STEM@Home: Plastic Life Cycles

User Black and White on en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Wait a sec, does the title say PLASTIC life cycles? That’s got to be a mistake. Plants have life cycles, and animals have life cycles but plastics definitely don’t. Who’s ever seen a cute baby plastic toddling around with those squishy cheeks …

ExploreHope event: Sustainability in Your Community and @Home

What is sustainability? How can you have a positive impact on the environment in your neighborhood and community? Join ExploreHope on Saturday, November 14, and explore how you can contribute to sustainability in your home, your community and the world around you. Interactive sessions will discuss the environmental science and impacts middle and high school …

STEM@Home: Art in Nature

ART vs. NATURE: The ultimate showdown! So what side are you on? Ecosystems, dichotomous keys and dissection NATURE? Or touchy-feely, rainbows and pretty pictures ART? Hold up there, buckaroo – the line between Art and Nature is not as clear as it may seem. Throughout history, artists have been inspired by the colors and textures …

STEM@Home: Be a Tree Detective!

Hello STEM@Homers! Fall is here and back-to-school is in full swing. Whether you’re homeschooling, virtual schooling, or at-school-schooling, now is always the best time to add a little more STEM to your week, and ExploreHope is here to hook you up! Got a crick in your neck? Don’t worry, you’re not alone – October in …

ExploreHope Outreach – ’20-21 Saturday Events

ExploreHope loves exploring with kids! Not only do we offer exciting science camps during the summer, but we have engaging youth programs for the community year round. While we love bringing youth to Hope College’s campus for learning, we also offer fun, interactive events online. Families enjoyed our virtual summer camps! And so we will …