Quote of the week: “Justice too long delayed is justice denied.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
Becoming more familiar with a place makes everything feel so much better. From being more comfortable with the normal things in a city and also realizing that some things, RTD (Regional Transportation District), does not always work the way you want it to. It also means that there are a lot of new foods and restaurants to try because some things are not in Michigan.
Something that happens every year in Denver is the National Stock Show. If you have ever been to a county fair, it is similar to that but a thousand times bigger. If you have not been to a county fair, imagine cows and goats in a big building where you can walk around and look at them with people shaving, cleaning, and practicing standing in one position with their animal. The one thing that is very different is that they have rodeos, which includes real life bull riding! But, it is definitely not the cheapest thing to get tickets to, so we looked at pictures but did not get to see it in real life.
There are also hundreds of booths set up for different sellers and creators to sell their work, it is a random assortment of western things. From truck companies to people selling sunglasses, cowboy hats, jeans, and super fancy furniture. To be honest, if you picture the stereotype of cowboys, that is pretty accurate of what everyone was wearing which was super cool.
We did get to see a NRCHA Reigned Cow Horse Show Bridle Feature which was pretty cool. Real cowboys who work on ranches are given an unfamiliar cow to lead in certain patterns around the ring to get the most points for cleanliness in their maneuvers.
This was also when we discovered that RTD late at night does not stop in as many places which means you have to walk farther in the dark. It also does not stop at all of the stops. So, something to be aware of if you ever want to take a trip on RTD in Denver.
So, most people have heard of New York style pizza and Chicago style pizza. But have you ever heard of mountain pies? Or Colorado pizza? It is an interesting type of pizza, the only way to describe is a bread bowl crust with very little toppings or sauce. The crust is really good though.
One of the super cool places near Denver is the grave of Buffalo Bill, and around it is a hiking trail that goes up farther into the mountains. A bunch of us went on a hike together on Saturday through the trail. One thing that a lot of the locals keep saying is how surprising it is that there is still snow and ice all over the ground making the trails like an ice rink. Apparently, it normally melts really quick and makes it easier to hike. But we dealt with the ice and practically slid down the mountain after struggling to climb up it.
A lot of new experiences and times to learn this week.
Thanks for reading, until next time,
Aurora Franzon 2024