Thank you Business Services!

The Recognition and Appreciation Group acknowledges our Business Services Team as they have been working on creating a new Chart of Accounts to benefit financial reporting across all areas of the college. Our previous Chart of Accounts (COA H) was established in 1999 as a migration strategy to minimize potential Y2K glitches that might have …

Congrats to the 2024 Hope College Culture Champions!

On Friday, April 26, The Center for Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of Disability and Accessibility Resources and Culture and Inclusive Excellence co-hosted Hope College’s annual Diversity Awards Presentation. This year, the Culture Action Team awarded 10 individual Culture Champions as well as one team award. We are grateful for the work of the recipients …

Faculty and Staff Spirit Week!

Students wrap up their semester this week, but faculty and staff still have one more to go before we call it a year. Want to add some whimsy to that typically quiet week? Look no further than the faculty and staff Spirit Week! Started roughly 8 years ago, Spirit Week has held different iterations. It …

“Belonging Together” CAT Event

Written by Alexandra Lewis, Visitor Services Coordinator at the KAM I experienced belonging, understanding, and grace at the Culture Action Team’s (CAT) Belonging Together event at the Kruizenga (KAM) this past September.  As a staff person who is fairly new at Hope (celebrated my 1 year in Sept!), I can tell you firsthand how intimidating …