GIVING WATER FOR LIFE Water is life. Our liquid reliance is embedded in 70% of our world’s geography and makes up 60% of our bodies, after all. Yet, nearly one billion people do not have access to safe water. Boiled down: One in eight people worldwide cannot find clean, drinking water.  And that’s exactly why …

Hope College Faculty and Student Research Project: Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America

Hope College Faculty and Student Research Project:  Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America In the fall of 2014, Dr. Kathy Winnett-Murray and five Hope research students participated in an EREN ( collaborative research network project studying the effects of building size and urbanization on bird window collisions.  The Hope College research students …

Living Sustainably: Get up close with the Great Lakes

LIVING SUSTAINABLY Get up close with the Great Lakes By Michelle Gibbs, Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute Asked where they’re from, Michigan residents know the drill: Hold up your hand and point.  We take pride in being from this amazing state with its state motto, “If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.” We are blessed to be …

Living Sustainably: Standards help make spaces more healthy

Living Sustainably: Standards help make spaces more healthy By Morna Hallsaxton, EcoCreative Design When designing a building, most architects consider the functions of the building to determine the building structure and materials. However, the WELL Building Standard rating system v1.0, launched in 2014, has increased the consideration of human health in design and construction strategies. Seven years of …

Living Sustainably: Everyone is part of a watershed – celebrate yours!

Living Sustainably: Everyone is part of a watershed – celebrate yours! By Ashley Van Zee / / Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Greenway We love our waterfront here around Holland, but did you know that, really, everyone lives on the water? It’s true. We all live in a watershed. A watershed is an area of land …

Living Sustainably: Lessons from Washington for Local Efforts

Lessons from Washington for Local Efforts By Kyle Funk, Hope College Green Team Education is about taking in wisdom from different settings and applying it to communities you work for. While interning in Washington, D.C., for four months, I made some observations about how to work toward sustainability policies right here in Holland. First, learn civics. Learn about …

June 2017 Sustainability News

June 30, 2017 – Greenwashing a ‘Very Serious Issue,’ Leads to Poor Decisions, Says CEO of GRI June 30, 2017 – Holland preparing for next phase of Civic Center work June 30, 2017 – Four options to vacation close to home June 30, 2017 – Holland Christian brings makers fun to Street Performers June 30, 2017 – Holland says goodbye …

Living Sustainably: Eight Things to Know about Shopping at a Farmers Market

Eight Things to Know about Shopping at a Farmers Market By Lisa Uganski, Ottawa Food Thinking about a visit to the Holland Farmers Market? Here are eight things to know about why local farmers markets are much more than just places to purchase food! 1. Sustainability is the predominant theme at local farmers markets. Farmers engage …

Living Sustainably: Shopping locally sustains community

LIVING SUSTAINABLY: Shopping locally sustains community By Dana Eardley, Local First Local isn’t just a place on a map. It’s people. It’s your neighbors and their families, their businesses, farms, nonprofits, events, and recreational venues. Local is a community and all of the opportunities we create together and the challenges we work to overcome. As an organization, Local …

Living Sustainably: Manage your house for more comfort, lower energy bills

Living Sustainably: Manage your house for more comfort, lower energy bills By Peter Boogaart, City of Holland Residential Energy Adviser In the commercial/industrial sector, every building has a supervisor, someone who is responsible for managing the way it functions. When something is wrong — no heat, broken window, lights out — you call the “super.” In the …