Being a student abroad

So what are classes like abroad? What is the difference to the classrooms at Hope? How will I be able to manage everything that may come with studying abroad while also being a student?  To those who are thinking about studying abroad or preparing for their study abroad program, don’t worry – you can do …

Homestay decision led to a new family

When planning out my study abroad experience, the one question I would constantly be stuck on was, “Should I live with a homestay family or live in the apartment option that IES Santiago offered?” For some background context, at Hope residential life was a huge part of my experience and time while I was there. …

Wait, a month already?!

February 19, 2023 was the day that I embarked on a new journey to study abroad in Santiago, Chile. Excited, anxious, nervous; I really can’t describe the ball of emotions I felt leading up to that day. It wasn’t my first time leaving the country but it was my first time leaving the country for …

Back Home

Although I had a few health issues, my time overall in Chile was amazing. I grew so much as a student, woman, global citizen, and social worker. For future study abroad students or travelers, Chile offers a wide range of adventures. Across the country are numerous natural wonders: the Atacama Desert, National Parks, Andes Mountain …

Art of Chile

After my health scare, I am recovering and have found joy in exploring the city. The IES program was an immersive experience. Whether sitting through classes, developing conversations, or observing everyday life, I was challenged to consider the past, present and future of Chile. My program connected my academic interests to my personal ones. In …

The Unexpected…

I´ve had some fascinating moments in Chile. But my most surprising adventure by far was my trip to the emergency room at Santa Maria Hospital. About four years ago, I was “diagnosed” with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A common condition that affects the digestive system. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, and change in bowel movements. …

It’s more than me; it’s more than the US

In my last blog, I began explaining my pursuit of cultural intelligence. I shared the humbling realization that apart from news that affects me personally, I am ignorant of issues outside the US. In fact, during my study abroad preparation at Hope, Amy Quincey mentioned the stereotype that Americans are globally unaware. In my case, …

A Witness to History

Before reading please be advised that this blog is an opinion piece on the constitutional referendum in Chile. It reflects my personal observations and research. To understand the process and key information, I received assistance from my Human Rights professor. I hope to share with you the powerful history of Chile from a learner’s perspective. …

A New Home

One of my toughest decisions while applying for the IES program was choosing where to live. Unlike most programs, IES offered the option of a homestay or a residential hall for international students. I was attracted to the homestay because it would immerse me in the culture of a local family. But I was also …

It’s Just the Beginning

On the morning of orientation, I woke up early to the sound of my alarm. Somehow, I managed to crawl out from under my fort of blankets and begin my morning routine. The apartment was quiet as I made my way to the kitchen. I scrambled up some eggs and oatmeal for breakfast and then …