The Week Before Thanksgiving: Lots of Food and Christmas Lights

The first snow of the season has arrived in Holland, outlining the branches of every tree, and turning the dirt expanse where Nykerk once stood into a bright white blanket. Our door is ready for Christmas. Wrapping paper has gone up, the garland lines the doorway, and our mini tree has mini present boxes tucked beneath …

Hope Relays and Prays.

There are so many things in this life that are out of our control. Two situations that have been central to this weekend: When a mind-numbing tragedy befalls innocent people. When the doctor delivers that diagnosis no one ever wants to hear: cancer. This weekend, Hope College held its annual Relay for Life event in …

Long Distance Relationships Can Work

Living proof of a lasting long distance relationship is that of Hope College and Meiji Gakuin University in Japan. This month Hope is celebrating the 50 years old exchange program. President Udono of Meiji Gakuin spoke at Chapel last Wednesday about the ties between our colleges and their common founding in the Christian faith. President …

Throwback Thursday: SUNDOG 1981 Edition

When I say SUNDOG, what do you picture? Personally, I see some sort of sun salutation/upward dog yoga pose combo or a happy dog sprawled out in a patch of sunlight shining through the window. Imagine my surprise when I opened up KnowHope, saw the ad saying, “Career Center Trivia Night in Phelps, SUNDOG view,” and …

10 Fall Things Every Hope College Student Should Do

There’s no particular order, but you should do all of these things at least once during your fall semesters as a Hope student. It’ll be fun. Trust me. 1. Make a leaf pile and jump in it too. 2. Go cheer on your peers at all the sporting events. Even if you are not a …

Midterm Thoughts

It’s the Sunday night before midterm week. No one feels like getting anything done, but papers are due tomorrow and exams are looming ahead and pre-labs and readings and writing workshops—all the usual work—are piled up on the floor next to where you’re watching your hall mate slide down the stairs penguin style.   Others …

Major Life Decisions: Choosing Friends

Last week my friends and I took a major step forward in our relationship – we got fish together. It all began with a trip to Meijer. We stood before the wall of glass tanks filled with colorful fish contemplating who we wanted to take home as our new friends. We made sure to be …

Fall Break: Pittsburgh Style

This Fall Break I had the privilege of introducing my best friend, Ashley, to my hometown: Pittsburgh. On Friday after class we set off and left campus behind us for a few days of fun times with my family. We arrived at my house in Wexford (a suburb just north of Pittsburgh) around 9:45 p.m. …

A Day in the Life of a Hope College Squirrel.

Has it ever crossed your mind what it might be like to be a squirrel, not just any squirrel, but the quintessential, Hope College squirrel? I may have thought about it once or twice…   “Code Red! Code Orange! Code Yellow!” “There goes Barry again,” I said. “Well, he does have a point, Greg,” Brenda …

Creating Quotations, Collecting Memories.

I spent a portion of my Tuesday morning creating a new Quotation Wall for my home, VV3, the third floor of Van Vleck Hall.   While it might be true that I could have spent that time doing homework, I concluded that the new Quotation Wall was on the same level of importance to my success as …