Student-Athlete Résumé Sessions

Are you a student-athlete and currently applying for internships or jobs? At the Boerigter Center, we want to help you set yourself apart from the competition. This semester we started to offer new group résumé sessions tailored to student-athletes. In fact, we kicked these sessions off by working with 90% of the football team by …


Here at the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career, we know that students are SO excited about résumés! And they definitely have extra free time to write and perfect those important documents. Right? Some of you may have a drafted version of a résumé stored somewhere within the endless documents on your computer. Maybe you need to …

Get in a Group: Sessions to Help You Navigate Calling and Career

Centered in connecting, Boerigter strives to meet with every student across campus. In this mindset, we are now offering group sessions. This opportunity will allow you to meet in a setting of around 5-10 students to engage in learning and asking questions in a variety of topics. Whether you are in your first year as a …

Summer Fun, Sun, and Jobs!

The semester is flying by, and summer is just around the corner! We hope that your summer is filled with fun and some much needed rest, but we also hope that you take some time to expand upon your career exploration process! Whether you’re working a summer job, interning with an organization, or even just …

Jobs, Resumes, and Interviews, Oh My!

  Having trouble finding jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities that pertain to your area of interest? Looking for resume assistance or interview help? Jobstop is an excellent resource for exploring multiple careers, learning about different organizations, and improving your resume and interview skills. Jobstop is an online tool open to students and alumni that can …

New Year, New Career!

If you’re like most college students, your Christmas break was likely filled with family and friends who lovingly asked questions like “So, what are you studying? What can you do with that major? What are you going to do after college?” targeting some undetermined and sometimes frightening topics. They can cause you to stand there, …

Meet our New Staff Members!

Here at the Hope College Career Development Center (CDC), we have a wonderful staff compiled of qualified individuals who are ready and willing to help you with any and all of your career exploration needs! This year, we have welcomed two new staff members to our CDC team. Their names are Megan Fisher and Shannon …