it was an intense rivalry, but one of my friends is on the team. I loved watching her play and cheering her on from the stands.

Another fun thing that I was able to do this week was cook with one of my roommates. At my apartment we have “family dinners” every Monday night. Each week, a different roommate cooks. This week, my roommate Hilary and I decided that break for dinner (brinner) sounded yummy! We had pancakes, donut holes, bacon, fruit, and chocolate milk – a very tasty meal!

One last thing about this week: the first snowfall happened! How crazy is that?? Snow in October!! Even though the snow means that the temperature outside is freezing, I still love seeing Hope’s campus covered in snow – sometimes the campus even looks like a snow globe.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Here are some pictures from this week

Apartment DinnerHope College Volleyball Game

The Nursing Major

I’m not trying to be biased or anything, but the Nursing Major at Hope College is one of the most rigorous majors, and it is very competitive. It is awesome in this aspect because it provides a structured class schedule so you’re all set with a four year plan. In this blog, I’m going to describe the application process!!

Typically, students apply their 1st semester of their freshman year. There are many requirements that you need to fulfill in the first semester, so it is important to do your homework, get help when you need it, and study, study, study. It is so important to maintain your GPA and keep up with your classes. Why? Because it only gets harder from there. Here is a sample of what a four-year plan would look like for a nursing major:


So once you’re in the right classes, and keeping up with the grades, it’s time to fill that application out. Make sure you are professional when doing so! You’ll also need references. This is such an important part to your application. Make sure your references are someone you know, and know well. Get connected with your professors as well, because you’ll need a faculty reference! After first semester is done, make sure you have turned in your application. The sooner you can turn it in, the better. But come spring semester, you will need to take the TEAS exam. This exam measures you academic abilities in general. It’s ok, don’t fret, just try your hardest because it’s important that you do.

THEN, before or after spring break, you’ll find out the news. This was probably the most nerve-wracking part of my life (over-exaggerating, of course). If you don’t get accepted, don’t give up. Continue with your studies, and re-apply in the fall. Make sure you keep up, that’s the best advice I can give.


Ok, so you’re in high school, and you know your calling is nursing, what do you do? YOU CAN APPLY! But first, you must apply to Hope College and get accepted. Once you do this, apply to the nursing program ASAP! You have to have an ACT score of 28, or an SAT critical reading score plus math score equal to or greater than 1260. Then, when you come to Hope, you’ll be a pre-accepted student!

Have any more questions? CLICK HERE to learn more about the program. I highly suggest you read it. It’s full of information! And if you have any questions for me, tweet it up! CLICK HERE. Follow me while you’re at it 😉

Thanks again for your attention all, and I’m looking forward to answering your questions!