Q & A with our new leader Shonn Colbrunn ’94

Meet our new Executive Director, Shonn Colbrunn! If you have not already heard the news the Career Development Center is no more! We have combined our efforts with Alumni and Family Engagement as well as Academic Advising to form the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career. Shonn Colbrunn ’94 is leading the charge as the …

Open Office Design: a new reality for the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

The new Boerigter Center for Calling and Career, launching this fall, is making a bold statement about the intentional design of work space on Hope’s campus. We’re adopting a work-space model that is not very common on college campuses today, but is known to foster greater collaboration and innovation. The staff and students of the …

We are…The Boerigter Center for Calling and Career!

One of the most challenging things that college students have to do is choose a career path. There are lots of options out there and many feel the pressure to ensure they are making the best choice possible. Which is why choosing a major, and later on securing a job, tends to make many students …

DiscoverWork: Anchor Your Career

Think about when you bought your first car. With so many options out there, your “must have” list was probably a mile long. You probably did extensive research and took your choice for a test drive before making the final decision. The same is true for other memorable decisions in life, like choosing your career …

How to conquer email- Email vs Text messages

This part of the email series will talk about some differences on communicating through text and emal. With the instantaneous nature of email, it is easy to treat it like texting, but this is a mistake that should not be made. Email is more formal by nature than a text message. As easy as it …

How to conquer email- The signature block

Something that I rarely pay attention to is the end of an email, however as you read this part of the email series you will see that your signature block is important. Do you want to make your email to look and sound more professional? One of the quickest and easiest ways to do this is …

Final Senior Thoughts

As the academic year draws to a close, the Career Development Office is getting ready for summer, and the Career Advisors are getting ready for finals week or graduation. This year, the CDC will be sending off ten of the fifteen Career Advisors that currently work in the office. That number is the most graduates …

How to conquer email- Short, but Polite

This part of the email series I believe is very important especially in today’s age where being polite is not something that is necessarily done. Emailing is a fast way to communicate and is growing ever more popular each year in this digital age. However, unlike talking over the phone or face to face, this …

How to conquer email- The request (part 2)

Part II: The request part of the email series. Include the Details This bullet seems straightforward, I know. However, it is worth noting that when you email someone with a request you need to include all the details about whatever you are asking them. For example, you wouldn’t email your professor and say “I need …

How to conquer email- The request (part 1)

  Hello, this is part one of the request email series. We will give you tips on how to ask people for help, because we understand how hard that can be sometimes. We hope that you learn something new, enjoy! The Request No one likes asking for help, least of all we dislike feeling like …