Off-Campus Study

Veritas Open House Day!!

On Thursday, September 19, Veritas celebrated its second annual Open House Day. This day was the official “Welcome Back” party and fundraiser for the students involved in the Kindergarten and the after-school Kid’s Club and Teen’s Club programs. There were lots of games for the children to play, and there were even fun activities for the adults that visited. The cost of participation in the activities and games ranged from 50 cents to 5 dollars, which was fairly cheap considering we offered stations for haircuts, manicures, clothes and crafts for purchase, face painting, hair braiding, bracelet making, games with stuffed animal prizes, a puppet show, a photo station with picture frame making, jewelry making, a few concession stands, and balloon animal making (which I was in charge of)!!!
Livu (the clown) is the head of the after school Teen’s Club program at Veritas and is also one of my supervisors for my field placement. In the above picture, he is presenting to me one of the flowers that I actually made!! I’m pretty much a balloon animal/object making professional now. 😉

The day started at 10 am and ended around 7 pm, and it was a huge success! Over 100 children visited throughout the day, and we even had two teachers from local elementary schools bring their students to participate in order to show their support for Veritas. We raised almost $800 through the donations, games, and activities, which was a blessing because the Veritas Family Center is currently undergoing construction for expansion. The day was also a great way to get the community involved and inform them about what is happening at Veritas and how they can become involved.

Jill and I (top left) each had bugs painted on our noses. Darbi and Jill (top right) proudly displaying a small fraction of the balloons we had to blow up for each child to take home. And Jill (bottom right) proudly advertising the creativity of one of the girls from the Teen Club.
Adela (center front) is the director’s assistant for the Romanian Studies Program, a law student, my friend, and a translator (among many many other things) and is pictured here finishing the last face painting of the day. Meanwhile, pictured in the back from left to right, Lauren, myself, Darbi, Jill, and Sarah relax after the long day.

Overall, Veritas Open House Day was a huge success, and I am thankful that I was able to participate in the event! All of the Veritas programs (and my field placements) will officially begin on Monday, and I am excited to work with the elderly programs, the Teen’s Program, and to start my school visits! The days are busy and long, but after two weeks I am finally feeling as if I am making a bit of progress in establishing relationships and understanding where my place is here in Sighisoara!

O zi buna!!

Marga =)



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