Me voy para Ecuador

For weeks, I knew that the hardest thing about leaving for Ecuador would be the goodbyes. My mom is very emotional (and so am I), so there was no way to escape the waterworks as I departed from the airport on my way to Quito. The Mexican culture is very familial, and my family is, …

~Otavalo Market~

It is impossible to visit Ecuador without also visiting the indigenous markets at Otavalo. Every Saturday, without fail, the streets are filled with indigenous men and women selling every article of clothing and fruit imaginable. Shouts of “amiga, compra esa” “chica, chica” “agua de coco, agua de coco” can be heard throughout the streets. The …


Well, it’s taken a few days but I think I am finally beginning to adjust to living in Ecuador. My last couple of days have been jam packed with orientation and exploring, of both Quito and Cumbayá, and I am loving every minute of it. I flew into Quito last Saturday and I met some …