Hope’s SPS chapter attended this year’s APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics that was held at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. Participants included P. Jennifer Hampton, Elizabeth Lindquist, Anna Lunderberg, Anna Wormmeester, and Britta Johnson. We met some really influential physicists, learned a lot from the seminars, and had a lot of fun!
We learned about gravitational waves from a seminar given by Nergis Mavalvala from LIGO.
We visited the Michigan Science Museum and had a blast!
Anna Lunderberg, Anna Wormmeester, and Elizabeth Lindquist presented their undergraduate research projects at the poster presentation, and Elizabeth gave an oral presentation as well.
We attended an awesome Physics Careers Workshop which was hosted by Crystal Bailey from APS. Be sure to check out the careers information on the APS website!
Interested? Remember to ask SPS or the Physics Department to join the CUWIP cohort next year!