semana 2 – 11/09/2022
song: blow away
¡Hola a todos! ¡Happy Catalan National Day! On September 11, 1714, Barcelona fell to the Bourbon Dynasty Forces and this defeat is celebrated as Catalonia’s National Day.
Week two is officially in the books. After a week of adjusting to jetlag, making new friends, and learning the best metro routes – I feel confident strolling into week three. My highlight of week two was a couple of days ago when my friend and I decided to just walk around Barcelona and see what we would find. We talked about the difference between a tourist and a traveler which we had discussed earlier in our Travel Writing class. We agreed that a tourist would solely search for tourist attractions while a traveler would explore randomly. So now, we can call ourselves proud travelers (at least while we’re here).
We found a food market, beautiful buildings, churros, and my favorite – A PALACE. Yep, we were walking then we saw what looked like a castle in the distance so we marched right towards it. Our jaws dropped as we grew closer to the Plaça de Carles Buïgas and the Palau Nacional de Montjuïc. Click through the gallery for a glimpse of what we saw!
tip of the week: be curious about your surroundings!