Off-Campus Study

Hello Again

Hello. It has been a little while. Let’s catch up. Here is a quick little update.

I roasted my first pan of vegetables, and I really enjoyed it. I then roasted my second pan and liked them a little less. I traveled to Ireland to meet up with some amazing friends. Then traveled to Zürich to do the same with more amazing friends. I laughed a ton with those friends and savored the familiar community. My experience of the Swiss and Irish countryside has deepened my admiration for creation and its Creator. (If you are searching for more context, I did my best to provide some in the caption of each photo).

“I am very grateful for my friends.”

– me… often

I have consumed too much Biscoff butter; too much perhaps for an entire lifetime, but I am working on it. I have completed midterms only by the grace of God due to the procrastination that seems to plague my academic life… also working on it. 

I have enjoyed lifting weights…a miracle. I have interiorized (memorized) the Lord’s prayer in German. A very lovely process. My morning quiet time has become more and more filling as the coming of spring has brought a lovely morning breeze. When the sun shines, it changes things; a reminder that the Son changed everything during this Easter season. 

Nenfa and Sam were a little sick but have since recovered. I have enjoyed getting to know my four-legged siblings. They love to run, to eat, to sleep, and to keep me company. I have tried to teach them a little English, but they have yet to try and teach me any German. My host continues to be the best dog mom and encourager. I have also enjoyed getting to know her.

I am still playing soccer weekly with an amazing group of women. We were given the opportunity to play in an International Women’s Day soccer tournament hosted by Adidas. I was living a dream full of smoke machines, free Adidas track suits, and a fleet of photographers. I know, I too was not prepared for the hype. 

I have also picked up watercolor painting again and enjoyed making a travel journal. I have consumed both my first matcha latte and energy drink in Germany; both did not disappoint. I purchased a kite, went on a hike, and almost got attacked by a swan all in the same day. Those were very memorable moments!

I hope these very vague and scattered sentences have helped to paint a picture of my past few weeks here. I hope the photos have also helped to paint a more literal picture of the sentences I have shared. 

As the semester enters into its second half, I am excited to share more of my experience in Berlin. Thank you for following along. 

I have also realized the staggering number of random animal photos on my camera roll:) Hopefully no context is needed to enjoy these images.

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