Super Saturday

Don’t you love Saturdays? It’s the weekend, so you can sleep in and leisurely do your homework and still hang out with friends. Well, this past Saturday was pretty eventful for me. The campus can be pretty boring on occasion, but this Saturday was full of a LOT of stuff. It was pretty monumental in …

Feelin’ a Little Homesick?

It’s that time of year when the first round of tests are on the brink. NO!!!!!! I STILL WANT SUMMER!!! Stress, the feeling of being overwhelmed and pressured to get an “A” consumes everybody’s minds accompanied by a lack of sleep, lack of a social life, and a lack of a proper diet. This is …

Take a Breather!

Want to know what kinds of things go on during the weekend at Hope College? Brace yourself because there is so much activity going on, it’s insane! This past weekend was completely filled with student life. Seriously, there were more activities going on than time in the day to do them all. From sporting events …