Trekking Volcanos

Spring Breaking in Isabela Island Pt. 2 Between our 3rd and 4th modules, we have a week-long spring break in which we are free to hop between islands of the archipelago. This blog will cover my 2nd day on Isabela Island, after I separated myself from the IES Abroad itinerary, to climb a volcano with …

Snorkeling Los Tuneles

Spring breaking on Isabela Island Pt. 1 Between our 3rd and 4th modules, we have a week-long spring break in which we are free to hop between islands of the archipelago. This blog will cover my 1st day on Isabela Island when IES Abroad took us to snorkel Los Tuneles. Geological Background Formally known as …

Best Part of the Day

Spanish word of the day: merienda Translation: snack…but that doesn’t do it justice. Merienda is one of the best parts of the day. While it’s not an “official” meal, it is common practice to have a snack and a drink around four or five in the afternoon. Sweets are definitely the most popular during merienda. …

Villa Ocampo

Spanish word of the day: escritora Translation: author (who is a woman) Villa Ocampo is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Argentina. It was the summer home of one Victoria Ocampo, who was a gamechanger for women authors. Not only did she decide to write in a time where it was a job …

A Little Bit of History

Spanish Word of the Day: desaparecido Translation: missing La Plaza de Mayo is one of the most important places in Buenos Aires. Bold claim, I know. It’s not necessarily because of any particular thing that the Plaza has. It’s because of how it’s used in this day and age. … Protests are very common in …

Castaway in Paradise

My Reflections on Island Life It’s been exactly 60 days since I set foot on a flight from Chicago to Quito, Ecuador. 58 days since arriving in San Cristóbal Island. If you’ve ever been on a flight toward an unfamiliar country, you’ll know the feeling of butterflies right before you step off the plane. That …

Leftovers for a Week

Spanish word of the day: cocinar Translation: To cook! When I first was planning my semester in Argentina, one of the first things that I looked into was the cuisine: what are some common Argentinian dishes, anyway? To my delight, there were so many food items that sounded delicious. Not to mention, there’s a lot …

About Time!

Spanish word of the day: VAMOS Translation: LET’S GO! Wow. I am in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I keep on having little moments where I realize that I’m here. Walking to the park, sitting at a bar, watching the sun rise in a sky scraper. I’m here! But it hasn’t sunk in that I’ll be staying …

Nature is My Classroom

I knew coming into the Galapagos program that I would get hands-on learning experiences in biology. I never expected it to this degree, and I am beyond grateful for the unique learning opportunities this program provides. Regardless of your track, you may land in an impermanent classroom that’s always on the move. Sure, you may …

Packing Mistakes Were Made

Because there’s a whole lot of stuff the pamphlets don’t tell you! I spent months preparing for my study abroad program in the Galapagos, read every packing list I could find, in efforts of arriving to the Galapagos fully prepared for any situation. I got a lot of things right, but I also got a …