SPS this Week

SPS will meet at the usual time this week on Wednesday, October 26 from 4:30 to 5:30 in Vanderwerf 102. Problem of the Week Dr. Matt Scientist, acclaimed owner of the Impossible Object Factory (or the IOF for short) is performing tests on his newest creation, the Frictionless Table With A Small Hole In The …

SPS this Week

There will be no SPS meeting this week. This Day in Physics 1879 October 9: Max von Laue, German physicist is born. 1968 October 11: Apollo 7, with three men aboard, is successfully launched from Cape Kennedy. 2000 October 11: NASA launches its 100th Space Shuttle mission. 1964 October 12: USSR launches Voskhod I, first …

SPS Seminar – Summer research

SPS Seminar Friday, October 14 3 pm VW 104 Anna Lunderberg Exploring the Effects of Copper on Composition and Charge Storage of Prussian Blue Analogue Pseudocapacitors As energy usage has increased in recent years, there has been great demand for efficient, cost-effective, and earth-abundant materials to be used for energy storage. The ability to produce …

SPS this Week

SPS will meet at 4:30 to 5:30 on Wednesday, October 6th this week in VanderWerf 102. This Week in Physics October 2 1909: Orville Wright sets an altitude record, flying at 1,600 feet. This exceeded Hubert Latham’s previous record of 508 feet. October 3 1985: The Space Shuttle Atlantis makes its maiden flight. October 4 …

SPS Weekly Update

SPS this Week Next meeting:    Wednesday 9/27 VW102 4:30-5:30. Events: Movie night – The Martian. Meet for dinner at 5:00 at Phelps. Walk over to VW102 for the movie after dinner. Physics Seminar at 3:00pm in VanderWerf Hall 104 – Learn about STEM opportunities in Philadelphia from Dr. Annie Dandavadi, the director of the Philadelphia Center. …