The Five People You Meet at Hope

Throughout my two years (!!!) at Hope, I have had the great blessing of meeting all sorts of people from a variety of backgrounds. However, it didn’t take long for me to notice that there some characteristics that several Hope students seem to have. Keep in mind that not all students fit into these categories and some students may be in more than one!

Type one: The Renaissance Man/Woman

Because Hope is a liberal arts school, it gives students the benefit of exploring many different subject areas and having the ability to not only have a major, but a minor, and double major, and even a triple major! Meet Nicki Hames. My lovable roommate from freshman year is using her college years to earn complete double majors in psychology and sociology, and has loads of extra credits from other departments. She is the perfect example of someone who is making the most of her classroom time!

Type Two: The Martha Stewart

I don’t know about all of you, but none of my friends in high school ever crafted. So I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when I came to Hope and met so many people crafted all the time. And they didn’t make mediocre stuff either; some of the things I have seen put Pinterest and even Martha herself to shame. Meet Kelly Pierce. To all of her friends, she is known as the crafting queen. She started crafting seriously her senior year of high school and gets motivation to craft from seeing things in stores and recreating them at the fraction of the cost. Check out some of Kelly’s handiwork!

Type 3: The Always Involved

This might be a little self-indulgent, but this is me all the way. With the many different clubs that Hope has, it can be hard to not get involved. However, I think I may have gone a little overboard. My activities this year include being in the Kappa Beta Phi sorority, vice president of the Black Student Union, Ballet club, Hope Democrats, being a student blogger, Nykerk, and CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ). How I do it all? I have no idea.  

Type 4: The Giver

Hope’s Reformed Church affiliation naturally attracts students of the Christian faith who have had all kinds of extraordinary experiences through their churches. One common experience that many students share is a mission trip, or in this case, multiple mission trips. Meet Melissa Pace. She has been on mission trips to Iquitos, Peru, La Carpio, Costa Rica, and Detroit. From all of the trips, Melissa has learned the importance of being grateful for life’s blessings, though they may not all seem like blessings. In particular, she took away  the gift of a good education, and wants to use her education at Hope to help give more opportunities to those in need. 

Type 5: The Dew Crew Fanatic

A long standing student activity at Hope is to join the student section of the basketball games, otherwise known as the Dew Crew. Some people only casually attend the games, but these people go all out, sporting impossible-to-miss orange shirts and chanting encouragement to the players. Though you may never become one, you are bound to befriend one. Meet Destini Pulido. A freshman and avid Dew Crewer, she loves being a part of anything that supports school spirit. She has also enjoyed meeting some of her best friends at the games and being a link in the chain of the crazed fan section.

Of course, these categories aren’t two dimensional; there is more to everyone than a label, and there are people at Hope who may not fit into one of the categories described here. 

Hope people: do you agree or disagree with the five types of people? High school seniors: which type of person are you most excited to meet? Tweet me or leave a comment!


Oh, Just a Little Drizzle

Hey everybody! So as you have seen (if you live in
Michigan), we got hit with quite a few days of rain, which is sometimes a
bummer, but at least it isn’t snow! With the coming of rain comes the saying
“Spring showers brings May flowers.” After these few days, we must have some
pretty awesome flowers coming our way. Although some people get bummed about
rain and that everybody gets wet, I believe you have to just choose your
attitude about it.

Just the other day, I had an Ultimate Frisbee game and it
was raining so hard that the Astroturf was flooded and I was honestly soaked
three minutes into the game… you would think they would cancel the game, but I
guess not. Tonight I have another game, so I’m now prepared to being drenched
for a good hour or so, but it just makes it so much more fun! If you’re one of
those people who absolutely despise rain, here is a list of things that I like
to do when it’s super gloomy out:

  1. -font-family:auto;
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    {page:Section1Watch a movie or a marathon of your favorite show (if you
    don’t have a load of homework that needs to be done)
  2. Play a board game like Apples to Apples with some friends
  3. Make something warm to eat like Mac & Cheese
  4. Run or walk in the rain… who cares if your hair or makeup
    gets ruined? You’re out to have some fun!
  5. Read a book or magazine
  6. Do a craft such as making a bracelet or decorating your
    room. Some of my friends like making puffy, paper balls that they hang from
    their ceiling or putting up lights
  7. Learn how to play a song on the piano or guitar–convince a friend to teach you if you have no idea how to play
  8. TAKE A NAP! I think everybody could use a little more sleep
  9. Spend a ridiculous amount of time watching YouTube videos or
    going on Facebook
  10. When all else fails, do some homework and get ahead in one
    of your classes so you don’t have to stress about it later

That’s about all I have to say about this rain that we are
having. I hope you all keep yourselves occupied, dry an in good spirits even if
you don’t like this weather. If any of you are going to Admitted Students Day
on April 13th, come to DeVos and meet with me and my fellow student
bloggers and we can answer any questions you may have about Hope! Don’t forget
to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

Fun-filled weekend!

Hello Everyone!

I’m writing this blog while sipping my favorite latté from
JP’s, the coffee shop located downtown right next to campus. It has been
raining all day so it is nice to escape the weather and sit inside a cozy
coffee shop with some friends. I really enjoy studying in coffee shops because
the atmosphere is welcoming, tranquil, and studious. I needed to come here
today to catch up on homework from the weekend.

My parents came to visit me this weekend, and I loved
spending time with them. On Friday they took Matthias and I out to dinner at 84
East, located downtown. We ate a great meal together and after we ate Matthias
and I headed to Evergreen Commons, a senior living facility in Holland, to
enjoy Moonlight Serenade. Moonlight Serenade is a dance put on by Volunteer
Services, and it is a dance for Hope students and the elderly people living at
Evergreens Commons to attend. This event is one of my most favorite events of
the year to attend. We dance to oldies music, and they have someone on stage teach
us line dances.

After the dance, we headed to the talent show at Hope. This
was Hope’s first ever talent show, and the acts were amazing! I could not
believe how talented all the acts were. My parents really enjoyed the show and
wished they could have seen more acts. I hope that Hope continues with the
talent show in the future. The first-place winner received free books from the
bookstore for the next semester. After the talent show, I ended the night with playing some euchre with friends and
enjoying a late night Taco Bell run.

On Saturday morning my parents took Ali, Steph, and I out to
eat at DeBoer’s, my all-time favorite place to eat in Holland. We enjoyed some
great food and enjoyed each other’s company. Later in the day I took my parents
to Biggby and was able to catch up with them and talk about future plans. I
really love my parents and value their insight and advice.

After Biggby, Steph, Matthias, and I played soccer with my
dog and ran around with him. I always miss my dog and love spending time with
him. My parents offered to take my house out for dinner on Saturday night, so we
ate out and then went to Captain Sundae afterward for dessert.

On Sunday morning I went to church with my parents and ate
our last meal together at Alpinerose for their Sunday brunch buffet. The food
was incredible and I was stuffed for the rest of the day! In the afternoon my
parents attended the Mortar Board induction ceremony and then headed home. It
was great to spend time with my parents and enjoy their company. I had an
awesome weekend with them and can’t wait to see them again at the end of the


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Have a great week!

Spring Break Memories

This past Spring Break, I had one of the most incredible experiences of my life. As you may have read in one of my previous posts, I was blessed with the opportunity to lead an immersion trip to East Palo Alto, California. Describing the entire trip would take me many, many blog posts, so instead I have decided to highlight a few key moments:

The High School Retreat

As soon as we got off the plane in San Francisco, we were driven to Mission Springs, a Christian camp and conference center in Scotts Valley, CA, to go on a retreat with a group of high schoolers. We had a bit of an idea as to what the weekend would look like, but most of what occurred was a surprise to us. The retreat ended up being one of my favorite parts of the trip because of the students we got to meet. They didn’t come from the best situations; during a testimony-sharing portion of the retreat, some students revealed that they had been pressured by family and friends to join gangs or sell drugs. After getting to know them, it was almost hard to believe that they had rough lives because of all the joy and passion they have for life. The students inspired me, and the rest of the group, to find happiness amidst the chaos of life. The campsite itself was phenomenal. It was in the middle of the woods, and we were lucky enough to take a hike to the highest point. The view is something I will never forget!

Visiting Schools

Since our trip was education focused, we did a lot of work with a Christian youth ministry service, Bayshore Christian Ministries, as well as learning about the educational environment around East Palo Alto and in the United States. One particular day, we visited a magnet school in the area, and on another we visited a public K-8 school. The difference between the two was astonishing. The students at the magnet school had all the supplies/equipment that they needed to provide a quality education for their students. The public school lacked severely in funds to the point where it did not have enough money to provide balls for the kids to play with during recess. It was heartbreaking to learn the statistics of the 600 kids that attend the public school: 100% of the students come from low-income households; 75% are not at grade-level reading or writing; 50% are homeless. With statistics like those, it is no wonder that the school is in the bottom 20% of schools in California. The two schools were perfect examples of how education across the country is very unequal. As a future teacher, this infuriates me, and motivates me to be the best teacher I can possibly be so I can provide a great education for my students.

San Francisco Adventures

East Palo Alto is about 30 minutes away from San Francisco, so we spent one day exploring the city and surrounding area. Our first stop was the Muir Woods, a national park in Mill Valley. The trees in the park are Redwoods, so they are ridiculously tall. The beauty in the park was amazing and a reminder to me of just how beautifully God made this earth. After the park, our group split up into smaller groups and we tackled San Fran separately. My group went to Lombard Street, the curviest road in America, Fisherman’s Wharf, Haight Ashbury, the birthplace of the counter-culture movement in the 60s, and even saw a TV show being filmed! Take a look at the pictures!

All in all, the immersion trip was one of the best experiences of my life. I would encourage anyone reading this to think about going on an immersion trip next year. If you have any questions about my trip, feel free to ask! For a different perspective on the trip, check out Steve’s post!


What? So soon?

The other day I was looking on the KnowHope website and
stubbled across an informational seminar bulletin about writing and preparing
graduate school essays. I thought to myself, “Hmm, I should probably go to that
and get a feel of what I’ll have to work on down the line.” Therefore, I went
to the meeting and came out of it a little stressed. The meeting was super
helpful but it made me think that I’m halfway done with my time at Hope. I
definitely still feel like a freshman because of my awkward encounters and
stupid mistakes once in a while, but realizing that I’m now 20 and will have to
apply for graduate school in about 2 years scares me to death. How could I
already be thinking about applying to graduate school already? Time is going by
way too fast for my liking! There so many things I have to do: take a butt load
of classes (not easy ones, I might add), take the GRE test, complete my
internship for Exercise Science, study abroad, look up requirements for
graduate schools, do the applications and on top of that, make myself stand out
from the norm through my essays. Now if that isn’t overwhelming, I don’t know
what is. If you are wondering what kinds of things this meeting taught me or if
you want some little tips about writing creative essays for graduate school,
here you go:

  1. variable;
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    {page:Section1;}Pay close attention to the rubric/prompt–this requires looking up essay prompts from various graduate schools
  2. Tell stories about yourself that relate to the field of interest you are pursuing
  3. Show, don’t tell
  4. Avoid “to be” verbs and write in the active voice
  5. First person–this is the time when you have to brag about yourself and your accomplishments
  6. Don’t go off on tangents
  7. Avoid what’s listed elsewhere–if you talk about a certain leadership role in part of your application, there’s no need to bring it up again
  8. Avoid saying what “anyone” could say–make yourself stand out and don’t be cliche
  9. Mechanics–be mindful of the word or page limit on the essay or personal statements
  10. Other eyes–have the CWR (Center for Writing & Research), friends or professors read over your work and make sure they criticize and give concrete suggestions

Some of these tips are common sense, but are often
overlooked, so being mindful of techniques is important. The biggest point made
was to find some way to separate yourself from the crowd or else your
application will be overlooked and you may not get into your desired school.
Basically, in order to succeed beyond undergraduate school you need to take the
time to self-reflect on experiences that make you outshine others and prove you
are the perfect candidate for whatever you are applying for. I hope these tips
help because they allowed me to get an understanding of what I need to start
thinking about when my time to write graduate school essays approaches. Anyway,
have a great rest of your week and talk to you all next week!

 Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

Perks of being a Junior

Hey Everyone!

I hope your weeks are going well. As the school year is beginning to wind down with only four more weeks left of classes, I thought I would write about some things I have enjoyed about being a junior. I remember in high school that junior year was definitely my least favorite and hardest year because of my difficult classes and the ACT. However, I have found my junior year at Hope quite enjoyable and here are some of my reasons:

  1. Living in a cottage has been a total blast with 7 of my closest friends.
  2. Knowing more people on campus.
  3. Finally knowing my major and taking more courses that concentrate on my major. This has also allowed me to become closer with my professors because I have taken multiple classes with them and frequently stop by their offices.
  4. Many juniors study abroad.
  5. More dining options. Juniors can eat in Phelps, Cook, or use their meal plan at the Kletz.
  6. Not everyone is asking you what you plan do do after graduation… YET.
  7. You have closer relationships with friends because you have been able to get to know them better. 
  8. Register for classes early. No more worrying of your classes being filled, because you get to pick yours first.
  9. Hosting dinner parties and game/movie nights in your cottage.
  10. Normally you have figured out which extracurricular activities you are going to devote your time.
  11. Nursing students are able to do clinicals as juniors and apply what they have learned from the classroom. 

Junior year may or may not be coming up for you, but just know that somewhere down the road that it is a great stage of life. I feel established in where I belong at Hope and am excited for the journey that still lies ahead.

Have a great week!

So great to be home!

I’m home! Finally. It’s been since Christmas break. I made the drive to come to Springfield on Thursday afternoon with Matthias. The drive was uneventful and the second you drive past Chicago you see only corn fields for the last three hours. When I pulled into the driveway my dog Nestle greeted me at my car door. I brought in two big bags of laundry and my mom kindly volunteered to do all of it. I unloaded my bags and walked up to my bedroom where my high school memories are hung up on the blue and green walls. I looked out my huge window to see the beautiful golf course and pond by my house. I even stared at my 6-year-old goldfish, Lucky, for awhile. It felt so good to be back in my room and to jump on my comfy bed. Matthias and I waited downstairs while my dad prepared dinner for us. He brought it down and we all watched Ohio State defeat Arizona while eating dinner. We basically just lounged around in the Lazy Boy chairs all evening watching March Madness. It felt so good to relax and enjoy some great basketball games. 

Yesterday morning I woke up without an alarm and slowly made my way out of bed. When I walked down to the den everybody was already enjoying some breakfast. My mom brought me some coffee, and we all chatted awhile together. A little later I made some blueberry pancakes for everyone. I love to make blueberry pancakes and enjoy eating them with my family at the kitchen table. In the afternoon, Matthias and I did some shopping together. Later, I met up with my friend from high school and we ran 6 miles on the bike trail. I absolutely love running on the Springfield bike trail. It is so beautiful to look at the trees, Lake Springfield, bridges, and golf course while running. The time always flies by when I run there, and it was great to catch up with Courtney again.

On Friday evening we went out to dinner with my family and then ate at a frozen yogurt place for dessert. We arrived to church just in time for the Good Friday service. I really enjoyed the service and it was nice to see familiar families at church. I love coming home and seeing family and friends. My parents have been awesome and have made me feel at home.  

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend!

A week to remember

Spring Break 2013 was a week I will never forget. I spent the week in Juarez, Mexico with 6 people from Hope and 9 people from my home church in Springfield, IL. I have been to Juarez, Mexico over 50 times. I stopped keeping track a couple years ago. My family and I have been working with the people there since 2000. In 2008 my dad started a non-profit organization there called Amigos en Cristo. Last year during Spring Break a group of Hope students went to Juarez and worked at an orphanage that partners with Amigos en Cristo. This year we worked at the same orphanage and also at one of the Amigos en Cristo’s community centers where we built a classroom. 

When our group wasn’t busy working on a project or busy painting, there were definitely plenty of kids around who wanted to play. We played a lot of soccer! Our typical day consisted of waking up bright and early and leaving for the job site at 8 AM. We did various work jobs and played with the kids as well. For lunch some of the cooks at one of the community centers would cook us a delicious lunch, and then we would continue on with our work until about 6 PM. After work, we would head to the other Amigo’s en Cristo’s community center and have dinner together. We also used this time to reflect on our day, sing songs in English and Spanish, and hear a testimony of someone working with Amigos en Cristo. All of the people had incredible testimonies and it was great to hear about how God is working in Juarez.

Once we finished up at the community center we would come back to the mission training center where we slept every night. However before we could shower and get ready for bed, the Hope students normally played some soccer in the streets with the neighborhood kids. We would start out with just a couple of children and then more and more would come to check out the fun. We would laugh and run around and have a good time with everyone. Even though there was a language barrier for some of the people on the trip we still had a good time. 

I am already excited to go back next year with another group form Hope. God is working in so many lives there! Every time when I come back to my nice warm, safe, clean house where I have a warm bed, clean running water, electricity, and so much more it always reminds me to be thankful. God has truly blessed me, and he has always blessed the people living in poverty in Juarez, Mexico just in a different way. God can work in any environment  I am thankful for such an incredible trip with so many great people. I look forward to hear about the progress in Juarez at the community centers and orphanages. 

Seeking Spring Semester Sanity

Well prospies, spring semester will always get you. It’s the busiest, shortest, most fun, but most stressful time of year. With breaks every few weeks, it never feels like your in class for long. Tests creep up on you super fast and you NEVER have the long, relaxing experience of fall semester, though both the same length of time.

As busy as we all are, it means a lot of things are happening. Decisions are being made, committees are meeting, and progress is in the air. Here are a few cool things that have happened lately at Hope:

When it comes to choosing a major, you should engage with things that
you care about, that interest you and that will produce your strongest

In other news, my friends have been going crazy in efforts to maintain our scholarly statuses and sanity. We have taken to doing absurd amounts of homework until late at night and rising early for breakfast. Though we struggle to maintain this routine of happy, early, college students (breaking norms are never ok), here is a photo of us in our prime, enjoying the atmosphere in the Cup and Chaucer before our 8:30 AM class.

In our spare time, of course, we keep ourselves occupied. Marvin and I recently designed our Halloween costumes for next year. He’s on the left, dressed as the rough endoplasmic reticulum and I on the right as a mitochondria. We also took all the food in our dorm rooms and checked it all out on the app Fooducate to see how unhealthy we are… Believe me, we are unhealthy.

…Ok… maybe we spend too much time studying the sciences.

Last but not least, I went home and worked (and studied a lot) all of spring break. I got to see my puppy, made a bit of cash to pay for school, and of course… studied orgo.

Questions, comments, concerns? Want to go out to coffee when you’re visiting? Want to see my research lab or meet a professor? I’ll get you in touch. Contact me at or @hopeamanda15 on twitter ;).

Hanging out in SoCal

Hey everyone! So it’s our first week back from Spring Break,
so I thought I would share what I did for the past week.
First of all, I was able to fly home to Southern California and escape the cold
for a few days, which was super nice! When I got home, all I did for the first
two days was just sit around and relax with my parents and eat some good
home-cooked food and dessert. Little did I know, that was going to be the only
days where I could actually sit down and relax because the rest of the week was
pretty stressful and full of activity.

One of the main reasons I went home was to apply for jobs
for the summer, so for the next three days I was applying all over the place, which
is stressful and frustrating at times. Besides that, I had a CPR certification
class on Tuesday that was scheduled to last four hours. Yikes, right? Well,
when I got there, the instructor said that the class was only going to be about
two hours, which was a nice little surprise. I learned basic compressions and
air mask techniques on infants, teens, and adults as well as having to practice
these techniques and taking a cumulative test at the end of the course.
Although it was a bummer that it was on a Tuesday night, I actually learned a
lot and had a good time learning everything, so the time flew by. Plus, now I can save a life!

On Wednesday, my mom was able to take the day off of work so we went
shopping and finally saw Les Miserables. This movie was amazing and I know it has won awards but in
my opinion, it could have been a little shorter. However, I give a lot of
credit for all of the actors who were able to sing all of the songs on top of
the acting. I have to admit that I was really impressed with that aspect of the

Thursday and Friday is when my break got really fun. For
instance, my mom surprised me and took me to get a massage at a spa. I had
never had one prior, so the whole process was new to me, but it was SO much
fun! I’m pretty sure I ended up drooling while the masseuse was massaging my
back because it felt that good! On Friday, my friend Melissa and I were able to hang
out together because our breaks only overlapped by one day. We decided it would be fun to
go for a hike at a place called Peter’s Canyon and then go back to her house
and just hang out outside because we both need to embrace as much sun and
warmth as possible. Later that night, we drove around in her car and got some
frozen yogurt at a popular place called Yogurtland. Let me just say that going
there topped off the whole day! Other than that, I just hung out with my
parents and just enjoyed the last few hours of relaxation that I could before I
had to leave for the airport at 6 AM the next morning. Anyway, I hope everybody
had a great break, but now we are in the final stretch until summer!!!! Talk you to all next week.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.