Off-Campus Study

Chapter 9: a day in the life

song: walking on sunshine

Hi all!

Today I am walking you through a day in my life as a study abroad student in Barcelona, Spain. 

Since it’s Monday, I wake up around 8:00 am to get ready then leave for the train station at 8:45 am. Then, I board the train to take me to the IES center for my 9:30 am class. After my 11:15 am class, I find a local spot for lunch with friends. We typically opt for tacos or pasta. Then we scramble to our 2:30 pm class, tired and full. Around 5 pm, Tia and I head to Carrefour to do our weekly grocery shopping. Quick tip: pick your favorite grocery store chain, stick to it, and buy a rewards card – you’ll save so much money. Once our shopping is done, we board the train back to our residential hall to store everything.

After a quick snack, we take the elevator back down to the lobby to leave the building and explore the streets of Barcelona. We try to find something new to explore at least three times a week. Some of our favorite adventures were Park Güell and Encants Barcelona, which is this huge flea market filled with unique trinkets – from jewelry to handmade soaps to VHS films.

Here are some tips for life in Barcelona:

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