Courtesy of Robert Koorenny

The darkness, a voided
mess—chaos, yet nothing.

Then out the nothingness,
a spark! He called into

existence truth and light.
The first turned into two:

Next came separation
A tale of things to come…

Water and land enhanced
the place from which we sprung.

Ash trees and Date Palms rise—
planted on the canvas.

Then day four came around
and all He did was speak.

The Luna did appear,
a Sol to draw us near.

First creature, spiny eel,
wiggled through the waters.

Next came the herds from which
we domesticate. Live

at last, the earth did seem,
but one more thing before…

Man and Woman, He did
create to care and love

forever. Yet sin did
enter this sacred space

destroying the beauty
found within. Atonement

required until He
reveals His face again.

Addie Wilcox ’24 is studying secondary English education, creative writing, classical studies, and teaching English as a second language. She hails from Ann Arbor, MI.

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