Jesus People USA

Hello Everyone!

I hope all is well and you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’d like to share with you about my trip with the youth group I help lead at Third Reformed Church. The trip took place in Chicago with 12 students and 5 leaders. We left on Friday and stayed with Jesus People USA. Our experience was very unique and a lot was learned through this service learning trip. If you’d like to learn more about Jesus People USA check out their website.  

Jesus People USA (JPUSA for short) is both a church AND a community. For what is church, but people, the body of Christ. Definitely the lines which usually separate our Sunday self from who we are the other six days of the week get blurred. It is a place to discover who you are and to be challenged to live an authentic life in Christ.

— Jesus People USA

The community there was definitely unique, and it was cool to see a completely different way of living. Our group toured where they lived and helped out at their soup kitchen and free clothing store. The leader from Jesus People USA challenged us not to sit with our friends at meals, but rather sit with people from the community or those who live in the shelter. I enjoyed talking to people and hearing about their lives. 

Our youth group also bonded together. It was my first time going on a trip with them, and I really enjoyed getting to know them! I am so blessed I have this opportunity to hang out with them. I’m hoping as the year goes on we continue to get closer and hang out together.

Hope you have a blessed week!


Time to Relax

Hey Everyone! So, you know how life can be really stressful
and schoolwork is a huge contributor to that? Well, for the next four days, I
am STRESS FREE!!! Thanksgiving Break could not have come soon enough! Thinking
about break makes me realize that we just had Fall Break, and in three short
weeks, Christmas Break will be among us and for that, I am thankful. That is
just one of the things I am thankful for this holiday season. Too bad other
countries don’t have Thanksgiving because not only are they really missing out on some
amazing food, but a great time with family and relaxation. Last year, I
traveled to Chicago and had Thanksgiving with my aunt, uncle, brother and
cousins, but this year I am in for a treat—my parents are flying in from
California and my brother is taking the train from Chicago and we’re all
staying at our family cottage here in Holland. This is the first time where I
don’t have to travel for a holiday, but my family is coming to me—it’s pretty

The first
minute I was done with classes on Wednesday, I started packing for this long
weekend. I was dropped off at my cottage and relaxed while reading a book and
then watching some television until I had to pick up my family from the train

morning, my brother and I ran our own version of the Turkey Trot down to Tunnel
Park (I don’t know if you’re familiar with that place, but I mentioned it in
one of my previous blogs). After that, my family and I played a game of
Bananagrams while watching some SportsCenter. Not having to worry about
schoolwork and getting to class is SO NICE, so just sitting around the house
and playing a game with the family is a real treat.

A tradition
in my family is going to a movie on Thanksgiving do, so we did just that. My
mom and I went and saw Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II and my
brother and dad saw Skyfall. I thought this last installment of the
Twilight Saga was actually really good compared to the others and my brother
and dad thought this recent James Bond movie was really good as well! This
tradition proves to be very interesting each year because it seems as though
nobody goes to the movies or a bunch of people do. This year, there were a
total of eight people in theater with my mom and I and about eleven in the
movie with my brother and dad. I guess going to a movie on Thanksgiving isn’t
too popular in Michigan. Anyway, once we got back, we put the turkey in the
oven and waited in anticipation for our feast while watching the Food Network.

On Friday,
my family and I plan on going on a nice hike and just hanging out and eating
leftovers all day. Another tradition we have is watching Planes, Trains,
and Automobiles
with the hilarious Steve Martin and John Candy so we’ll
watch that sometime this weekend. The rest of this weekend is going to be pure
relaxation because we don’t have anything planned. Usually my family will drive
to my aunt’s house and visit them for a day in California, but that’s not much
of an option this year. Regardless of where we are, holidays are always super
relaxing and makes me appreciate my family a whole lot more because these are
the years when it starts getting harder to see family and it becomes more
infrequent because everybody is growing up and is in different parts of the
country. That’s why it is so special to me that my family traveled to me this
year! Now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s time to finalize the Christmas list
and start thinking about the last set of tests and projects before we leave for
Winter Break. It’s only a few weeks away and it can’t come soon enough!!!!

That’s just about it for this holiday weekend, so look for my next blog next week and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and don’t go too crazy shopping on Black Friday!!!! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15

Rachael’s Rules for Black Friday Shopping!

As an self-proclaimed shopaholic, Black Friday is one of the most exciting days of the year for me. I’ve been doing Black Friday shopping for years, and I believe I now have enough knowledge to share with you. When going Black Friday shopping, be sure to remember some things…

1. DON’T camp outside.

Seriously, why would you do this? I know some of the stuff is really cool and really cheap, but it’s just not worth it to camp outside waiting for stores to open. Especially now that you’re in college, you should treasure each precious moment you spend at home. Don’t waste your break in the cold. If you are deadset on wanting to go to stores before they open, don’t go more than 1 hour in advance.

2. DO look at ads before you go.

You wouldn’t believe how much time this saves. If you make a list and know exactly what you want to get, you can run into the store, make a mad dash to your item(s) of choice, and get out of there. This will also save you a lot of money. If you know exactly what you want to get, you won’t be tempted by other ridiculously cheap products. To check out some of the best deals, click here.

3. DON’T go with a big group of people

The more people you go with, the more places the group will want to go. That means you will most likely have to be dragged to several stores that you would rather not enter. This can all easily be avoided if you go with only about 3 or 4 people maximum. You can work more efficiently and finish shopping sooner, which means you can go to bed at a somewhat decent hour when you’re finished. And speaking of sleep…

4. DO get some sleep before you go

As tempting as it is to pull an all-nighter, you will need your strength if you are planning on doing some heavy-duty shopping. Get 2-3 hours of sleep before you go out. Also, this will prevent you from looking and acting like a zombie when you’re shopping. Trust me, you don’t want that to happen.

5. DO go out to breakfast during the appropriate hours

What better way to celebrate the amazing deals you took advantage of than going out for food afterwards? And I’m sure you’ll be hungry after lugging those heavy bags around for hours. My personal recommendations are IHOP, Denny’s, or McDonald’s. They are reasonably priced and have yummy food. Go with your group and make it bonding time!

There you have it! Hope this helps, and let me know what you get by either leaving me a comment, or telling me on twitter. Happy shopping and Happy Thanksgiving!


My beautiful, rambunctious 30 kids

One of the classes I have been taking this semester is Educational Psychology, the first class in the Education program at Hope. Part of the class is a lecture twice a week, and the other portion is a field placement in a local elementary school. For the past 10 weeks, I have had the joyful blessing of getting to know some amazing kindergarteners at one of the elementary schools in the greater Holland area.

Becoming a teacher is something I have thought about since I was a little girl. The thought of having my own classroom and teaching students excited me. As I got older, I pushed teaching to the side as I considered other professions, such as becoming a doctor, lawyer, or marine biologist. By the time I Ieft high school, I was pretty settled on majoring in French and political science, and then going on to have a career in government or journalism. It wasn’t until I had a conversation with my mom over spring break that I began to think about teaching again. I signed up for Educational Psychology for the fall semester, and here I am!

Hope’s Education program is unique from other schools in that you get placed into a real classroom in your first education class, that way you can get some knowledge early on if teaching is right for you or not. At some other schools, you don’t have a field placement until your junior year, and by then it’s too late to change your major. Luckily for me, I have loved every day of my field placement and have realized that education is something I want to pursue. 

From the first day I entered the classroom, the kids were so welcoming of me. None of them hesitated to ask me to push them on the swings, or talk about how they went shopping with their mom and dad over the weekend. Being around kids so young is like a breath of fresh air because the only people I’m surrounded by are either my classmates or working professionals. It has also given me an opportunity to truly realize how much we learned in kindergarten. It may be hard to think about now, but there was a time in your life when you couldn’t read these words, count to 100, or name the colors of a rainbow. Even though I have only been going once a week for 10 weeks, I have seen these kids make so much progress in their learning and classroom behavior. There is one little boy in particular who could barely sit still in class in the beginning of the semester, and now he can sit through almost an entire lesson. We should go back to our kindergarten teachers and thank them for all they taught us! 

I wasn’t expecting to love the kids as much as I do, but somewhere along the journey, they worked their way into my heart. Sometimes I look at them and wonder what kind of people they’ll turn out to be, and if they’ll make good choices in their lives. Weird, I know. Being around them makes me excited for the day I will have my own classroom and will be able to make an impact on the lives of my students. I can’t wait!


My Flow. Where’s Yours?

I’m taking a social psychology class taught by Professor Mary Inman, and although it’s a half-semester class, I’m learning an abundant amount of really cool information. 

One thing I thought I’d share with you is a concept we learned yesterday. Maybe you already know about it. I understood the feelings but never knew there was a precise term.

It’s called—


Flow is in the moments your eyes light up. It’s the hour you spend working on that last chemistry problem and you finally see the green “correct” answer box on CAPA. It’s the poster presentation at Van Andel Institute where you finally look back and say, Dang. That was really cool.  Do you know what I’m talking about?

My professor put it a great way. She described flow as having a great challenge but having the intricate skill set to work through the challenge, though it may not be easy. 

In our study of happiness, we have read that flow IS happiness. You don’t actually want to spend a week in your bed sleeping… well maybe you do, but you’ll realize that it doesn’t make you happy. It’s using your skills and learning new things, meeting new people, and absorbing new experiences that really make moments worth living for. 

I find myself more and more experiencing flow throughout my days at Hope. Sometimes it gets monotonous, studying all day without ceasing. But on Saturday I had the chance to head over to Van Andel Institute with the Fraley lab, where we each presented a research project we have been working on. Over 350 students, professors, and community members from around west Michigan were there, and it was fascinating roaming through the posters and seeing what our peers are doing at their own schools. Especially at Hope, we have some awesome research being done.

As you wade through college applications or maybe you have just started looking at different schools, introspectively take a moment to reflect your current moments of flow. Will your future school allow you to have these moments? Even maximize these moments? It’s not always the resources available to you, but also how you utilize the resources. At Hope we have brilliant professors, great lab environments, a welcoming community, and a body of faith that is open to you if you choose. Without these things, I definitely couldn’t say that every day I have flow.

Crazy For Coldplay

On August 7th, I accompanied my freshman roommates (and now roommate and suitemate) to a Coldplay concert at the United Center in Chicago.

My suitemate is obsessed (to put it lightly) with Coldplay, and when she found out they would be in Chicago, we were the first to know! The concert was incredible, and we ended up being in the front row to enjoy the concert due to our fan persona.

Here’s a zoom-in of the panoramic above.

Morgan and her friend Rachel made us a great glowing sign that said “We’re Glowing In The Dark.” Morgan also made us beautiful t-shirts with ironed on letters. Together, Morgan and Rachel spelled Coldplay, and Shannon and I both had MX – Mylo Xyloto  on our shirts! We also added some glow paint so we would glow in the black lights.

The memory was so great, on Wednesday night Morgan invited us to go see a one-time premiere of the Coldplay Live 2012 Movie in Grand Rapids. The movie was the same concert we watched, but it was better the second time. It was awesome…

Without Hope, I wouldn’t have these great friends, I wouldn’t know about Coldplay, and I for sure wouldn’t have experienced this:

My Review of 1D’s Take Me Home!

I don’t know if these guys even need an introduction. In the very slim chance that you have no idea who they are, here is a quick biography: One Direction was formed in 2010 on the UK’s version of the X Factor. After having come on the show individually, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam formed a group at the suggestion of Nicole Scherzinger. The group become surprisingly popular on the show, and have since grown to become the biggest pop act in the world right now. This past Tuesday, their second album, Take Me Home was released. If you follow my twitter, then you know that I purchased a copy. I have been listening to it non-stop, and I think that I have heard the songs enough times to review them!

1. Live While We’re Young: You’ve probably heard this song on the radio, because it’s the lead single from the album and has been getting a lot of play time in the last few weeks. It has a sound very similar to that of the über popular “What Makes You Beautiful.” The simple, yet catchy lyrics and high energy vibe make this song infectious and one of the highlights on the album. 9/10

2. Kiss You: Another fun song with simple lyrics. The message in this song is the boys asking a girl to kiss her, which is totally unrealistic considering those guys could get just about any girl on the planet to kiss them. Other than that, it’s a good one. 8/10

3. Little Things: This song is one of the biggest surprises on the album. It’s a
soft acoustic ballad about all of the imperfections someone has that makes them
unique and beautiful. All of the boys get fairly equal singing time, which
doesn’t always happen and is great when it does happen because each of them has
a lovely voice. Co-written by lyrical genius Ed Sheeran, this is easily one of the
best songs on the album. 10/10

4. C’mon, C’mon: Even though this is the shortest song on the album, it has the
liveliness of any other up beat song. The story here is a boy gets ditched by
the date he came with, sees a girl, and wants to dance with her. It’s peppy, but
not my favorite. 8/10

5. Last First
: Love is the topic here as the boys sing that they
“want to be your last first kiss.” The tempo is a little on the slow
side, but it still has a lot of energy. This is also one of the few songs that
some of the boys (Liam, Louis, Zayn) helped to write! 8/10

6. Heart Attack: Love does not come without heartache, as is the topic of “Heart Attack”. In this song, a boy experiences the all too familiar emotions of seeing a former love interest with another boy. The song is great because it is so relatable, but my favorite part is the occasional “OWW!” yelled out in the chorus. Seriously, it’s adorable. 9/10

7. Rock Me: Sampling from the ever popular “We Will Rock You” by Queen, the main message is that a boy wants a girl to “rock him”. This is one example of how Take Me Home moves into more mature and sexually suggestive territory without being too outwardly explicit. The rock n’ roll sound helps give it a catchy yet edgier vibe. My only problem with “Rock Me” is that it references “summer ’09” like it was a big deal when in reality they were all around age 15 and probably didn’t do very much. 9/10

8. Change My Mind: A more mature sound is heard distinctly in this song as a boy tells how he is willing to not leave a girl and would change his mind if only the girl makes it known that she wants him. They do a good job of showing they are growing up, while also managing to play on their youthfulness. 9/10

9. I Would: I knew this song would be amazing before I ever heard it, because I knew it was written by three members of one of my favorite bands, McFly. This song is very similar to Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me” in that the character in both songs mention how he/she is up against better competition in trying to win his/her soul mate. This is another big highlight on the album because of the on-point harmonies and cleaver lyrics. 10/10

Feels like I’m constantly playing
A game that I’m destined to lose
’Cause I can’t compete with your boyfriend
He’s got 27 tattoos!

— “I Would”

10. Over Again: Another acoustically driven song like “Little Things”. The multiple lines about healing broken pieces and starting all over again are touching and lets the audience hear a vulnerable part of them. 8/10

11. Back for You: This toe-tapping hit is based upon the band’s experience being away from home while they were touring in the United States and other parts of the world. All of the boys except Zayn helped to write this song, and two of the ones that did help, Louis and Liam, brought their personal stories to the song because they both had girlfriends while touring. I’ve found myself listening to this over and over again, and I think you will too. 10/10

12. They Don’t Know About Us: A piano driven soft medley turns into an up tempo beat while the boys sing about the troubles of being in a relationship of which people don’t approve. As‘s Chris Payne writes, “the modern-day Romeo and Juliet saga makes for one of the album’s best songs.” While not easily relatable, it is easily enjoyable. 8/10

13. Summer Love: Ahhh, every teenagers dream and heartbreak. “Summer Love” does a good job the painting a picture of a perfect summer romance and the hurt that comes when it ends. This is another one of the songs that starts off slow and builds momentum as it goes. 9/10

Overall: This album is a big step in the right direction after Up All Night. The boys grew up a lot in between the two albums and it shows completely. In order to enjoy Take Me Home, you have to take it for what it is, which is not much more than teen pop. Don’t expect to listen to one of the greatest albums of all time. If you are able to get past that, you will like this album.

Happy listening! Let me know what you think, either on here or on twitter!

Mi Segunda Familia

I’d like to start with
an apology for my infrequent posts. 
I’ve  been awfully busy
juggling school, travel, and experiencing the differences that life in Europe
brings.  Not that that’s an excuse!

Ideally this would
have been my first post, but late is better than never, right?

York Community High School


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My homestay is a
family made up of Juan, Asunción, and her two sons, Dani and Alejandro.  We also have 4 dogs and 7 birds, which
have certainly contributed to wonderfully cheerful mornings, full of noise and
spirit.  One of the birds, Juanillo, became a pet when he flew threw the open balcony door, through the living room, made a sharp right down the hall, and  another into the master bedroom, settling on Juan’s shoulder.  

We live on the fourth (and
top) floor of an apartment building, which means we have the largest balcony in
the complex.  During the initial
few weeks, I was able to spend afternoons reading my (required) contemporary Spanish
novels.  It also serves as a second
living room when we have the extended family over on Sunday nights, as the picture above demonstrates.

York Community High School


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Of my family members,
I spend the most time with Juan. 
He has been retired since he turned 50, almost a decade ago.  Juan started working at a local bank at
the spritely age of 15 and worked his way up the management ladder, which
allowed him an early (and European) retirement.  But he prides himself on his youthfulness and we jest during
all hours of the day. 

Si se pierde su juventud al dentro, se pierde suyo.

— Juan

If you lose your inner youth, you lose yourself.

— [translation]

York Community High School


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However, it’s not all
jokes between the two of us pranksters.  We’ve had some stimulating
conversation, ranging from the health benefits of olive oil all the way to
Franco’s regime and capital punishment.  He is very well read and has surprised me on more than a few occasions with his opinion.  We play chess on a weekly basis and have plans to frequent the local
pool hall and run the tables together next week.  His health is very important to him, as he has not been to a doctor in some 15 years (his eldest son is a doctor ironically).  I often find him sprawled on the couch with a book about health & wellness. He claims that with proper nutrition and exercise, one should not (and will not) get sick, pointing to himself as an example.  It’s because of people like Juan that universal healthcare functions for Europe.

York Community High School


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Accordingly, his daily
routine is to wake up before dawn and run or walk in the park with the two
larger dogs: Troylo and Currero.  I
had the opportunity to join him this morning.  The park was shrouded by fog, and Juan let the dogs run free
as we conversed about whatever crossed our minds.  After stopping to chat with other dog-enthusiasts multiple
times, he explained (with a grin) that he knows virtually everyone who
frequents Parque de los Principies.

York Community High School


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Asunción is a bit more
serious than Juan.  That being
said, she is extremely sweet and dotes on me constantly.  She is always busy, whether it be
cooking for the family, cleaning the house, doing laundry, or shopping (the
Spanish buy their bread at the beginning of every day, resulting in incredibly
fresh toast & sandwiches).  She
doesn’t relax until after dinner, when she finally sits down and watches her
favorite television programs.  It
is an unspoken rule that she gets to decide what we watch during dinner and
after.  To my dismay, she despises
fútbol and says “FÚTBOL?” in a very similar tone of voice to that of Waterboy’s
mother (Adam Sandler reference) when she discovers Ale and I watching a match. 

York Community High School


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Dani, the elder of the
two brother at 24, works as an Erasmus guide at the University of Sevilla.  This has proved incredibly helpful for
me as far as understanding Spanish. 
He is extremely knowledgeable about common language mistakes and has
corrected me countless times, helping me to correct bad habits.  His English is roughly the level of my
Spanish, although we do not speak English unless he inquires about a phrase
that he heard from an Erasmus student. 
In addition, he works weekends/holidays at OpenCor, a Walgreens-like
establishment.  He plays the
trombone extremely well, and is in a band that has the honor of playing during
Semana Santa, Spain’s version of Easter week, when all of Spain takes to the
streets for a weeklong celebration. 

York Community High School


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Alejandro is 19 and has
just started taking classes at the University.  He is a bit more withdrawn than Dani.  As a result, we have not spent nearly
as much time together as Dani and I have. 
However, he has a passion for fútbol and is very knowledgeable about La
Liga, educating me in fútbol terminology and occasionally exposing me to the underground
Spanish music scene.  

York Community High School


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In parallel with all
Spaniards, both Dani and Ale love American television.  They are particularly fond of “Walking
Dead.”  The producers did a fairly
good job modifying the language for Spanish viewers.  I justify my watching an episode each week by choosing to watch
it in Castillan Spanish.

¡Hasta luego!


Relay for Life

This past weekend I participated in Hope College’s annual
Relay for Life event for the first time. Students from different groups around campus come
together in teams to raise awareness and money for cancer. Along with ten other
girls (three of them my roommates), we stayed up all night walking, playing
games, dancing, and having a blast!

a college, Hope was able to raise over $45,000. It’s exciting to know that we
made a small contribution in helping those who have cancer or will have cancer.
The team that I participated on actually came in third place for the most money
raised, thanks to our great team captain, Hilary (also one of my roommates).

Relay for Life is centered on a very serious topic, the committee in charge
knows how to help students have fun. Every team has a campsite to set up and
decorate. We didn’t decorate our campsite but we did furnish it with pillows,
blankets, lawn chairs, and a coffee table. When we weren’t walking on the track
we all played games or chatted around the coffee table.

the end of the night (or morning), I calculated how far I walked in twelve
hours. Ready for this? I walked 35 miles!! When Relay was over I didn’t really
think about how sore I would be, but let me assure you, when I attempted to
climb onto the top bunk a few minutes later, I realized that walking 35 miles
does have a down side.

for those of you who are considering Hope or already attend Hope and are
looking for an activity to get involved with, I highly suggest Relay for Life. 

Things I’m Excited for this Season

It’s starting to get a little chilly here in Holland! Just
this weekend it was about 70 degrees—then a day later we saw it snow. With this
drop in temperature, it only means one thing: the holiday seasons are
approaching! Here is a list of things that I’m excited for during the coming

1. Snow sports—since we’re in Michigan, snow can be very abundant,
which means there is plenty of snow to go skiing, snowboarding and tubing on.
I’ve personally had little exposure to these snow sports because I never really
went to the mountains very much in California—a good snow resort is about 8
hours from my house, plus the cost of rental equipment paired with my lack of
skiing/snowboarding skills, means that I rarely got to experience snow very
much and the activities that go along with it. However, now that I live in
Michigan during school, I’m able to actually go sledding, tubing and even this
past weekend I went with some friends to The Edge to go ice-skating. Coming
from someone with a serious lack of skating ability, I had such a good time and
loved watching people have a blast as well! Hopefully, I’ll be able to try some skiing this year and go sledding some more!

2. A serious need for warmth—whether it’s pulling out the
classy grandma, holiday sweaters or just bundling up in a huge jacket, it’s the
time of year everyone needs warmth, especially internal warmth through hot
beverages. That’s right, it’s time for hot chocolate and hot apple cider! I
can’t wait for it to start getting even colder and going to JP’s or
Lemonjello’s and getting a hot drink and watching it snow outside. For me, it
never got too cold in California, so having hot chocolate was never that
satisfying, but when you are actually freezing your butt off, it truly hits the

3. Holiday music—no longer are people listening to summer jams,
but the radio stations have started playing holiday music, especially Christmas
music—it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! Despite how early this music is playing,
it puts everybody in such a good mood and makes people excited about Christmas
and going home. What’s so great is
that music is pretty universal, but people in California cannot relate to some
songs, especially Christmas ones, as much as people in the Midwest can. For
example, it’s more difficult to relate to the song “Frosty the Snowman” because
there’s no snow. However, we could relate to “Timmy the Tumbleweed” (ok, I just
made that up, but I think you get the idea that California people can’t
completely relate to Christmas music). Regardless of location, any holiday music puts a smile on my face 🙂

4. Holiday food—no other time of the year can you justifiably
have pumpkin pie, a huge turkey, stuffing, green beans and whatever else unless
it’s Thanksgiving time. Nor could you get away with eating candy cane cookies,
sugar cookies of Santa’s face, or rich, chocolate fudge unless it’s Christmas
time. That’s why I love the food during these next few months because you only
get this food once a year and it’s so tasty that you end up eating like fifty
pounds of it. Although you could eat these items any time of year, they truly
don’t taste as good unless it’s that time of year. Back at home, my mom makes
THE BEST candy cane cookies, Crinkle cookies, fudge, and things called “Crunchy
Bars.” The day when she whips out her oven mitts and starts making the dough,
my brother and I freak out because we know what good food is coming!

5. Family and friends—being so far from home, I rarely get to
see friends or family during the school year. However, during Thanksgiving and
Christmas, I finally get to see everyone again since I left for school in
August. This year, my parents are flying into Michigan and my brother is taking
the train from Chicago and we’re all having Thanksgiving here in Holland. I’m
so excited, and what’s even better is that we’ll all be home only a few weeks
after Thanksgiving, which means I can see friends again. Along with going home
for winter vacation, there is absolutely no homework to be done during the
break, which is the best thing ever after being stressed about finals and

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All in all, I’d have to say that these next few months are
the absolute best in the year because everything is changing and people are in
high spirits! These are just a few things that I’m looking forward to in the
upcoming weeks, so if there’s anything you look forward to, leave a comment!
Otherwise, that’s all I have for this week! Don’t forget to follow me on
Twitter @hopeleslie15.