Join Our CDC Team!

  Looking for an awesome job that will develop you personally and professionally as you work alongside an amazing staff? Apply for a Career Advisor position at the Career Development Center! Current Career Advisors Jessica White and Stephanie Eiler write about their experiences working in the CDC: Jessica speaks to the CDC’s role in her …

New Year, New Career!

If you’re like most college students, your Christmas break was likely filled with family and friends who lovingly asked questions like “So, what are you studying? What can you do with that major? What are you going to do after college?” targeting some undetermined and sometimes frightening topics. They can cause you to stand there, …

Steps to a Successful Interview

How do you sell yourself to a company and answer difficult questions about yourself and your experiences? Interviews can be overwhelming, whether it’s for a full time job, internship, or on-campus role. However, interviews are also incredible opportunities to reflect on your strengths and unique abilities when applying your experiences to a given role. Most …

Meet our New Staff Members!

Here at the Hope College Career Development Center (CDC), we have a wonderful staff compiled of qualified individuals who are ready and willing to help you with any and all of your career exploration needs! This year, we have welcomed two new staff members to our CDC team. Their names are Megan Fisher and Shannon …

Getting Started with the Career Development Center!

Welcome to the Hope College Career Development Center Blog! This blogĀ is designed to help you as a Hope College student or graduateĀ learn more about all the Career Development Center (CDC) has to offer, from upcoming events, to tips for your career exploration process, and everything in between! What am I going to do with my …

Welcome to the Career Development Center!

Welcome to the Career Development Center’s blog! The purpose for this blog is to showcase the services of our office, as well as to give our readers a look into a different professional development topics every week. Our hope is that you will be connected to our office in new ways. We want to shed …