Cooking on a College Budget

Eating, it’s activity! But cooking in college can seem a little stressful. So, whether you’re currently in college, or you’re a high school student, I thought it would be fun to share some recipes from a few of my goods friends. (If you’re not in college yet, you can practice you’re cooking skills…. because one day you’ll be needing them)

Tortilla Soup – Megan Farwell  

  • 16 oz. can of Refried Beans
  • 15 oz. can Black Bean – rinsed and drained
  • 14 oz. Chicken Broth
  • 1 1/2 cups of Corn Kernels
  • 1 cup of Salsa
  • 1 cup cooked cubed Chicken
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 2 cups Shredded Cheese – divided in two
  • Baked Tortilla Chips

Combine first seven ingredients, then bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for ten minutes. Add one cup of cheese. Cook until the cheese is melton. When serving sprinkle with cheese, crushed tortilla chips, and sour cream.

Pizzadillas – Minchul Kim

  • Sprinkle generous amount of shredded mozzarella cheese on flour tortillas
  • Place pepperonies – or any meat of choice (precooked)
  • Bake until the ouside is brown and crisp
  • Enjoy

This delicious meal can be enjoyed with marinara sauce or you can apply marinara in step two.

Cream Cheese Chicken Chili – Julia Slopsema

  • 4 frozen chicken breasts
  • 2 cans of Rotel tomatoes
  • 2 cans of corn, undrained
  • 2 cans of black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 packages of Ranch dressing mix
  • 1 Tsp. of chili powder
  • 1 Tsp. of cumin
  • 1 Tsp. of onion or garlic powder
  • 2 8 oz. packages of cream cheese
  • Chili toppings: cilantro, sour cream, and avocado

The recipe has quite a few steps (all very doable). If you’re interested in making this yummy chili check out the following link for directions!

Crockpot Cream Cheese Chicken Chili

Pan-Fried Tilapia – Chelsea 

  • 1 tilapia filet
  • Italian seasoning
  • Butter

Melt butter in skillet. Place tilapia in pan, and cover with italian seasoning. Brown tilapia and flip. Sprinkle italian seasoning on the other side. Cook until nicely browned – should take about 15 minutes.

Hopefully these yummy recipes inspire you to try cooking (or give you new cooking ideas).

Hope y’all all have a great weekend! Make sure to check back next week for a Hope Volleyball update!

Some Great New Inventions!

You know those afternoons when you just simply don’t feel like doing anything productive? Well I had one of those today and stumbled upon a website that introduces a bunch of innovative ideas that I’ve never really seen before. After looking through the list and their corresponding pictures, I struggled to understand why these have never been thought of before! Take a gander for yourself:

I obviously like the theater, bean bag chair invention the most. I mean, who doesn’t like being cozy in an over-sized, fluffy chair? Knowing myself, I would probably fall asleep, giving me more reason to come back and see the movie again in those wondrous chairs.

Another one that caught my attention was the rotating benches because I’ve come across a time where I desperately wanted to sit down but there was either food or a bunch of water on the seat. It won’t be a problem anymore if people adopted this invention and started advertising them. This was probably one of the most clever and useful inventions on the list and should most definitely be implemented in cities. Now, if only Hope was able to get some bench with heat-warmers for the upcoming winter months!

For all of the girls out there, how much would you appreciate a hair-free brush? I know I would! It’s nearly impossible to clean a hairbrush out without giving up and buying a new just out of pure frustration. This way, you wouldn’t have to waste money on buying new ones but instead have a removable piece on it. The only flaw I see is trying to replace the piece because the bristles would get in the way. Maybe a new invention could be created to help with this?

Finally, the water fountain that allows for water bottles to be refilled easily is such a great idea! You no longer have to find the perfect angle to allow the water to perfectly flow into the bottle. What made me so excited about this was that Hope has this in some of their buildings. Therefore, it shows how up-to-date Hope is and how accommodating they are to have students be satisfied with a full bottle of water! It sure would be nice to see some of these inventions in the near future because I feel we would all greatly benefit and appreciate them.

I hope you have a great weekend and maybe even stumble upon some of these inventions! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

A Spectator’s Perspective: Nykerk 2014!

This year’s Nykerk competition has come and gone, and it was definitely a night to remember! It was the first time Nykerk had ever been held in the DeVos Fieldhouse, which definitely gave it a different feel than it had in the Holland Civic Center last year. I really liked having it in DeVos and I’m excited to watch it for the next two (and hopefully more) years!

If you aren’t familiar with Nykerk, it is a competition between the freshman and sophomore women, supported by “morale boys” of their same ages who support and encourage the women throughout their intensive practices for three weeks before the night of Nykerk. There are three components of the competition: Song, Oration, and Play. Song is a large group of women who sing a song and do hand motions along with it. Oration is one woman who gives an approximately 8-10 minute speech with hand gestures. Both the freshman and sophomore orators write their speech on the same topic with their own interpretations. This year’s theme was “Laugh.” Play is a group of about 12-16 women who perform an original skit. All of these events are filled with many traditions, and alumni often cheer throughout performances when they see their traditional movements. Sophomores are coached by seniors, and freshmen are coached by juniors.

The first performance this year was Even Year (’18) Song:

18 Song
Class of 2018 Song!

Even Year sang an arrangement of “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield. What a great song choice!

The second performance was the Odd Year (’17) Orator, Madeline Chapman!

17 Oration
The Class of 2017 Orator, Madeline Chapman!

She gave a touching speech with personal experience tied in and made the Class of 2017 proud.

Even Year (’18) Play was next on the agenda!

18 Play
Class of 2018 Play!

Even Year did a twist on The Wizard of Oz for their play this year. Here was my favorite part:

President Knapp
Special guest appearance by President Knapp as the Wizard!

Too good.

Next up was Odd Year (’17) Song!

17 Song
Class of 2017 Song!

Odd Year Song did a medley of songs from the 80’s. Oh, Odd Year, you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind!

The next performance was Even Year (’18) Oration by Cassidy Bernhardt!

18 Oration
Class of 2018 Oration!

My favorite line? “I am hilarious.” So well delivered and so well received.

Odd Year (’17) Play was up next!

17 Play
Class of 2017 Play!

Odd Year Play did a performance about a princess from Liechtenstein in Washington, D.C. Hilarious.

All the performances were great, and I had no idea who was going to win.

In the end, the freshmen came out on top. Congratulations, Class of 2018!

18 Victory
The Class of 2018 with the Nykerk Cup! An Even Year victory.

Thanks for reading! Keep up with me on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or via email at!

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

– Ephesians 2:10

Fly-in Weekend Coming Full Circle

This time last year I was asking each of my high school teachers if they could sign my permission form to miss the following Thursday and Friday. Why? I was headed to Hope College for a Fly-In Weekend. At the time I had no clue if I would be choosing Hope, but I was excited to get a taste of what life as a college student would be like!

On a Thursday morning I boarded a plane (my first trip on my own!) from Pittsburgh, PA to Chicago, IL with a final destination Grand Rapids, MI where a crew of other prospective students and Hope staff piled into a Hope College shuttle headed to Holland. That evening I met my hosts for the weekend: two super sweet girls (one from Kansas and the other from Traverse City, MI) who welcomed me into their college home with open arms. They carried on the impression I had gathered of the Hope College community from my last visit: kind, welcoming, and genuinely interested in getting to know me. Throughout the weekend I did everything imaginable:

  • My hosts gave me a tour of almost all the different dorms
    • this is when I decided I would want to live in Van Vleck Hall if I came to Hope because it has a sweet kitchen and I love to bake!
  • we experienced the old Phelps (aka the dining hall pre-renovation)
  • ww baked 🙂
  • we attended a Hope Hockey game
  • we watched Disney movies
  • we went on a Donut Run*
    • * Donut Run. n.
      1. A late night trip to Good Time Donuts: a valued activity of Hope students.
  • we talked about college and life
  • I sat in on a Latin I class
    • I ended up in Latin III with some of the same students this semester!
  • I got to take a trip to Lake Michigan with the other Fly-in students!

At the end of the weekend, though I was not sure if Hope was the place for me, I did know that if it was I would be happy there.

Bringing it back to the present, my Fly-In Weekend experience is coming full circle. Next week my roommate and I are going to be Fly-In Weekend hosts! 🙂 We are unbelievably excited to have the opportunity to share life at Hope with a prospective student. It is so strange to think about just how much my life has changed in a year! I can’t wait to share my experience with our prospective student next week. And who knows, maybe this time next year their Fly-In Weekend experience will be coming full circle as well!

I hope you are having a lovely week!

Pssst – you can find me on Twitter and Instagram for even more little tidbits and pictures about life at Hope!

God’s Kingdom is in My Foot.

“I am free to run, I am free to dance; I am free to live for You, I am free”

The words rung through the walls of church on Sunday morning during worship as I leaned on my crutches, unable to bear weight on my left foot, which I found out last week was broken in two places due to stress fractures. As I sang these words, my heart broke. I felt chained to a brokenness that I could not overcome. How am I to fulfill the calling You have for me if I am broken in this way? I can’t do it. I’m tired, and I’m in pain. I can’t run, I can’t dance. I want You, but I can’t have You. Unwillingly, tears began to stream down my face, partially due to the pain, partially due to discouragement.

There have been stories, either ones I’ve heard in the Bible or ones that I have heard from others in which healing has occurred in the name of Jesus. To me, it always sounded nice, but seemed so distant– that’s cool, but why don’t we hear of that happening more often?

This year, my eyes have been opened to see that God’s love knows no boundaries. We have a tendency to forget to trust that His love for us is deep enough to overcome all of the obstacles we face. His desire is for us to be set free from our suffering and healed from our pain.


Fall in Centennial Park
[Leaves change from their green to a new, golden beauty, just as God calls us into His kingdom from a life of suffering]


In that spirit, I’d like to share with you my testimony.

I met with a woman yesterday morning at Moran Park church, my home church here in Holland. It was a meeting I set up nearly two weeks ago (prior to breaking my foot last week); I simply wanted to sit down with a leader in faith to speak with her about the work God has been doing in my life and how to navigate the calling God has for me. I limped into her office using my crutches, unable to set my left foot on the ground.

At the end of our meeting, she asked if she could pray over my foot, and I told her yes, of course she could. I would say I wasn’t expecting much, but that would be the farthest from the truth. I know the truth. I know that our God is healer. As she prayed over me, I could feel the healing take place. The pain– the pain that kept me from being able to put weight on my foot, even with my Aircast on– dissipated until it went away entirely. “God, let your kingdom come, heal these bones, awaken them to the life to which you have called them.” She asked me how it felt. The pain was gone. My x-ray last week showed callous structures growing on my bone, and I could still feel the bumpiness as my foot sat on the ground. I told her, and she prayed over me again. “Jesus, we know You are healer.” I felt my bones become smooth.

Did that just really happen? I walked– I WALKED– out of the room without using crutches. Overjoyed. Astonished. Amazed. But not shocked.

Not shocked, because I know that Jesus has overcome. He is mighty, and He chooses us and wants us to be alive, fully alive in him.

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” – Romans 8:11

Since yesterday morning, I have walked without pain, worn normal shoes, and regained normal life. It sounds crazy, I know. But I also know that the desire of God’s heart is for us to be made whole in Him.

All honor, all glory, all praise be to You. Thank you, God. He brings us freedom, mighty power, and grace. His love is unlimited. His power is great. And each day, He brings miracles to us that go far beyond the imaginable.

Keep up with me @hopesophie17, or if you have questions or comments please feel free to comment below or send me an email at Blessings, grace, and peace.

Nykerk in Under 400 Words

For those of you wondering…what even is Nykerk? This is Nykerk (from a song-girl’s perspective) in less than 400 words.

Words that collectively make me think Nykerk as a big picture are song, play, oration, women, family, morale, and coaches. Basically it’s a big competition between the sophomore and freshmen women who are coached by the seniors and the juniors, respectively, in song, play, and oration. A huge part of Nykerk is the morale, the boys who keep the ladies excited and encouraged throughout the month of intense practices.

So what? I know you want me to tell you more. Nykerk is…

1. Tradition. Nykerk is tradition and you don’t question it. If your song coach tells you to punch your fists in the air, wear (what us song-girls have appropriately termed) a nun-fit, smile for the entirety of the three-hour show, you do it. Ask why and the best answer you’ll get is *shrug* “Tradition.”

My roommate, Michelle, and I posing in our "nun-fits".
My roommate, Michelle, and I posing in our “nun-fits”.

2. Being encouraged. Throughout the Nykerk season all of the song-girls, play-girls, and the orator are moraled by the “morale-boys”. I had a song-boy who was so awesome and sweet! They go by a codename until the night before Nykerk when they reveal themselves to you! I also had an odd-year sister, who was so odd-mazing as well!

3. Friends, wait, family. Since you spend two to three hours a month with the same people everyday, except for Sunday, you get to know them pretty well. It’s a great way to meet people outside of your hall, too! I love seeing the two girls I sat in-between during the performance : ) It brightens my day.

4. Fun. When all is said, sang, and done, Nykerk is really a great time. I can’t imagine having not done Nykerk this year. It brought me closer to the girls in my cluster as well as a lot of new people! The laughs we shared throughout practices are unforgettable, and there’s no place I’d rather be (Na na na na na, no place I’d rather be!).

"Don't tell me music can't make a difference."

There it is: Nykerk in under 400 words. You might still be a little confused, and so be it, because this tradition is something you have to experience to understand.

If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Facebook, or my twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!


Hey folks! It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. I’m so sorry about that, but here I am blogging away! The past two weeks have been hectic especially with school at full speed ahead. The weeks are really flying by which is scary because that’s just getting closer to graduation! Anyway, I’d like to share some of the shenanigans I’ve been up to for the past 2 weeks!

Michigan State University Graduate School Visit

Two Thursdays ago, I had the opportunity to go to Michigan State with fellow senior nursing students from Hope. There, we learned about different graduate programs they offer relating to nursing. I am particularly interesting in their Ph.D. program because I want to become a professor someday and I am really interested in research. Anyways, they answered a lot of my questions, and it was just great to know that they are interesting in me as a potential student candidate! I’m glad I went because my interest in MSU definitely grew!

Chicago Trip 2014

Last weekend, SAC hosted a Chicago bus trip, and it was AWESOME! I went with some of my closest friends, and we walked the city, shopped, and dined. The weather could not of been any more perfect. It was 65 degrees, sunny, and all was well. I didn’t buy anything which was a little upsetting, but I spent my money on food, so it was definitely worth it. We also got a great picture while we were there, so check those out in the slideshow below!


As you all know, Halloween was this Friday! This year, my costume was Cosmo, the fairy from Fairly Odd Parents. My friend Kaitlyn was Wanda, and my friend Molly was Timmy Turner. If there would have been a costume competition, we would of won, no questions. The craziest part was that I sprayed my hair with green hairspray, and it worked out well!

School and Work

Obviously, the rest of my time was spent in school, being busy with classes and assignments, and doing my jobs as SAC director and a TA. The amount of work I’ve had lately is out of this world, but hey, I signed up for it. In the end, it will be definitely worth it because I’ll be a nurse!! This coming week is also going to be pretty hectic, but I’m already making a countdown to Friday!

Thanks for reading, fans! Stay tuned for a few more blogposts this week. I have a lot to write about! In the meanwhile, check out my slideshow!

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You have my attention.

Today my world was completely rocked before 11 in the morning.

And I needed it.

Pillar Church

As you may know if you read my last blog post, I am currently on day six of a week-long (at least) stint of vocal rest. Believe it or not, I have found a few perks that come with silence, but my attitude throughout this process has been less than ideal, so I’ve seen more of the drawbacks.

And I’ve seen a lot of them.

So this morning when I went to Pillar Church, a place where I’ve sung freely and jubilantly in the congregation for so many weeks and served as a vocalist on the worship team quite often throughout the past year, I was more than frustrated. I had never fully realized before what a large portion of church services is made up of music, and to what extent my understanding of worship is based solely on my ability to sing. I realized that when I hear the word “worship,” my mind immediately goes to singing and tends to stay there.

And that’s not all that worship is.

Worship is acknowledging God and giving him glory for the things that He is doing and has done and will do. Worship is offering what meager things we have to the God who deserves more than we know how to give him. Worship is paying attention and listening to the One who knows what the future holds and works all things together for our good. Worship is the act of adoring the one who deserves to be adored in all times and in all places and in all things. Worship can be done without verbally saying a word.

And I didn’t know how to do that.

At first, this was one more thing to be disappointed in myself for. “You put too much stock in your voice, Kathryn.” The words of doubt and self-criticism flooded my mind. “You haven’t figured out how to do this yet?” I felt bad. I felt really bad. And then, I heard God’s whisper. It wasn’t the criticism that had been pouring out of my brain or God scolding me for not fully understanding what it means to worship him; it was simply, “Do I have your attention yet?”

And I realized that he’d been pursuing me for a long time, and maybe he had finally gotten my attention.

Over the past few months, I think I’ve gotten it in my head that I have everything figured out, that I understand how God works and how the world works, that I know exactly where my life is headed, and that I have everything together.

And I’m wrong.

I should have known that I was wrong when one of my biggest fears was realized and I found out that I have a nodule on my vocal chords. I should have known that I was wrong when I found myself getting two hours of sleep per night in order to get everything done that I thought was important. I should have known that I was wrong when I realized I hadn’t cracked open my Bible in far too long. I should have known that I was wrong when I slept through a midterm (which the professor, thankfully, graciously allowed me to retake). I should have known that I was wrong a lot of times.

And I didn’t.

I sat in the front row pew of the Pillar Church balcony and realized that it had taken an extreme for me to finally let God have my attention. One of the things that I value more than almost anything else in life had to physically break in order to show me that I am not the one in control here. God had to get my attention, and it took a week of silence, a break from my constant cycle of trying to get straight A’s and love people with my own love and glorify busyness and get people to like me and achieve, achieve, achieve, to get me to listen long enough for God to help me understand that his plan holds more than I know. My weak moments, days that seem like they’ll never end, and seasons of hardship are opportunities for me to see God working. Instead, in this time of difficulty, I had let my focus become drawn to every place that it didn’t really need to be and neglected the one area where it is essential. I had wrapped myself up in so many other things that I was letting my relationship with God suffer, and all the while, he was patiently pursuing me, and he keeps loving me despite my shortcomings.

And in my silence, the Author and Perfecter of my faith is speaking.

Do I have your attention yet?

Yes, God. You have my attention.

Thanks for reading! Keep up with me on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), and via email at!

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”

Hebrews 12:1-2


Some People Get all the Breaks… and for me, they also come with crutches

I’m taking the expression “some people get all the breaks” to a whole different level.

I’m on crutches for the second time this semester, with breaks in my foot for the second time this year. How did I break it, both the first time and now the second? Haha, well, I’m not sure. I have stress fractures that have been hanging around for a while, and they apparently do not like to go away for good.

By now, I’m becoming a pro at maneuvering campus with crutches and my cool little 4-wheeled scooter, and if you ever end up in the same boat as me (I hope you don’t, but in case you do), I have a few tips for survival:

1. Little known/slightly known news: Campus Safety gives rides to the crippled (such as myself). To class, to the library, to the Kletz– wherever you might need to go. Just give them a call and they’re happy to help! And even if you’re not crippled and need a ride, be it a late-night study session or walk to your dorm or cottage, they can help you out then, too, if you’re worried about walking alone. Give them a call!

2. Scope out where the elevators are in your academic buildings PRIOR to going to class. Check out building maps, ask a professor, or search around by yourself or with a friend. Some of them are easily accessible through certain doors, which will make your “crutch time” take much less time when you’re trying to make it to class on time!

3. When you lean your crutches up against a pew in Chapel and they somehow magically crash to the floor, don’t be embarrassed. It happens. It’s awkward. It’s okay.

4. You’re in college, keep having fun. Just do it with moderation. For example, I went to 40 minutes of the Club Durf  Halloween dance party, hosted by Durfee Hall, rather than the full four hours. It was a blast upper-body dancin’ the night away (crutches limited my dancing abilities) with my cousin and her roomie, but it was even more perfect to come back to Kollen, rest, and spend time with people here, too!

Jordan and I, headed to Club Durf!
What am I, you may ask? A Ceiling Fan. And Jordan is a diva. (Don’t let the lack of boot and crutches fool you in this pic… my boot is on my foot, and my crutches are against the wall.)

5. Whenever things get tough, just remember: this is neither the most difficult thing you’ve gone through, nor will it be the most difficult thing you go through. A friend of mine once told me that in regard to a different situation, and it’s always stuck with me as insight that leads me away from the problem and instead toward the greater plans that await.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

– 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

And although my physical mobility is limited, I feel the cry of my heart, “God, send me.” Send me so that I can see past all of these light and momentary troubles and look to Your glory and the plans that await. Open my eyes, let me see the unseen. Liberate me past the pain. Lead me where my trust is without borders. I’m done with me, and I give it up to You.

Because without Him, I am broken. I’m wasting away. And with Him, wow. I’m renewed day by day.

Got a Bible verse that gives you hope? Have any more questions about how to manage crutches on campus? I’ve got more tips! Tweet at me @hopesophie17, comment below, or send me an email at



How to have fun on Family Weekend!

Hey Everyone,

Family Weekend is here! Im sure everyone is excited to see their family members and be reunited with loved ones. A good thing to do would be to take your family to all of the fun spots you have been. Take them to some events, show them around campus more, take them to some of the Halloween events we have going on. There are a lot of options for activities to do with your families. For examples:

There is a halloween party from 7-10 in Maas auditorium! Everyone is welcome. This is a great way for everyone to mingle and get to know each other and for your siblings to see how incredible the people at Hope are. It’s a great way for your siblings to get to know all of your friends and see what you have done since you’ve been here.


Another great family weekend activity, also another great Hope tradition… Nykerk! This event takes place tomorrow night. The girls have been working very hard and the morale guys have been trying to encourage and keep up their energy. It will be an awesome play, song and speech combination that will be battled out by the even and odd years.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families! These are times to cherish and times to always hold near to your heart. Enjoy them and live them up while you have the chance.

Thanks again for reading!
Jesse Heerdt