Riverboat Tour

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to see the city from a different perspective. My friend Hannah and I signed up for a riverboat architectural tour of the city. If you are ever in Chicago and wondering what to do, I highly recommend this tour! We were able to sit back, relax, and learn …

Shedd Aquarium

Chicago is starting to open up! This past week I was able to visit Shedd Aquarium with some of my fellow nursing students. This trip was on the top of my list of must-see things in Chicago. Animals make me happy, so this trip was a great break from my homework and internship. To add …

Coffee Please

While I don’t consider myself a coffee connoisseur, I was able to immerse myself in the world of coffee this past week. Upon entering the world’s largest Starbucks off of Michigan Ave. I was immediately surrounded by the comforting rich aroma of roasting coffee beans. Exploring all four levels revealed a restaurant, coffee bar, and …

First Week In the Windy City

After three night-shifts at the hospital, two classes, commuting through a blizzard, and a celebratory pizza run, I’m happy to say my first official week in Chicago was a success! When beginning anything new, there can be a mix of both excitement and apprehension. Earlier this week, I found myself having excitement for the opportunity …