REFLECTION: Therese Joffre – Website and Marketing Managers

The intersectionality between faith and scholarship is an idea that has been debated for decades. Despite the evolution of both throughout time, they have continued to come at odds with one another. Regardless of this ongoing conflict, I believe that these two ideas can coexist, and even be intertwined, where both ideas coalesce as we …

REFLECTION: Grace Gruner – Stylistic Editor

The Christian pursuit of education is futile without the driving force of love, which puts our acquired knowledge into action. Yet without education, Christians are unable to wholly understand and implement God’s will, his very purpose for human existence. Acquisition of knowledge is essential for those that align themselves with Christ, but the goal must …

REFLECTION: Aidan Charron – Fine Arts Editor

Ever since the late modern era and especially into postmodernity, fine art has seen a decided shift in subject matter, away from explicitly Christian principles of art. Whether it’s a screen printing of a soup can (I am still partial to[Andy Warhol], being a fellow Pittsburgh native), or songs about Jeffrey Bezos, fine art has …

REFLECTION: Ava Arendt – Humanities Editor

I believe in The Bell Tower because my mother believed in me. And more than that, she believed that through our imperfect and broken learning, we were connecting ourselves to the grand mystery and adventure of the world: a story that demands our attention, captivates our hearts, and cultivates our affections.  I was homeschooled, and …

REFLECTION: Margaret Boyce – Social Sciences Editor

The field of social science is as divided as an academic field can be. True science must compete with the ever-growing menace of pseudo-science for attention and time in the media. Scientists debate endlessly as to whether qualitative or quantitative research suits the field better. In the political world, politicians seek out studies with ideologically …

REFLECTION: Sarah Stevenson – Natural Sciences Editor and Photographer

“All your works shall give thanks to you, O LORD.”1 What an honor it has been to be a part of The Bell Tower, a publication that seeks to worship God through his works. Specifically, The Bell Tower provides an outlet for his works – the students of Hope – to relay the Lord’s creative, …

REFLECTION: Sander Owens – Managing Editor

On the top shelf of one of the many bookcases in my family’s home sits a row of hymnals that have accumulated over my time as a church musician and over my parents’ lives as churchgoers. Sometimes I will select one arbitrarily and flip through the pages, noticing which hymns are included and which aren’t, …

REFLECTION: Lydia Harrison – Editor in Chief

If Jeanne Guion is right to name prayer as “the application of the heart to God,”1 perhaps education, in its purest form, can be a form of prayer. For education would seem most fundamentally to entail an ongoing alignment of one’s soul with truth, and there is no truth more fundamental than Christ, who is …