I’m a Pie


I just jumped into writing that last blog, didn’t I? All you fine readers don’t even know who I am! Who am I to tell you about dreams and such when you don’t even KNOW me? So I will give you a small slice of Mikaila-pie so that you can experience the many flavors of my life. YUM. Let’s do this.

First up, we have the crust. If you know anything about pie, a pie is nothing without the firm-yet-flaky crust. Likewise, my friends and family are my crust. I have a mom, a dad – they’re awesome and I love them! But my very best friends in the whole entire world are my twin sister, Meg, and my golden retriever, Rosie. The following pictures make me so happy and are of my Rosie, my sister and I after our 10K and half marathons we ran this summer, and my family.

Wow... she's adorable!
Wow… she’s adorable!


They make me who I am, shape me, and are also a little flaky. I love them to death and would do anything for them. Much like I would do anything for pie… I’m getting hungry. Let’s move on.

Next, we have the filling. Let’s go with Blueberry (that’s my favorite!). The filling gives the pie its identity. So if we’re putting this in terms of pie, what gives ME my identity? Well, God does now and always. He’s my number one. And because He is my number one, I want to serve Him in as many ways as I can (i.e. attending Pillar church, leading and participating in multiple Bible studies). I guess my identity also comes from what I aspire to be in life. What is that, you may ask? Career wise, I have no idea – whatever you can do with an English major I suppose…but what I aspire to be in life is a leader in whatever I do. Not just taking the easy way to do everything, but the right way. Whether I end up a writer or a fast food restaurant owner, I want to be that. That is my pie-dentity.

And last, but certainly not least, are the toppings of the pie. You know the ones. The whipped cream, ice cream….the add ons that give the pie that little something extra. And the things that are added on to me to give me my little something extra would be my hobbies. I LOVE HOPE. Hope is my hobby. I love going to all the soccer and basketball games, being a Gilmore Girl, and just hammocking around campus, enjoying the groovy weather while it lasts. I also love to play any kind of sport, soccer especially, and run when I can. Specifically, I’m training for a half marathon in the Spring – wow I’m scared just typing that! I love books, reading and Pinterest, and most importantly, I love food. I’ve got a sweet tooth that I never ignore (maybe that’s why this post is about pie…?)

And that’s all. Hopefully you’ve learned a little about pie, and a little about me and how much I like it. It’s a good thing Phelps always has it for dessert.

Until next time, all.

Hope College SAC

Many students here at Hope College are really involved in not only their academics, but also in many social aspects of school. One important organization I am involved in (and I’m not saying it’s important because I’m in it) is Student Activities Committee, or SAC for short. This organization is a backbone to student life here at Hope, and I can really see that as a director for this organization. It takes a good chunk of my time, but I do it because I absolutely enjoy and love it!

SAC plans events for students practically every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Thursdays, we have a coffeehouse where students can enjoy socializing while student musicians perform. It really produces a smooth and social atmosphere; many students come because they love it so much! On Friday and Saturday, SAC also hosts Films. These movies that we show have not been released on DVD and are out of the theaters. The best part is that they’re cheap!! Other than films on the weekends, we also have a variety of events, such as musicians, performers, activities, and trips. I mean, who wouldn’t want to come to these events!?

One awesome thing my co-director Tara and myself were a part of was a SAC retreat we had just this past weekend. All of SAC went to the “Into the Woods” retreat center located in West Olive, MI. Oh my goodness, it was such a blast in that we got a lot of business work done, and we had plenty of time to form relationships with each other. I’m a supporter of team bonding, and boy did we do some of that! There’s a slideshow below with some of our retreat pictures!! It was just a great experience, and it provided the team with a great baseline for the beginning of the academic year.

I am beyond excited to grow, direct, and learn with SAC this year. The organization itself has a lot of exciting events planned for the school year. If you have any questions regarding about the many student organizations on campus, let me know! If you haven’t already, follow me on TWITTER! Thanks for reading friends!

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Friends Are Worth Waiting For

I have always been the type of person who is shy at first around people. It’s mostly because I am too guarded to immediately open myself up around those I don’t know well. So coming in my freshman year not knowing anyone besides my friend Jasmine, I had my guard up even more than before. Freshman orientation is a weekend filled with activities centered around meeting new people from different places, cultures and backgrounds. You will be saying “Hi, my name is_____ and I am from ____ and I like _____, ______, and ____” more times than you will ever say in your life! It was a bit exhausting after a while, but eventually you will find a few people you will want to talk to more. I remember meeting my friend Coco who was in my Orientation group, and immediately took a liking to her because she was literally the nicest person I had met while there. She ended up being in my French I class and now every time I see her around campus, we say bonjour to each other even if we are all the way across the room!

Over the past 3 years, I have met lots of new people who have come in and out of my life, but I have found friends that were SO worth waiting for. It really is funny how people come into your life with you least expecting it. Take for example, my roommate Mikar. I met her through my friend Jasmine and thought, “This girl looks cool, she has bright red hair!” I would never think to pull off red hair, so I admired that she didn’t think to change her hair color to fit in when she came to Hope. Soon enough, we got to know each other so well and for the past two years we are still roomies! We even rushed the same sorority together which was so much fun to do with her.

Mikar & I after our sorority initiation!
Mikar & I after our sorority initiation!

Not only am I grateful for having a friend like Mikar, but also for my others friends I have met during my time here. College is hard sometimes and when you are far away from your family, you need people to talk to who care about you. I know it’s hard to put yourself out there, but don’t be afraid to be yourself. Don’t conform to who you think everyone else wants you to be. College is a time for experiencing new things, but always stay true to who you are. Find friends with the same quirky traits as you (trust me you will find them on campus somewhere!) and don’t be discouraged when you feel like giving up. I met my other good friend Diana second semester my freshman year. By then my friends were: Jasmine, Coco, and Mikar. Diana was only my third friend! Now, we live a few doors down from each other in Cook Hall:)

So what I want to end with is this: the size of your group of friends isn’t what is important. It is who is there for you when you are at your worst (not just your best), that matters. If it takes a semester, two semesters, even a year for you to find those people, that’s okay. Those friends are worth waiting for.

Tweet me @HopeMarisela16 or send me an email at marisela.meraz@hope.edu. Thanks so much for reading!

Beautiful: A Reminder of Worth

Are you worth it?

I looked in the mirror this morning, as I do every day, and on this particular morning, I was nit-picking at my appearance. Thoughts swirled in my brain. I wish I look different, maybe taller, more muscular. Shorter. Brown hair, without glasses, with glasses; the list continues for an eternity. A voice in my head told me, “You looked better yesterday.” I put on mascara and wonder why my eyelashes aren’t naturally dark. I let negative thoughts slip into the newsfeed of my mind, polluting every good thing I have found.

Does this happen to you – do you have days in which you wonder if you’re really all you think you are?

I paused for a moment and glanced around the room. My eyes stopped and looked at my Bible, which was laying on my dresser next to the mirror.

At that moment, I remembered something important. Something that changed everything.

My fingers opened the book, and the pages flopped open to Psalm 139. Verse Fourteen. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, my God reminds me. And no matter how tall I am, how short I am, neither my eye nor hair color, could change that beauty in God’s eyes.

When I look to my faith, I am reminded that my worth is not based in physical appearance. It’s not based on my boyfriend (or rather, my lack thereof), how well I do on my Statistics test, social pressures, cultural norms, whether or not I have chosen a career path, or what others think of me, as long as I am acting justly.

My worth is in Christ, and it lies in nothing else.

Last week in Chapel, we discussed what happens when we feel as though we “don’t belong.” We found an answer within the first two sentences of the Heidelberg Catechism. It begins with a question, and it ends with a promise of peace.

Q: What is your only comfort in life and in death?

A: That I am not my own, but belong, body and soul, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

When I am reminded of this, I look in the mirror with confidence, knowing that I am created in God’s image. I know the Holy Spirit is guiding my path and my God is worthy of praise. Jesus died to set me free of these chains that hold me back, and I will choose to live in that freedom. I will listen to the Voice of Truth and block out the voice of the enemy. God tells me I am made perfect in His eyes, and I will believe it in my heart and look at myself with kindness.

Song of Solomon 4:7
“All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” – Song of Solomon 4:7

Beginning today, make a promise to yourself. If you are having a day in which you have a negative self-image, forbid yourself to look in the mirror. Reverse the stigma that outer beauty is most important. Embrace inner beauty. Be patient, be kind. Be gentle. Show humility. Grant peace. Give grace. Hold the door open for someone. Grab a fork for the person in line behind you. Engage in an epidemic of God’s glory being spread upon the earth, and by the time you have a chance to look in the mirror, you’ll forget a mirror even exists. Your worth lies in Christ, and it lies in nothing else. The Bible is the love letter written to you to always remind you of how important you are. Keep this in mind today, and keep this in mind every day. You are made beautiful, and you are made new. Each morning sunrise brings more blessings, and each sunset holds more peace. Love God, love yourself. You are worth it all.

Questions or comments? Email me at sophie.guetzko@hope.edu or feel free to comment below.

Twitter: @hopesophie17

They may say that I’m a dreamer…

Dreams. We all have them. Some are realistic and some aren’t. My sister has this impossible dream to someday have high tea with the Queen of England. That dream, although a very imaginative dream, is nearly impossible (sorry sis).

But other dreams aren’t so much impossible as they are wonderfully and realistically possible. Take my dream for this school year, for example. My dream is to look past the freshman year, surface-level friendships I’ve made, and get to know the people I thought I knew on a deeper level. Fostering those first-year friendships, and making them into friendships that will last the rest of my life (hopefully!).

The way I plan to make my dream a reality is by “having coffee” with everyone I want to get to know more. Now, I’m really not much of a coffee drinker (I much prefer tea or chocolate milk), so for me, this term has come to mean “conversations.” This means that there are endless venues to try out, people to converse with, and beverages to be consumed while fulfilling my dream. Below are some of the ways I tried to put my dream into action.


Above is pictured one of the dreamiest realities of my dream I could picture. Here we have the warm, soft glow of a cozy room, a laptop stuffed with pictures from a semester in Ireland, and soft bedding (a must for deep conversations to occur). This is the perfect recipe for conversations that will delve a friendship deeper and give us memories to hold on to throughout the years.


Morning yoga and a trip to the Farmer’s Market was an unexpected dream fulfiller on the beautiful Saturday morning pictured here. Sometimes unexpected “coffee dates” are the best ones.

So far, these are only a few of the people I’ve conversed with, and places I’ve been on my journey to fulfill my dream this semester. There are so many people here at Hope and I know that there are so many people I am saddened to realize I will never get to know. But in light of my dream, and if you are reading this post, you need to know that I want to get to know you! I want to get coffee (or a smoothie) with you, have a meaningful conversation with you, and just plain get to know what your favorite color is. And maybe while we’re sipping our beverages, we can talk about what dreams you have for the school year or the years to come.

Because as the song goes: “They may say that I’m a dreamer…but I’m not the only one.”

Another Night in the Woods.

Hello All!

Last blog post, I realized I jumped right into writing and didn’t even introduce myself. So…rewind…here we go: Hello, my name is John Luke Hawkins and I am a sophomore at Hope, but a first time blogger. Something unique about my name: It is John Luke: Two names. No hyphen. Just a space. Legally my first name is John, yet my parents combined them together when I was born to make me “John Luke.” Since I have to live in a legal world, most my Hope identification is labeled as “John.” I have spent most of my life correcting people on my name or telling this story so they understand. I now have it memorized word from word. I think I tell it once a week. And that is my name fact folks.

BUT NOW: To the Woods! Last night, 3 of my Bros and myself decided to go on a night adventure. We packed up some bags, loaded our hammocks, put on some warm clothes, and made our way to a woods in Holland a short 7 minute drive from Hope. There we found a patch of trees close together and strung up our hammocks. We lied in our hammocks, we talked, we laughed, and fell asleep to the nature surrounding us. IMG_4495IMG_4490

That’s one thing I love about Hope (among a million things): HOLLAND, MICHIGAN. What a perfect city. Where I am from there is plenty of nature… actually it is mostly just corn… stalks upon stalks upon stalks of corn. It is a small agricultural town. Due to this upbringing, I have grown to love nature, but because of my extraverted personality, I also love cities of people! Holland captures both of those. Hope College is right next to 8th street, the hoppin’ downtown of Holland, Michigan. It has plenty of great shops, restaurants, and places to gather. But wait…there’s more! Holland also has a vast amount of nature! Hope is 5 minutes from the beach and Lake Michigan. I have gone numerous times. I have driven there. I have rode my bike there. I have run there. I have gone when the sand is burning my feet to where I am able to walk on the frozen waves. Holland also has woods, other lakes, and so many parks.

I have fallen in love with Holland, the perfect mix of nature and city for me. “There’s no place I’d rather beeeee…”

Hello There Hope, Nice to See You Again!

Hello! My name is Marisela, or Mari, and I am a new student blogger here. I am a junior studying English/Creative Writing and French. I like reading fiction novels, baking cupcakes, making music playlists for my friends, and taking photos. I am living in Cook Hall this year because I will hopefully be studying abroad in the spring (more on that soon!) I am SO. EXCITED. to be able to share my Hope experiences with you all, introducing you to my favorite spots on campus/Holland, and giving you glimpses into my junior year and what activities I am involved in. So, here we go!

It feels good to be back on campus. I missed walking through the Pine Grove and bumping into friends and even the occasional frisbee (it has yet to happen since I’ve arrived, thankfully). I missed how beautiful campus really is in the early mornings when I would walk around a few minutes before class. If you are not a morning person like I am, trust me, Hope will make you change your mind. Professors are up early preparing for their classes, drinking their morning coffee from Lemonjello’s or JP’s while students head over to Phelps for a hearty breakfast. Workers in front of Phelps are putting in new grass and flowers. Construction workers are busy finishing up the new musical arts building too. So I don’t know about you, but all of this hustle and bustle that goes on each morning gets me going. 

View from the bench I am currently sitting on. #nofilterneeded
View from the bench I am currently sitting on. #nofilterneeded

Not that Hope is only pretty in the mornings, though. I think it’s also best to come visit Hope right during midday, around noon. You will see the campus at it’s busiest, with students walking, jogging, (occasionally sprinting), and long boarding to class. But what I loved about Hope when I came to visit during high school is that the students here actually say Hi to one another! Look, I grew up in the city of Chicago and people there aren’t as friendly. I would never say hi to anyone walking down the street because they would truly think I was crazy ok? But here, it’s the opposite. A wave hello to a complete stranger is not weird, and I like that.

Now that classes have started and my schedule is starting to get busier, I try not to forget to step back and appreciate this beautiful campus I get to live on everyday. Take in those few minutes of alone time in the morning and appreciate where you are, where you come from. Maybe even be brave enough to say hello to a stranger on your way:)

Tweet me @HopeMarisela16 or shoot me an email at marisela.meraz@hope.edu. Have a great day and thanks for reading!

Alexander’s Adventures in the Midwest

A slice of Holland basking in the late afternoon sun
A slice of Holland basking in the late afternoon sun

Its been good to get back to Hope; to the rolling greens of the Pine Grove, the austere brickwork of century-old buildings like Van Vleck Hall and academic buildings on campus. To friends, professors, teammates, roommates and even the faculty members in dining halls and work crews. Its been good to walk along the spotless chrome-lit halls of Lubbers, peeking into the brightly furnished classrooms, walls lined with the posters of annual study abroad trips and monuments to academic and cultural accomplishments. Its been good to rediscover Phelps, to wander amongst sleek 21st century chrome and pinewood decor whilst pining for the warmer summer camp atmosphere of the old Dining Hall. Its been good to exchange greetings with warm familiar faces, reignite old friendships, relive the old passions of sporting and college events. Yes, its been good to come back to my Hope, the Hope I know and love, the hope of my future…and perhaps yours…

As this summer of 2014 draws to a close, slinking behind fall’s curtain of draughts with every passing week, I’d like to offer thanks; to friends then and now, who have challenged my physical, mental and educational growth. To the nation that embraced a young man from Ghana, West Africa, and the small college town that fed him in mind and body, sheltering him as one of its own. And to you, my dearest readers; college hopefuls, parents young and old, editors and co-workers; to you I say thank you. Thank you… for the kindness of the past, the warmth of the present and the alluring mysteries of future.

New on the Block

Hi everyone!

My name is Brooke Wharton and I’m a freshman this year! Since I’m new around here, I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I’ll share why I chose Hope and a few of my favorite things about the college so far!

I’m from Troy, Michigan, which is about 2½ hours from Hope. I’m currently undecided in my major, but I’m considering education, as well as psychology! I’m so excited to be apart of the blogging team since writing is one of my favorite things to do. I also love reading, music, and being with friends! Since I’m living in Dykstra Hall this year, meeting new people hasn’t been too big of a problem, and there’s always someone to hangout with.

Here are some reasons why I chose Hope:

  • There are so many friendly people. People smile and say hi to you all of the time!
  • The Christian environment is another biggie for me. It’s so nice to have so many opportunities to grow in my faith here, and to be around others doing the same thing as me! Keeping this in mind, I’ve also found people to be very accepting of differences.
  • The academics are great. I find myself challenged in class, and there are so many great resources around campus (like the Academic Success Center and the Klooster Center for Excellence in Writing) that are available for all students.
  • Holland is awesome. With how close the town is, there’s always something to do. There are frozen yogurt places, clothing shops, restaurants, candy stores, etc.
Me on the day that I chose Hope!
Me on the day that I chose Hope!

A few of my favorite things about Hope since moving in:

  • Donut enthusiasts are everywhere. Everyone loves donuts and there’s always someone who wants to make a run to go get one with you.
  • There are so many activities going on throughout the week and weekend. Last night I went to a show put on by the SAC (Student Activities Committee), and this morning I went to a yoga session in the Pine Grove put on by the Yoga Club!
  • The farmers market. It’s within a walking distance every Saturday. This is so cool because you can always have fresh fruit in your dorm without worrying that it’s going to go bad, or having to go off campus.

I’m so excited to be apart of Hope Student Blogging! You can follow me on Twitter @hopebrooke18 for more updates.

Thanks for reading,


*Psssttt* – Can You Keep a Secret?

I know this is my first post, but I am going to go ahead and give my readers the benefit of the doubt that you all can keep a secret.

Are you prepared to take on this task?
Awesome—I knew I could trust you!

As an out-of-state freshman I was worried about settling into a new place so far from home, but the girls of Van Vleck made finding my second home here at Hope a breeze. So, I decided to put a little something together for my 3rd floor family.

It began with lots of colored square papers from within a cow.
(Photographic evidence below)

Next came the paper folding.

Followed by more folding.

And finally—100 little envelopes later—came the fun part.


There is one thing I know that can make anyone’s day better and that thing is a sticker.


I arranged them into three categories:
Smiley faces, encouraging phrases (ex:  “You are bright as day.”, “Reach for the stars!”), and praise phrases (ex: “You did it!”, “Brilliant!”) Each category was allotted 25 envelopes and each envelope one sticker.

Now I wait with the baggies stuffed with sticker holding envelopes and the signs for each category created.


The plan is to tape them up on the bathroom mirror for Monday because who doesn’t want a sticker on a Monday?

Follow me on Twitter ( @HopeErin18 ) to see a picture once the plan is in action! And remember—this is just between you and me until Monday! 😉

Want to do a similar surprise for your floor? Here are the envelope instructions.

My favorite thing about Hope is that it’s a place where people love one another.
And leave Twinkies taped to doors and candy in the lounges and write “God loves you all the time” on clock faces.
Hope is like home.
Van Vleck is my Hope family.
And I just wanted to do a little something special for it.

Thanks for keeping my secret!
~Erin Hoolahan ’18
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