How Should Christians Respond to Christian Nationalism?

Seeking a Faithful Framework for Examining Christian Nationalism and the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners Introduction Waves collapse into the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan while a tangerine sunset splashes across the western sky. Silhouettes crisscross the shoreline: kids running circles around sandcastles, a family savoring a picnic near the sand dunes, an elderly couple …

Aristotle’s Political Telos and the Christocentric Antidote

In his erudite work, the Politics, Aristotle elucidates the nature, structure, and political end of the state. For Aristotle, the state consists of a political community composed of individuals and households who maintain some degree of shared cultural, familial, legal, or moral heritage. A state conducive to human flourishing is marked by the just distribution …

Skewed Separation: Does Contemporary Religion Jurisprudence Hurt the Church?

At the time of our nation’s founding, American Christians resisted the idea of a government involved in their religious activity. Codifying this resistance, they created a twofold system for protecting the religious freedom of every American within the First Amendment—not only declaring that the government not infringe upon the free exercise of religion, but placing …

Memento Mori: The Catholic Case for Halloween

Fall is a season of change. Perhaps that’s why I like it. The muggy, stifling air becomes crisp and cool; trees develop a dazzling spectrum of yellows, oranges, and reds; and Starbucks revives their pumpkin spice lattes with full force. All these things contribute to my mounting excitement, but the biggest factor is, without question, …

Eat, Drink, and Be Miriam

The first time Miriam is named in the Bible, we find her singing. After the crossing of the Red Sea and the death of the Egyptian army, the Israelites are officially free from their captors for the first time in generations. Miriam’s response, along with her brother Moses, is to sing a song praising the …

Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, and C.S. Lewis

Introduction In our present age, there is an increasing amount of hubbub surrounding the advancement of certain technologies. More specifically, increased attention in our current zeitgeist has been given to Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). A.I. has been a part of popular culture since the 20th century.[1] Before recent years, the acronym A.I. prompted one to imagine …

Rise and Fall

The darkness, a voidedmess—chaos, yet nothing. Then out the nothingness,a spark! He called into existence truth and light.The first turned into two: Next came separationA tale of things to come… Water and land enhancedthe place from which we sprung. Ash trees and Date Palms rise—planted on the canvas. Then day four came aroundand all He …

Bone Collector

In Subiaco’s caves sits Benedictwho waited for his monk friend, Romanus,to bring the bread he thought he didn’t need.His fuga mundi bones a miracle, the living proof we get what we unearth.Bring all the bones to me, let’s organizeto find the truth inside the cartilage!I’ll start by sorting insignificant from large. If reassembled, what would …

In Consideration of Lilies

I. In April of 2023, my husband, Jake, and I pulled up to a squatty, brick ranch on the south side of Holland, Michigan. It was newly ours—the most expensive thing we’d ever bought—and the fundamental symbol of the life we were both starting and returning to. We met in Holland, six years earlier, as …

Note from the Editor

As I am writing this, it is early March. About this time one year ago, I was on a trip with my Greek study abroad program visiting Venice and Ravenna. Both northern Italian cities are known for their (sometimes irksome) contribution to the history of Greece between the fall of the western Roman Empire and …