Jobs, Resumes, and Interviews, Oh My!

  Having trouble finding jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities that pertain to your area of interest? Looking for resume assistance or interview help? Jobstop is an excellent resource for exploring multiple careers, learning about different organizations, and improving your resume and interview skills. Jobstop is an online tool open to students and alumni that can …

Join Our CDC Team!

  Looking for an awesome job that will develop you personally and professionally as you work alongside an amazing staff? Apply for a Career Advisor position at the Career Development Center! Current Career Advisors Jessica White and Stephanie Eiler write about their experiences working in the CDC: Jessica speaks to the CDC’s role in her …

Steps to a Successful Interview

How do you sell yourself to a company and answer difficult questions about yourself and your experiences? Interviews can be overwhelming, whether it’s for a full time job, internship, or on-campus role. However, interviews are also incredible opportunities to reflect on your strengths and unique abilities when applying your experiences to a given role. Most …

Meaningful Work – Why Start Now?

The average American will spend about 23,000 hours of his or her life working.  That’s over 11 years.  It seems natural to turn to hobbies and activities outside of work to find a sense of purpose or meaning, but when so much of our lives will likely be spent in the workplace, it makes even more sense to pursue work we find meaningful. Why …