Finding Our Way Together

Belonging, Understanding, and Grace are three key values the Hope community intends as trail markers to point the way toward a “vibrant, caring academic community where the Christian faith and the pursuit of knowledge intersect and where the full humanity of all may flourish.” (From the Hope College Christian Identity Statement) How do we practice them in our work lives together?

Checking in with the Culture Action Team

Welcome to a new series of blog posts about efforts to positively shape culture at Hope College. To begin, allow me to reintroduce you to the Culture Action Team. Formed in June of 2020, The Culture Action Team (CAT) is led by Sonja Trent-Brown. Within CAT, there are six individual teams: Processes and Policies: Defined …

If Luck is Your Love Language

“Remember, Dear, tomorrow is the new moon,” my better half said to me.  “It’s the start of Lunar New Year, so wheel out the trash tonight. All our luck will be thrown away if we wait til tomorrow.” The Lunar New Year festival is the same as celebrating Christmas, Thanksgiving, and everyone’s birthday rolled into …

Take care of yourself, ok?

Greetings Hope Community! I am writing to you as the team leader for the Public Events subgroup of the Culture Action Team.   Public events.   Yeah, that is about as daunting right now as it sounds. Our team has been meeting and thinking about ways that we can contribute to the culture on campus, writing …

Election Incident Report and Response

Dear Campus Community, As we enter the last week of a difficult election season there may be incidents of disrespect, microaggression, or hostile acts.  Unfortunately, we are anticipating and preparing for this because of incidents that happened after the 2016 election to Hope students by Hope and Holland community members. To be prepared to respond …

Will you join us?

Recently, we (Michelle Bombe and Jack Mulder) had a conversation about our experiences with the culture of Hope College and we want to share it with you.  We invite you to read these stories and consider our own invitation to you, which we offer below.  From Jack Mulder: Before being on the Culture Action Team, …