“How To” at the Academic Success Center

All Academic Success Center (ASC) services are free of charge. Request tutoring in a 100 or 200 level course: NEW THIS SEMESTER: Come to a required 30 minute information session before applying! After you attend a session, you can apply for a tutor online without an additional appointment. All information sessions will be held in VanZoeren …

Student Success Lunch and Learn Series: Students with Disabilities

Jeanne Lindell and Carrie Dattels from Disability Services facilitated a discussion on equal access for students with disabilities for faculty and staff. You can read about the information that was discussed at the HHMI Discussion Group blog. https://blogs.hope.edu/hhmi-discussions/2017-lunch-and-learn-series/student-success-lunch-and-learn-3-equal-access-for-students-with-disabilities/

Essential Components of an Academic Course

Contributed by Jeanne Lindell, Head of Disability Services: Identifying the essential components of a course or program plays a critical role in determining whether or not an individual meets all the necessary objectives and whether or not a disability related accommodation fundamentally alters a course or program. Disability Services (DS) staff have begun talking more …

Americans with Disabilities Act – Fast Facts for Faculty

I have procrastinated writing this post about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) , not because the information does not need to be shared, but because there is already great information available. Therefore, I have decided not to duplicate: What is the ADA? The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. You can find …

Differences between high school and college – Disability

Prior to working at Hope, I was a vocational rehabilitation counselor for seven years with Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS). Many of the transition-age students I worked with planned to attend college after high school. We spent a fair amount of time discussing the disability-related differences between high school and college, many of which were surprising to students. Transitioning to college includes major …

Disability Services

Disability Services has reorganized and is now a part of the Academic Success Center (ASC) located in Van Zoeren 261. The ASC’s Jeanne Lindell and Carrie Dattels approve reasonable accommodations and provide disability related supports for the entire campus community. The following information is being shared as a resource for faculty, staff, and anyone who may find it useful: Reasonable …

Social model of disability

Historically, disability has been defined and theorized using medical/psychological models, often without taking into account the actual experience of individuals with disabilities. The medical model assumes that the problem lies within the individual and, therefore, the individual must adapt to fit the environment. The social model of disability, however, focuses on removing societal barriers to ensure equal …

Course Syllabus Statement

The ASC encourages faculty to include a statement on their class syllabi about the procedures for obtaining disability-related accommodations. Some example statements that you can tailor to meet your needs appear below: Hope College strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers due to a disability (including mental …