Exam Prep Starts Yesterday!

Yes, you’re still prepping and learning new material, but it’s not too early to start studying for exams as well. Wait any longer, and it could be too late. Here are some steps you might take: Find out whether your exams will occur during or before exam week, perhaps in some other form, such as …

Peer Academic Coaching from the ASC

You’re in that limbo between first tests and midterms, first papers and upcoming projects, more demanding curriculars and even more attractive extra-curriculars. And maybe it’s hitting you that life feels a little out of control and not getting any better. At one-third of the way through the semester (yes!), you might want to do something …

De-Cram Your Exams!

Of course you’re already prepping for exams–in fact, you’ve been studying for them since late January, right? Right…….. Well, you may still be tempted to cram your final “learning” into the couple of days just before and during exam week itself, hoping you’ll remember everything long enough to get you through. Yes, that’s one way …

No Motivation?

If you’d answer ‘yes’ to that question, it’s not surprising. Any combination of factors could be contributing to a dip in your academic energy. First, know that you’re not alone. Just ask around. This helps! Second, there are easy steps you can take to improve the situation. Check the Academic Success Center’s “Student Resources” page …

Course Tutoring, Academic Coaching, & Success Strategies!

The Academic Success Center is up and running virtually with all of our usual services: Content tutoring for most 100- and 200-level courses has opened and as always is in high demand. Apply now! Group study opportunities for accounting, organic chemistry, computer science 225, 235, and 265, and any math class up to 232 are …

De-Cram Your Exams!

Join the ASC Staff for our virtual exam-preparation workshop, “De-Cram Your Exams!” this Thursday, November 12th, from 11:00 – 11:30am. Here is the Google Meet link to connect you with customized advice on how you might best organize your own run-up to final exams, which start on Wednesday, November 18th and end on Tuesday, November 24th. …

It’s Not Too Late: ASC Course Tutoring and Peer Academic Coaching

With this shortened semester coming to a faster close than usual, you may feel like whatever’s going to happen academically is just going to happens–whether you like it or not. But in case you’re not particularly liking what’s happening, and you don’t particularly believe there’s much you can do about it, it’s actually not too …

Life After Midterm Grades

Midterm grades are up (and in case you weren’t aware, you’ll find yours at your plus.hope account). So now what? First, if you’re a new student, be aware that these grades are not “official.” Unlike some high schools’ first- or third-quarter grades, they will not factor into your final semester grades or appear on your …