Physics major works on experiment at MSU-NSCL

Cole Persch spent the day working with Dr. DeYoung at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University.  Most of the day we were helping out with SuN, a machine used to study supernovas. I also sat in on a meeting to discuss another experiment.

Hope SPS Chapter at the 2017 CUWiP Conference

Hope’s SPS chapter attended this year’s APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics that was held at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. Participants included P. Jennifer Hampton, Elizabeth Lindquist, Anna Lunderberg, Anna Wormmeester, and Britta Johnson. We met some really influential physicists, learned a lot from the seminars, and had a lot of fun! We learned …

Congratulations Caitlin Taylor

Caitlin Talyor (’12) has earned her PhD in Materials Science & Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville! She is now working at Sandia National Laboratories, in the ion beam laboratory in Albuquerque. In the ion beam lab, I am using in-situ TEM to study the effects of radiation damage on materials being considered for …

Hope Physicists participate in the 2017 APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics

Elizabeth Lindquist, Anna Lunderberg, and Anna Wormmeester presented their research from the summer of 2016 at the Wayne State University CUWiP poster session. Elizabeth Lindquist gave an oral presentation about her research in the Hope College Nuclear Group at the Wayne State University CUWiP.  The Hope College contingent at the Wayne Sate University CUWiP. Dr. …

Summer Research Program 2017

Apply online at Choose from a range of externally funded research projects: AC Spectroscopy Material Characterization Advanced Functional Materials Astrophysics Interdisciplinary Nuclear Science\ Nanoscale Materials for Energy Storage Nuclear Physics Plasma Spectroscopy in Microgaps Superconductivity The dates for the 2017 Research Program are May 22 to July 28, unless otherwise indicated. Students selected for …