Off-Campus Study

Adjustment and Grace

It has now been three weeks since I moved to Chicago, and overall it has been an amazing experience. I am finally used to riding the trains, and feel comfortable getting to and from my internship as well as my classes. One of the things that I have struggled with the most these past few weeks is giving myself grace in figuring out a new city, as well as having the motivation to get out of my apartment during the week when I am working virtually. It has been hard to adjust to how fast paced life in the city is, and I am constantly exhausted no matter how much sleep I get.

Hopsmith Tacos!
Hopsmith Tacos!

On a more positive note, I turned 21 just last week and it was really fun to celebrate with all my new friends in the city. I love how aware people here are of COVID and COVID policies, and that brings a sense of security whenever going somewhere out in public. When it comes to food, Libby and I just recently went to Hopsmith (a local bar) to try their tacos. 10/10 decision if you like spicy food, and they were cheap compared to a lot of Chicago prices. I also got to visit two museums this week, the Museum of Contemporary Photography and the Museum of Contemporary Art, and both were amazing. One of my favorite things about Chicago is how motivated people are to make a change when it comes to social issues, and both museums were very moving and definitely worth checking out. 

Museum of Contemporary Art
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