My Favorites of 2013!

I think looking back at some favorite things is a really cool way to reflect on the year as a whole. 2013 was pretty good to me. I learned a lot and was introduced to a lot of new things while trying to embrace the old at the same time. I am so thankful for all the ways God blessed me this year and I couldn’t ask for more than I already have!

Here’s a video of a few things I loved this year!

Here is a playlist of the songs that were my favorites this year!

I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed 2013 and that 2014 will be even better!

What were your favorite things this year? Send me an email at, tweet @hopekathryn17, or leave a comment! Thanks for reading!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:17

New Year’s Resolutions – Let’s Be Real


It’s the New Year. *kazoo makes an obnoxious sound*
Ok, so this means I should make a list, right? Of all the things I want to fix and change?

So here are my goals for 2014:

  • Eat right and stay active
  • Save my money
  • Get awesome grades by studying harder
  • Be more conscious about how I utilize my resources
  • Performing acts of kindness
  • Learn more about my faith

Now, out of my list of resolutions, I can guarantee you that I share one resolution with someone from the world. But my question to you, and myself is that why should one day dictate what your goals are? It really intrigues me to see what others have to say about their new year’s resolutions, such as, “world peace” or “ending poverty.” Then I ask myself, “So how do you plan on making that work this year?”

Over the years, New Year’s Resolutions have empowered people and society to make a change. Heck, even stores take advantage of New Year’s Resolutions. But how will changing yourself end poverty and give world peace? Again, I ask you all why should one day dictate your goals for the following 364 days that follow?

January 1st of any year is just an ordinary day, like March 8th, or May 20th. If we really want to be successful in our goals for ourselves, we must strive for them the rest of the year. We also need the flexibility to change or make revisions to our goals! Here’s my point, New Year’s Day is just like any other day. We need to treat today, and the following 364 days this year the same. We need to have the same expectations for ourselves everyday. And in doing so, we can reach a long-term goal.

Many people want to lose weight. This is just a fact. People do so well in the first couple of weeks and months, but as time ticks by, people start getting into their old habits again. Why does this happen? If you want a sense of renewal, an opportunity to press the restart button per se, you merely can’t change yourself. Actually why would you change yourself? We are created to be who we are. All we need to do is adjust our lifestyle. If we slowly do this, I think people will be so happy with themselves. This doesn’t simply apply to losing weight. This is so applicable to all goals. If I want my grades to change, I can’t just become a genius. I have to work hard everyday to change the way I live to make room for more studying, then THAT will lead to better grades.

There is this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that’s a good one; let it sink your head.

“Do one thing everyday that scares you.”

We are so used to our lifestyle and habits, that it makes us grip to them tighter. But in reality, we have to start with little changes. That in itself is scary. But, you achieved your goal for the day, you did something that scared you.

You might not agree with anything I say, but I just wanted to share how I feel. Take ownership for your life and actions, improve upon them by working hard everyday. We only live once, but if we do it right, once is enough.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? I want to hear them all!

Christmas Break Must-Do’s!

As of today, there are 6 days until spring semester commences. Let’s make these last 6 days memorable, probably because this is going to be the only time we have time to relax before Winter Break! Here is a post on some ideas you can do in the last 6 days. I have done most of these, but to those that I haven’t done, I’d like to do ASAP. Are you up for it?

Read for Enjoyment!
Ok, this might sounds weird, but I like to read FOR FUN when it’s not mundane textbooks. Right now, I’m reading Love Does by Bob Goff. SO GOOD. And the coolest thing is that he is coming to HOPE COLLEGE IN JANUARY! I’m so pumped. Maybe, I can even get him to sign my book! Regardless, you don’t have to read his book, but read something you enjoy before you’re forced to read a textbook!

Enjoy the Outdoors!
Ok, this may sound even worse, but just appreciating winter weather CAN be relaxing, at least for me. There are so many activities to do outside during the winter, like XC skiing, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, tubing, and etc. Also, I’ve ran a few times outside too. I sound crazy, but I really like running. There was a day last week where it was 50 degrees, so I definitely took advantage of that. The only bad news is that it’s only limited to people who ACTUALLY have snow. If you don’t have snow, and live in the sun, don’t complain. 🙂

Watch Movies!
There are a plethora of movies (that are actually good) that are out in theaters. If you’re a fan of Will Ferrell, Anchorman 2 is for you. I saw it, and it was just so funny. When a movie can make me laugh out loud, it’s pretty good. Another awesome movie to watch is Saving Mr. Banks. Oh my goodness, this movie was the best movie I have seen in a while. It was well directed, produced, casted, and was super genuine. No wonder why it was such a success. Another thing you could do is stay in bed all day and watch Netflix. Don’t worry, this is a judgment-free zone. I would consider that a success because you need to catch up on your TV shows.

Again, you’re probably asking yourself, “Why is Marvin so weird?” Well, I don’t know how to answer that, I just am. You can clean your house and your room. Yesterday, I cleaned my room, and I’ve accumulated so much stuff since high school that I never organized. I recycled so much paper, and now, my room is immaculate. I’m only suggesting this because before you know it, it will pile up.


So, this is probably the hardest one for me. Since leaving college, my relationships with my high school friends have been lost or disconnected. But I have those select few individuals I still talk to while I’m at school, and just being in their presence is awesome. I’ll be honest, I have more friends at Hope than I do home, and I’m 100% okay with that. All that matters to me is that I’m hanging out with the people I care about. Now, if you have a great group of friends at home, go. Go and hang out. Catch up over food, watch a movie, or just sit down and talk. Remember, time with your friends doesn’t matter, it’s the quality of your friendship.

I’m sure there are more things to do, but I just posted some ideas. I honestly can’t wait to be back at school, although this break has gone by so fast. But I have another post for you all later!

2013 in review!

Wow. I can’t believe it’s already almost a new year! This year definitely seems like it’s gone by faster than usual. So much has happened and I feel like I’ve changed a lot, but I’m definitely happy with where I’m at right now! So what’s gone on, anyway?


All-State Honors Choir
All-State Honors Choir 2013!

January: Choir-Fest! I got to see my favorite choir, the Luther College Nordic Choir, in Naperville, Illinois. It was pretty amazing. They’re such an incredible group and they sing the most beautiful music. It was such a great evening. I also got to go to my second All-State convention as a member of the Honors Choir. All-State is always such a great experience and I was so blessed to be able to go both my junior and senior year!


South Haven
South Haven in the winter. Beautiful!

In February, my parents and I, along with my aunt and uncle, made the trek to Holland so I could audition for the Distinguished Artist Award! I highly recommend auditioning for these if you are interested in coming to Hope. They are scholarships in music, visual art, dance, drama, and creative writing that are $2,500 per year over four years. This is such a huge help! You can also audition in multiple areas to increase your chances of getting scholarships.

I also put in my deposit at Hope during February!


Wizard of Oz
So much fun!

In March, I was super blessed with the opportunity to do something I’d wanted to do for most of my life – play Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz! I had so much fun and it’s an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything.


Beluga whale pool engagement
The coolest!

My brother got engaged in a beluga whale pool at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago! How cool is that?! Other than that, I was just working on a ton of end-of-the-year stuff for high school! It seems like so long ago!


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I guess May was probably my busiest month of the year! Between prom, graduation, awards banquets, concerts, track meets, graduation parties, and more, I’m still not sure how we fit everything in!


Wedding with my family
With my family at a wedding!
Singing the National Anthem at the state softball tournament!
Singing the National Anthem at the state softball tournament!

In June, I got to sing the National Anthem at the Illinois State softball tournament in Peoria, Illinois. A neighboring high school was actually playing in one of the games I sang for, so it was pretty cool to see people that I know! After that, we took off for a wedding and then our vacation in South Haven and Holland! I also started working at one of the banks in my hometown.


Peoria Chiefs baseball game
Some friends and I went to a Peoria Chiefs baseball game!
Celebrating Independence Day!
4th of July!

In July, I was invited to go to a Peoria Chiefs baseball game with some old friends and I had so much fun catching up with them before we all left for school. I also found out at that game that the Chiefs were back to being the St. Louis Cardinals’ farm team instead of the Cubs’ team. As a lifelong Cardinals fan, of course I was super excited about that! I also got to celebrate the 4th of July with a big group of friends, so that was great too!


Saying goodbye to my best friend! Watcing the Great Gatsby in the Dow! My dorm room!

August meant HOPE! I said goodbye to Katelin, moved to school, decorated my dorm, did cool stuff like watching The Great Gatsby on a giant screen in the Dow during orientation week, and more! In the beginning of the month, we took a trip to Holland with my whole family and I got to show them around Holland. It was super fun!


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In September I did a lot of stuff with my new friends, started classes, and started blogging!


Wedding picture from my brother's wedding
My brother got married!
Pumpkin we carved
Carved a pumpkin with some friends!
Birthday dinner for Jess
Dinner for my friend Jess’s birthday!

In October, I tried out a new restaurant in Holland and celebrated my friend Jess’s birthday with her, sang at the Presidential Inaugural luncheon, WATCHED MY BROTHER GET MARRIED, carved pumpkins with some friends, participated in cluster craft night, chopped my hair off, saw the awesome movie Gravity, and went to an orchard with a few great people over fall break! I was truly a great month!


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In November, I got to celebrate my first birthday at Hope, spend Thanksgiving with my family, do some late-night shopping downtown with a bunch of friends, sing at Pillar Church for the first time, and go to a Christmas tree lighting at the President’s house! It was a ton of fun!


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December was so fun! I took my first college finals (less fun, but still not awful!), decorated the cluster for Christmas, went to the Dykstra Christmas party, celebrated Christmas, spent time with friends at school and at home, participated in my first Vespers, had my first of many voice juries, went to a choir rehearsal and concert at my high school, and will celebrate New Year’s Eve and my mom’s birthday tomorrow!

Overall, it’s been a great year! Tell me about yours! Leave me a comment, email me at, or tweet @hopekathryn17!

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Christmas Break (Part 2)

Here’s another post for you all, so you can stay updated on my life! As of this Saturday, December 28th, I have been on break for 16 days. And as of today, there are 9 days left of break. Holy cow this break has been flying by. Anyways, since my Christmas Break (Part 1) blog post, I’ve added on more activities, simply so I don’t get bored while being home! I’ve continued to snow blow my driveway simply because Mother Nature demands it. Here, look at how much snow Up North Michigan has gotten. Crazy.

I just can't fathom the amount of snow on the ground.
I just can’t fathom the amount of snow on the ground.

I’ve also continued running and working out – but the ginormous amounts of food I consume just negate it, but at least I’m staying neutral, right!? And one more thing I continue to do is cleaning up around the house. My parents have been satisfied, so I’m going to give myself a pat on the back for that!

One of my best friends, Bailey, just came back from Ireland after spending an entire semester there! We went to this burger joint in Traverse City, MI called Bubba’s. Their burgers are to die for, and are reasonably priced, which helps a poor college student! Anyways, it was so great to listen to her experiences and catch up with her. Following our lunch, we went to her house to play Just Dance 4 on the Wii. Let me tell you, Just Dance is so much fun. I recommend it to anyone who likes to have fun!

I also visited one of my best high school friends, Eva. We always have a tradition in which we decorate Christmas cookies, and go shopping for Christmas presents for friends and family. It’s always a blast spending time with her. Here is a picture of us and our decorated cookies. We’re experts.

Eva and me with our cookies!
Eva and me with our cookies!

One of my childhood best friends finally came home a week ago, so I’ve been hanging out with him for a good amount of time. Mitch and I went last minute Christmas shopping for friends and family, and it was a great time. My other childhood best friend, Brett, also came home from the USAFA (United States Air Force Academy). Hearing all about his experiences was just so interesting. It was good to have these two guys back home. My childhood best friends, along with their brothers, watched Anchorman II: The Legend Continues. If you have watched the first one, and haven’t seen this one, I strongly recommend it. Will Ferrell never ceases to disappoint! This is a Christmas Break Must-Do!

Then, Christmas came along. I really enjoyed being with family and having a white Christmas! Some of my friends did not have a white Christmas, so I am really thankful! I didn’t get much for Christmas because I have everything I need! I just asked my parents to help pay for my trip to Vienna this summer 🙂

The day after Christmas, I went up to Boyne Mountain with some family friends for an annual skiing adventure! It was just amazing to say the least. I enjoy being outside in the beautiful winter weather downhill skiing. We also went ice skating at Boyne, which was a blast. I needed a refresher on skiing because it’s been two years, but it really didn’t take long for me to get the hang of it again! Below is a slideshow of my favorite pictures from Boyne!

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Lastly, I met up with my BFFLAE (best friend for life and eternity) just last night! Don’t worry, we established BFFLAE in our pubescent years, and it just stuck! I haven’t seen her since August so it was SO GREAT to see her! Maddie goes to Michigan Tech, which is in Houghton, Michigan (AKA The Upper Peninsula). Again, we had so much catching up. It’s just so much fun to listen to her experiences at school!

Here I am with Maddie!
Here I am with Maddie!

So, in this edition of my Christmas Break post, I was just a tee bit busier catching up with my best friends as they came home from college. I hope to hang out with them before I return to school, because I won’t see them for a while! Thanks for reading, friends! There will be more to come later!!



Hashtag Hope 2018. You’re in, but what now?

Before I answer that, you have NO idea how excited I am for the Hope College Class of 2018. Me, along with the student bloggers have been glued to the Hope College Facebook App answering your questions and introducing ourselves. It’s quite fun. What I am most excited about is the diversity of this class. I can already tell that every admitted student has something to bring to the table — that’s why you’ve been accepted to this fine institution! But what’s so fun to see is what every single one of you are interested in. From music, to languages, to pre-professional health studies, NURSING (my major!) and many more majors, everyone has different interests for different reasons, and it’s just awesome to read why. This is going to be one awesome group.

Ok, you are in, what now? As 2014 sneaks in on us, it’s time to fill out the FAFSA, or the Free Application For Federal Student Aid. Make sure you have your, and your family’s tax info on this! Filling this out determines the amount of financial aid you receive. Also, Hope College also has it’s own “FAFSA” called the SAF, or Supplemental Application for Financial Aid. I strongly recommend filling both of these out. They can help pay for your education! Right now, a head start on filling out financial aid papers is beneficial!

Another thing you admitted students should do is look for scholarships, either through your high school academic counseling office, or national ones. Whatever scholarships you may apply for, take advantage of them. Again, they can help you pay for school — it reduces your overall cost!

For the students who are interested in the performing arts, make sure you seek out Hope College’s Distinguished Artist Awards. Eligible students can receive $2,500 each year in a performing arts discipline. Click here for more details!

One of the most important things you can do, if you are truly committed to Hope College, is to start to get to know people from your class through the Hope College Facebook App! You can meet students, just like you, from your hometown or who share your same interests. If you also haven’t visited the campus already, I STRONGLY suggest calling admissions and make an appointment for a visit! It’s going to be your school in a matter of months, so why not, right!? For some of you, you have been living vicariously through our blogs and twitter accounts. To really make Hope life become a reality, stay with a Hope student for a weekend! You can experience what it is like being on campus and seeking out opportunities to do many activities throughout campus and Holland!

Again, if you are truly committed to this awesome institution, you can even send in your deposit! But that’s only if you are ready! So Hope College Class of 2018, it may seem like a long ways, but before you know it, it will be Orientation. I want to welcome and congratulate you on your acceptance again, and I can’t wait to see you here at Hope!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! You can also follow me on twitter at @HopeMarvin15.


Choosing Hope College

Isn’t it a great feeling to be on break, everyone? Just sitting and relaxing, not doing anything? By the end of exam week, my brain was fried, and it needed to recover. I can safely say that my brain is at optimum functioning. Anyways, seeing as many students from the Class of 2018 are receiving their acceptance letters, I wanted to share why I chose Hope College. If you are admitted student, I hope you find some inspiration in this. If you are a current Hope College student, maybe you can reflect back on why you chose this wonderful institution. I actually had some help from admitted students; here is a shoutout to the three of them. Thank you so much for some inspiration for this blog post Christy, Mariah, and Sara E.! I hope you enjoy the read, and find some inspiration and excitement in it!

Senior Year: Around August, college applications were my life. Well, more like throughout the first half of my senior year, preparing for college was my life. To be honest, my high school did not a very good job of helping me with the college process, so it was definitely a learning experience. But I’m glad I taught my self, because look at where I am now. Anyways, I applied to many schools, specifically to have a variety of options. Although the options part of it was good, the fees and time was draining. So, if you’re still applying for schools, prioritize. Which schools truly appeal to you?

I had family (my uncle and two cousins) that went to Hope. I actually had the mindset that Hope was the last place I would go, merely because my family has been there. I wanted to be different, I wanted to veer off the “common” path. Soon enough, I found myself on Hope College’s campus on the first visit day during the fall of 2010 (holy moly, 3 years ago!). I thought to myself, “Here we go, let’s just get this done quickly.” First stop, Schaap Science Center. There, I observed a chemistry class. And let me tell you, it was the coolest thing! I was in AP Chemistry during this time, and what the college students were doing in class – I ACTUALLY KNEW! What a cool experience for me. I wanted to go to school for something science-related, and this chemistry class definitely affirmed that belief. Next stop, Chapel.

As cheesy as this may sound, this is definitely the turning point in my college decisions. Although I had other schools to visit, my heart was immediately set on this school. A bunch of students let us sit in their pew with them, and they welcomed me to Hope. Where else can you find a community like that? (Right, Mariah?!) I clearly remember Josh Banner, the Music Worship Leader welcoming the students to Hope, and I heard so much excitement from the crowd! Not to mention, that chapel was so packed! That was definitely a good sign. Then, the whole congregation started singing. THIS WAS IT. I knew. God definitely told me, “Welcome to your new home.” I had the chills, because of how exciting it was!!! I already knew this is where I belong, but there was just so much more to do!

After Chapel, I ate lunch at Phelps, and met with some faculty members from the different departments. Here, I felt like I was interrogating them with questions. Why Hope? Why should I go here? As I asked these questions, I found myself answering them, and this was definitely a sign that I belong here. Soon enough, my visit day was complete. I did not want to leave, I wanted to jump right in and stay, but I had to graduate first! Although my visit was over, I requested more literature. And after reading through the many brochures my admissions representative, (ANDREW MEYERS!) had sent me, I literally said out loud, “I’M HOPE BOUND!”

If you’re reading this, that was a “long-story-short” version. This blog post would go on and on if I included every detail, but I made it short and sweet for you all. But before I sign-off, I want to share some important Hope facts with you that I learned from the literature.

Student-Faculty Ratio: Yep, Hope college is proud to have student-faculty ratio at 13:1. This was so important to me. I wanted my professors to know me on a first name basis, and I wanted to have a personal relationship with them. I was definitely right in choosing Hope because I have established so many relationships with my professors. This has allowed me to use them as references, or just people to talk to!

Vibrantly Christian: Hope College incorporates Christianity within its mission statement, which means it is intertwined with student life and academics. I went to a large public high school, so going to a Christian school was such a great change for me. My faith continues to evolve, and all of my friendships are Christ-based.

Nationally Ranked: Hope College has many national rankings and honors. One of the most important (to me), and the most significant was its excellence in undergraduate research. I knew that I would want to pursue research someday, so this was a great factor. This college truly does a magnificent job in undergraduate research. Hope College does it so well that it is ranked with the most elite large universities. Hope is truly special.

Financial Aid Packages: Okay, the thing that worried me the most was, “Can I afford Hope?” Although the tuition price may scare many of you, don’t fret. Hope gives excellent financial packages as well as grants and scholarships! Just do well in high school, and you can get a large sum of money in scholarships. Financial aid along with scholarships really made Hope College affordable!

Campus: And at last, the campus and the community itself. As Christy explained, Hope College is very beautiful, in all four seasons! The architecture is picturesque, the people are friendly, and it contains so much history! For many, the campus is the selling point for students, and if you’re looking for a beautiful campus, try Hope!

Yes, it’s December. But before you know it, January, February, March, and April will just zoom by, When May comes along, and that deposit is due, that’s the moment of truth! I hope you find what I have shared with you inspiring and helpful as you make your college choices. Hope is simply an amazing place, it fosters my academic, social, and spiritual growth. Hope is ready for you; are you ready for Hope!?

Follow me on twitter: @HopeMarvin15
Feel free to also read some of my other blog posts! There’s a great variety to choose from!

My Top 5 Christmas Movies

I love everything about the Christmas season, but one of my favorite parts is definitely all the awesome movies that I watch year after year. I actually haven’t gotten to watch any of these yet this year, so that’s definitely something I’m going to hit hard in the next few days! These are my top 5 favorites!

5. Home Alone 2

From Home Alone 2: Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.

Classic. I think every kid that watched this movie growing up secretly thought it would be kind of awesome to get left behind by their family just because of all the cool stuff Kevin got to do.

4. The Year Without a Santa Claus

The Year Without a Santa Claus

To be completely honest, I have no idea why I like this movie so much but I do. It’s on ABC on Monday!

3. Elf


I’ve never met anyone that doesn’t love Elf. I’m especially partial to two characters: Mr. Narwhal and Arctic Puffin.

Hey buddy, wanna pick some snowberries?
“Not now, Arctic Puffin!”

Bye buddy, hope you find your dad!

Gotta love it.

2. Charlie Brown Christmas

Christmas story as told by Linus

Linus is tied for my favorite Peanuts character anyway (with Woodstock!), but he just gets me every time in this one. What a good guy.



1. A Christmas Story

Randy from a Christmas Story
Arguably the best line in the entire movie: “Randy lay there like a slug; It was his only defense.” I laugh every time.

AMC starts showing this movie at 7 PM on Christmas Eve and plays it nonstop for the next 24 hours, and my dad and I watch it for most of that time. Seriously, we’ve already talked about buying an espresso maker so we can stay up to actually watch every single minute of it… And we weren’t kidding. We basically have this movie on in the background no matter what we’re doing. It’s probably one of my favorite movies ever, but definitely my favorite Christmas movie!

What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Leave a comment, email me at, or tweet @hopekathryn17!

“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21

Seven Ways My Christmas Ornaments Support My Decision to Attend Hope

Even my Christmas tree agrees: Hope is the perfect spot for me! Even though I’m 7 hours from home, when you find the right place for you, it becomes a home away from home. You may have heard the term “Home Sweet Hope,” and it couldn’t be more true. From the first time I stepped on campus, I knew Hope was the perfect place for me! Here’s a few reasons why I love Hope College:

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This is simply a small portion of reasons why I love it here. If I were to list them all, you’d be watching a slideshow of pictures for hours! If you want to hear more about being at Hope and what it’s like to be a student, keep up with me @hopesophie17 or check out my blog. If you have any questions, comments, or just want more information, please feel free to comment or send me an email at!

Have a Merry Christmas!

First Semester Must-Do’s!

Well, my first semester of college has officially come to a close. With how fast this semester went, I’m a little scared to think about how quickly I’m sure the rest of them will fly by! I’m not sure I’ll ever be totally ready to leave Hope. I really think it is the perfect place for me. So, with that being said, the thought of only having a few years here, while exciting in some ways, is also scary and sad. College is a season of our lives that really is only meant to last a few years, but so far, it has been a great journey! I am so thankful that this journey I’m on is taking place at Hope because there is nowhere I’d rather be.

Now, after saying that, I think there are a few things every college student should do to really make your first semester great. Granted, there are definitely things I wish I would have or could have done this semester (like going to the Aaron Carter concert in Grand Rapids… I’m still a little bitter about that one), but this is the stuff that I really found made a difference in my college experience this semester!


I will be the first to say that I find myself to be pretty terrible at making friends. I don’t really know why, but it’s just never been my strong suit. When you first come to college, there are going to be hundreds of eager freshmen all running around trying to make friends, and after a few days, you’re already going to start to see friend groups emerge. People will be acting like lifelong best friends when really they’ve only known each other for like 19.3 seconds sometimes. It’s actually really confusing. For me, it’s really hard to find things to say or to make an impression in situations like this, so for a week or two I thought I was never going to have friends at college. After talking to other people, however, I figured out that a lot of people felt this way. This feeling can be scary. But, have no fear! I made friends, and so did those other people. I know that because some of them are my friends. I know that sometimes it’s easy to think that you don’t necessarily need to make friends at school because you’re still in touch with those at home (trust me, I’ve been there), but you have no idea how valuable these friends will become. Not only will you become friends with people you have more in common with than you could imagine, but sometimes you will need to talk to someone who is there with you. You’ll need to talk to someone about something going on in your hometown who is outside of the situation, or someone who knows what’s going on at school, or someone who can give you a hug at that moment. And you will probably need to be that person for someone else too. People value someone who will listen, and I’ve found that that’s a great way to build your friendships. If you’re not a big talker or you don’t generally have a lot to say, just listen. You never know what great friendships you might build this way!

P.S.: Don’t necessarily listen to the people that say you’ll never be friends with your roommate. It’s different for everyone, but my roommate happens to be one of my best friends and I could not be more thankful to be living with her!

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Try Something New

Your first semester of college, do something that makes your life feel different. Better. Richer. Fuller. Happier. Or, if you’re like me, don’t do some things. In high school, I was in everything. Really. EVERYTHING. Coming into college, I knew that I wanted things to be different. Being in absolutely everything is way too stressful to be worth it. So, this semester, I did less. A lot less. And I could not be happier about it. Doing less is something that is very, very new to me, and at times this semester, I definitely felt like I was doing something wrong. After being so involved in high school, it’s been really weird to actually have free time, but I love it! I know that for most people, college is way more stressful than high school ever was, but for me, I don’t think that could be further from the truth. I had such a relaxed semester, especially after just coming off of pretty much the most stressful senior year I could imagine. But, I also think it’s important to try something totally new! I started taking voice lessons this semester, which I’ve never done before, and I love them! Hope has a ton of awesome opportunities to join clubs and organizations that many high schools don’t offer, like sailing club, outdoor adventure club, a radio station, and more!

Question Your Major

Are you really in college if you don’t question your major at least once? Some freshmen come into college having no idea what they’re going to major in, and that’s fine. It’s important to figure that out at some point, but if you don’t know first semester, it’s not a big deal. If you’re like myself and have been dead-set on a certain major for years, it might really, REALLY freak you out when one day you sit down and realize that this might not be what you want to do for the rest of your life. At only 18 years old, you might think, who am I to make such big life decisions? I have that moment all the time, but one thing that I’ve learned to trust is that God has a plan, and his will is going to be done in your life no matter what your major is. You might be a math major and get called to do missions in South America in a few years. You might be a music major and at some point start to feel that maybe opening a business is the best way to serve God in your life. God doesn’t call the qualified, but he qualifies the called. That’s not to say that your major doesn’t matter; It should be something that you truly enjoy. However, just because you’re involved in a specific academic program, you are not necessarily boxed into doing something in that field for your entire life. For me, questioning my major actually helped me to eventually feel even more confident about it. It forced me to really think, and that’s not always a bad thing.

Keep in Touch

While it’s important to make new friends, don’t forget about the people who are at home! First and foremost, make sure to keep in touch with your parents. They worry about you if they don’t hear from you. I’m not gonna lie about the fact that I call my parents almost every day, always for a different reason! We also have a group text with my whole family that we use pretty often (although sometimes I check my phone after class and have 17 unread messages from it!). I also talk to my best friend from home all the time, and I try to keep in contact with various other people from high school at least once in a while too. I also make sure to call my grandparents… Talking to them always brightens my day! People from home want to know what’s going on in your life, and make sure you’re keeping up on what they’re doing, too!

Work Hard

The reason you’re at college is to get an education. Make sure you do your work. Go to class. Treat every single homework assignment like your grade depends on it. If you have to miss class because you’re sick, email your teacher as soon as you know you won’t be there. Most professors will tell you what they did in class that day and let you email any assignments to them that were due that day, and they can give you the homework they assigned that day as well. I cannot stress enough how important it is to go to class! And if you’re struggling in any classes, get a tutor (Hope offers them for free!) and/or stop by and talk to your professor. They want you to do well, so they’re willing to help!

Find a Church

There are about a million and six churches in Holland! I would encourage you to visit a few in the first few weeks of school and settle on one to attend weekly. If you don’t have a car, there are some within walking distance of campus (like Pillar Church, where I go!) and some that will pick you up on campus and take you to their church. Churches in the community love to have Hope students, so they’re pretty accommodating! I would also encourage you to take advantage of the chapel service that is offered on campus three times a week, as well as the Gathering on Sunday nights!

Thanks for reading! Make sure to leave me a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email me at I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven… Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end… And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it…”

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11, 14