Hello, my name is Sean Dummer and I am going to be a freshman at Hope this fall. I will be majoring in Environmental Science and plan to minor in computer science. I am very excited to work with this year’s campers!
Video Game Making Camp is a camp based around learning the very early stages of coding. The program that we use to bring camper’s video game ideas to life is called Scratch. When you go into Scratch you are faced with a blank area and a list of command blocks that you can use to make the character or sprite do what you want it to do. You can make it move via the arrow keys, you can make it move with your mouse, and you can even add timers and scores! You can try it out yourself at https://scratch.mit.edu/
It is a very exciting camp for the campers to learn the basics of coding. If they are really passionate about what they learn, then they can participate in more coding camps offered by ExploreHope like Python and Inventing in 3D.
The biggest thing I learned from teaching this camp is how important it is to have a good working relationship with all the lead and assistant teachers during camps. It was very helpful when I had to keep track of 24 smaller campers and had a few extra pairs of eyes that could help me out in that regard. I am learning something new every week and I am grateful for my assistants.