Off-Campus Study

Why do you travel?

During reading week, which is basically a spring break with an emphasis on self-studying, I found myself eating a baguette every day and saying merci beaucoup. Can anyone guess where I was? Yes, I was in France! France was one destination I was determined to get to as soon as I decided to study abroad in Dublin. After averaging 20,000+ steps a day for a week straight, the only physical activity my body can handle is typing, so here I am writing this blog.

Why do you travel? What aspect of traveling do you enjoy the most? Here is my answer. Visiting all the tourist attractions and checking off the bucket list is fun, but personally, the best part of traveling is being able to reunite with friends that live thousands of miles away.

On the final day of my stay in France, I had a chance to grab dinner with Anne-Melaine who served as a wonderful French Native Assistant at Hope a couple years ago. I was also a Japanese Native Assistant, so we used to knock each other’s office doors and grab lunch together at Phelps. COVID-19 forced us to fly back to our home countries unexpectedly so I never got to say a proper goodbye back then. This time we got to say see you again in person:)

Me and Anne-Melaine, former Hope College French Native Assistant.
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