Living Sustainably: Pop Quiz: Do You Know Your Home Place? – AND FULL ANSWERS


Pop Quiz: Do You Know Your Home Place?

By Steve Bouma-Prediger

How well do you know your place – your geophysical place, your neighborhood, your home?

If we don’t know our home place well, then we won’t know how to responsibly care for it. Or, lacking the love born of knowledge, we might not even want to care for it.

Here is a short quiz I give my students to illustrate how well we know our place.

The first time that I took a quiz like this years ago, I was embarrassed by how poorly I did. But I vowed that I would learn more about whatever place I lived in, to know how to properly care for it. May we all come to better know and love this beautiful piece of our home planet – Holland, Michigan – so that we might join together joyfully and gratefully in our care for it.

So try the quiz for ideas of things to know about your place.

Answers are below – but no peeking now!


1. How many days until the moon is full?

2. What are three agricultural plants grown in Ottawa and Allegan counties? What are three edible wild plants in this part of our home planet?

3. How long is the growing season here in the Holland area?

4. What are five trees that grow near your house? Where is the closest Michigan state tree?

5. What are five birds that make their home near your home?

6. What primary geological event or process has shaped Michigan?

7. What spring flower is consistently the first to bloom where you live?

8. If the stars were out last night, what was one constellation you could have seen?

9. What are five non-human creatures who share your place?

10. How has the land here been used by humans in the last 200 years?

Bonus Questions

a. Where does the water you drink from your tap come from?

b. Where does your garbage go?


1. The moon was full on Saturday, Feb. 11, and will be full again on Sunday, March 12.. The lunar cycle is 28 days, with our moon going from full to waning gibbous to waning crescent to new (invisible) to waxing crescent to waxing gibbous to full again. A blue moon, as in the phrase, “Once in a blue moon,” is a second full moon in the same month.

2. The most common agricultural plants in our area are corn and soybeans, though we locals also are very proud of our blueberries and apples. The list of edible wild plants is quite long and will vary by individual preference, but some of the more common ones are wild onion, cranberries, blueberries, hazelnuts, fiddlehead ferns, and morel mushrooms.

3. The growing season (from last frost to first frost) is about 185 days long, though it varies some each year. Some years you can harvest asparagus in May and kale in November. The growing season is longer in Holland than in other regions of the state because of the warming effect of Lake Michigan. The growing season is now 20 days longer than in 1970.

4. There are many trees that make the Holland area their home, but some of the most common are maple, beech, oak, pine, hemlock, and spruce. The northern ash trees, alas, are falling to the emerald ash borer and trees that need a colder climate, e.g. some species of birch, are migrating north. The Michigan state tree is the white pine (pinus strobus), a lovely tree with long (3- to 5-inch) needles in bundles usually of five.

5. As with the previous question about trees, there are many right answers to this question. The robin is the Michigan state bird, though a class of 4 th graders at a Michigan school some years ago proposed to the governor that it be changed to the chickadee, since the chickadee stays in state year around while the robins leave us in the winter when we need them most. Birds commonly spotted in and around water include Canada geese, mallards, herring gulls (the common seagull), great blue herons, redwing blackbirds. Backyard birds include finches, robins, bluejays, swallows, bluebirds, sparrows, downy woodpeckers. Various hawks live (and hunt) in city parks, such as red-tailed hawks, coopers hawks.

6. The most recent geological event was the receding of the glaciers, which carved out much of Michigan’s landscape. The Great Lakes are a result of the movement and melting of glaciers over millions of years, the most recent ice age ending about 12,000 years ago. The famous mitten shape of our state is a result of glaciers, so the next time you use your hand to show someone where you live, remember you have the glaciers to thank.

7. Many in Holland may be tempted to say that the first spring flower to bloom is the tulip, but that would be incorrect. While the tulip is Holland’s most famous flower, prior to the tulip comes the blooming of the daffodil, and even before that, often pushing up the snow, is the aconite, the bloodroot, the crocus, and the trillium.

8. The night sky looks different in the winter than in the summer, and only the most committed folks stargaze in February. But some familiar constellations are still there: the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper (which has Polaris the North Star on the end of its handle), Draco the Dragon, Cassiopeia the Queen, Cephus the King. And especially clear in the winter, if you look south about halfway above the horizon, is Orion the Hunter, which contains two of the brightest stars in the sky—Rigel and Betelgeuse. In the summer many people recognize directly above them the Summer Triangle of stars Altair, Deneb, and Vega, which are part of the constellations Aquila, Cygnus, and Lyra, respectively.

9. Many right answers are possible with this question. You could share your home with mice, spiders, bats, dogs, cats, fish, horses, chinchillas, crickets—the list of non-human creatures is nearly endless. Adolescent children, however, do not count.

10. The land in the greater Holland area has been used by humans in many ways for many purposes. Perhaps the most obvious uses are for agriculture and housing, but the land – and water – have also been used for fishing and transportation, education and recreation, hunting and foraging. The list goes on. How will we use it in the next 200 years? Will we use it wisely and respectfully, with the needs of our children and grandchildren in mind? With the needs of our non-human neighbors in mind?

Bonus Answers

a. If you live in the City of Holland or in one of the townships that gets their water from the Board of Public Works, then your water comes from Lake Michigan, pumped from the Big Lake into the filtration and treatment plant just acress the street from Tunnel Park. If your water does not come from the BPW, then most likely it comes from a well. We tend to take water for granted here in Michigan, but in many parts of the world water scarcity and water impurity are big problems.

b. If you live in the City of Holland, your garbage and recycled material is collected once a week by Chef Container and goes to their sorting plant on Graafschap Road south of town. Garbage goes into a landfill while the recyclable material is sorted and sold. Waste Management handles the trash and recycling material for many others in the Holland area. Their sorting plant and landfill is east of town on 16 th /Adams Street.


Cutline: American Robin jpg – Your neighbors in your home place might include the robin, Michigan’s state bird.

This Week’s Sustainability Framework Theme

Community Knowledge: The collective knowledge and energy of the community is an incredible resource that must be channeled to where it is needed.



Living Sustainably is a collection of community voices sharing updates about local sustainability initiatives. It is presented by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute, a joint project of Hope College, the City of Holland, and Holland Board of Public Works. Go to for more information

Living Sustainably: Know your Landscape for Environmental Engagement

LIVING SUSTAINABLY:  Know your Landscape for Environmental Engagement

By Ken Freestone,

Did you know that there are more than 33 different environmental projects currently underway in the greater West Michigan region? And did you know there are more than 65 groups working on solid waste, green infrastructure, water, energy, dunes/land, food waste, environmental economics and more?

Just this local landscape of projects and organizations can seem overwhelming to someone who is looking to get involved in sustainability, so I won’t even go into how many environmental initiatives are underway and how many organizations are working around the globe.

The key to knowing how to get involved to help improve and protect our environment is knowing your local “environmental landscape” of practitioners and initiatives. Your environmental landscape includes the people, organizations and issues – as well as the nature – around you.

So, what does your environmental landscape look like? Do you know who are the environmental protectors and practitioners in your area?

Knowing your environmental landscape is critical for active and effective engagement in a world with millions of species and unlimited ways we might impact them every day. With so many species and so many groups and organizations, it is no wonder that it can be confusing and hard for many people to understand environmental conditions, what to do about them and how to get engaged.

We all need to be aware of global issues and initiatives, but we individually and collectively need to put our best efforts into acting locally and working together.

A critical piece of acting locally and cooperatively is sharing resources and knowledge with as many people as possible. Sharing and collaborating are critical aspects of getting the environmental work done faster and more effectively.

Throughout my career in environmental stewardship, I have collected resources that I share graciously and voraciously. Although I have collected many resources, and I personally spread them widely, I am still only one person and have my limitations on distribution. This is where we need more people to engage.

Here are a few simple steps for engagement:

 Attend events and collect contact information.

 Think about other organizations and people that could benefit from that information.

 Contact a major organization in your area and ask what they do and if they know of other organizations doing similar work. In the West Michigan Lakeshore region, you could contact Outdoor Discovery Center, DeGraaf Nature Center, Ottawa County Parks, West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC), the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute,, and many others.

 Create a list of organizations and contact information, then share the list with friends and colleagues. Ask about others you could add. It is easier to start from a baseline rather than have everyone starting from zero.

 When you have a new idea, quickly share it on social media to find out if anyone else is thinking the same thing and to gain supporters. The faster you talk about your idea, the faster you can get to goals and results.

 Partner and collaborate as much as possible. Funders appreciate funding one larger initiative rather than multiple smaller activities. It shows that you are being good stewards of resources.

Everyone has limited time, money and other resources, so we must be efficient and effective with our work. Know your environmental landscape of resources and initiatives. And remember to share them graciously and voraciously.

– Ken Freestone is co-founder of, a website of resources and information for living more sustainably.


CLEANUP1.jpg: A volunteer pulls a shopping cart out of the Macatawa River in last fall’s cleanup, one example of environmental engagement spearheaded by the Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Greenway and the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council. (Contributed photo – MACC)

CLEANUP2.JPG: Volunteers pose with some of the trash pulled from the Macatawa River in last fall’s cleanup, one example environmental engagement spearheaded by the Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Greenway and the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council. (Contributed photo – MACC)

This Week’s Sustainability Framework Theme

Environmental Awareness/Action: Environmental education and integrating environmental practices into our planning will change negative outcomes of the past and improve our future.



Living Sustainably is a collection of community voices sharing updates about local sustainability initiatives. It is presented by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute, a joint project of Hope College, the City of Holland, and Holland Board of Public Works. Go to for more information

Living Sustainably: Working on Lake Mac’s Reputation

LIVING SUSTAINABLY:  Working on Lake Mac’s Reputation

By Dan Callam, Macatawa Greenway Manager

Just how healthy – or unhealthy – is Lake Macatawa?  Does it deserve its murky reputation?

Grand Valley State University’s Annis Water Resources Institute has produced its annual monitoring dashboard for Lake Macatawa. The report summarizes sampling on Lake Macatawa during 2016.  The Institute’s monitoring supports Project Clarity, the local effort led by the Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Greenway to clean and restore the Macatawa watershed.

Results from 2016 sampling show some improvement in water clarity and a slight increase in phosphorus in Lake Macatawa. Long-term impact is hard to gauge until decades of data is in, but recent years’ results show some improvement in clarity the past four years and a slight downward trend in phosphorous. Some natural variability occurs depending on weather and other conditions. But both indicators are still at undesirable levels for a healthy lake.

Lake Macatawa is considered to be a hypereutrophic lake, meaning that it has extremely high levels of nutrients and sediment. Sediment and the nutrient phosphorus can result in murky waters, poor habitat and detrimental algae blooms. Development in the greater Holland area has increased storm water volume, which leads to increased erosion. Ultimately, this results in increased amounts of pollutants reaching Lake Macatawa.

Supported by more than $10 million in funding, Project Clarity has been working to treat sources of sediment and nutrients, thereby reducing the amount of pollutants reaching Lake Macatawa.

The work includes constructing and restoring large wetland complexes to detain floodwater and remove pollutants. This replaces some of the wetlands lost to settlement and development. To date, 58 water quality projects have been completed with local farmers, governments and businesses. These projects will increase water storage on those sites and keep phosphorus out of waterways. Projects have been completed and improved practices are either implemented or pledged for nearly 11,000 acres.

With a great deal of variability from year to year in lake systems, continued monitoring is needed to see long-term changes and track the overall progress of Project Clarity.

“It allows us to differentiate trends that are associated with the restoration activities from those that are part of any ecosystem’s natural variation,” said Al Steinman, director of the Annis Water Resources Institute.

“Some years are dry and some are wet; some years are cold and some are warm. That kind of background variation can mask trends associated with real progress, so we need long-term monitoring to get a robust sense of whether the trends we are seeing are due to natural variation or to restoration activities.”

This past year demonstrated periods of amazing clarity on Lake Macatawa, as well as late-season algae blooms and murky waters following rain or snowmelt.  While the early data is encouraging, the community needs to adopt additional practices that hold storm water and keep nutrients out of waterways.

Farm field and infrastructure projects completed to date are great examples, but until those are commonplace, the Macatawa Watershed will continue to struggle with water quality issues.


The Annis Institute also collects other data on Lake Macatawa and several of its tributaries, on conditions around restoration projects, and on fish populations in the lake.  To learn more, the entire Lake Macatawa Dashboard report, as well as the full Project Clarity Monitoring Report, can be found on the Project Clarity website:


((2016 Clarity chart cutline)):   Most recent test results show a trend of improving clarity in Lake Macatawa.

((2016 Phospherous chart cutline)):   Test results show a slight increase in phosphorous in 2016 but hopeful signs of decreasing levels long-term.

((Baseflow.jpg – Annis Water Resources Institute graduate student Emily Kindervater measures water quality in the Macatawa River for Project Clarity. (Courtesy photo – GVSU-AWRI staff)

-Dan Callam is Greenway Manager for the Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Greenway

This Week’s Sustainability Framework Theme

Environmental Awareness/Action:  Environmental education and integrating environmental practices into our planning will change negative outcomes of the past and improve our future.



Living Sustainably is a collection of community voices sharing updates about local sustainability initiatives. It is presented by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute, a joint project of Hope College, the City of Holland, and Holland Board of Public Works. Go to for more information.

January 2017 Sustainability News

January 30, 2017 – Living Sustainably: We can see more stars in Holland

January 30, 2017 – Why 98% of Companies Do Not Achieve Their Sustainability Goals

January 30, 2017 – BP Advocates for Putting a Price on Carbon

January 30, 2017 – How to Reduce Corporate Food Waste? There’s an Online Hub for That

January 27, 2017 – Affordable housing, LGBT ordinance among goals discussed by Holland city council


January 23, 2017 – Kids’ Food Basket adds Jefferson K-7 to Sack Supper program

January 23, 2017 – EV Charging Stations Increasingly Common

January 23, 2017 – Leaks: Trump Budget to Demolish DOE Programs

January 23, 2017 – Perry Signals Support for Energy Codes

January 22, 2017 – Living Sustainably: Cultivating a sustainable community

January 18, 2017 – EPA pick disagrees with Trump, says climate change isn’t hoax

January 18, 2017 – North Ottawa Dunes land swap finalized

January 17, 2017 – Consumers will pay more money for “sustainable” products

January 17, 2017 – Herman Miller receives WorldatWork 2017 Seal of Distinction

January 17, 2017 – Groups to begin making social justice changes in Holland

January 16, 2017 – Need identified for affordable housing in Ottawa County

January 15, 2017 – Ottawa, Allegan receive grant to battle invasive species

January 12, 2017 – Home Help: 5 tips to keep your home warm, cozy and protected this winter

January 11, 2017 – This bumble bee was everywhere. Now it’s on the endangered species list.

January 11, 2017 – Holland’s South Shore Drive to see on-street bike lanes

January 10, 2017 – Dale Wyngarden: Bike lanes need to adhere to standards

January 6, 2017 – How one company eliminated food waste: The ‘landfill can no longer be an option.’

January 6, 2017 – Cyclists gather to ride, eat, drink together at Sunday’s Frigid Frondo

January 5, 2017 – GVSU’s Sustainability Impact Totals $250 Million

January 4, 2017 – As from 1 January 2017 100% of Dutch trains are powered by wind energy.  The Dutch railways company NS is the world’s first railway company that gets 100% of its energy from wind turbines.

January 3, 2017 – Allegan, Ottawa United Way partnership brings regional service

January 3, 2017 – Holland Sentinel Guest Editorial: Think inside the box: Shipping donated items to Goodwill made simple

January 3, 2017 – Gardening trends for 2017

January 1, 2017 – 2016 Holland Annual Report  What a year it was! Expanded snowmelt, LED lights, Home Energy Retrofit Program, Record High Voter Registrations and much more. Take a look inside Holland’s 2016 Annual Report.

We Can See More Stars in Holland

LIVING SUSTAINABLY:  We Can See More Stars in Holland

By Paul Lilly and Michelle Gibbs
Living Sustainably Committee

“Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky….”

Our fascination with the night sky starts at a young age, and many of us can think back to a time when we were in a remote area – perhaps on a snipe hunt or camping trip – and, gazing upward, we were able to witness the splendor of the Milky Way and were amazed by how many stars we could see.  Perhaps we even tried to count them, imagined ourselves flying amongst them, or were lucky enough to see a shooting star!

Unfortunately, many people today have not been able to have this moving and memorable experience.  With urbanization and expansion of street lights, parking lot lights, and security lighting, it is getting harder to see the stars. With less free time and more emphasis on screen-based technologies, we forget about taking time out to seek a place free of light pollution to view the night sky.

Our environment is often flooded with omni-directional lighting that can be seen from blocks or miles away – even from space. This light effectively blocks views of the night sky for entire communities. Lighting that is dark-sky friendly is designed to reverse this trend by using more focused, site-specific illumination, which in turn allows clearer views of the moon and constellations.

“Excessive lighting is unnecessarily costly and wasteful, when more targeted illumination is more efficient,” said Anne Saliers, community energy services manager at the Holland Board of Public Works (HBPW).

To encourage business customers to consider dark sky-approved lighting, the HBPW offers a 10 percent bonus on its rebates for exterior lighting.  According to Pete Strasser of the International Dark-Sky Association, the HBPW is the first entity to offer rebates for dark-sky friendly fixtures.

To learn more about dark sky efforts and reconnect with the stars, join us for the program “Where is Our Starry Night?” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7 at the Herrick District Library. Admission is free, and a door prize raffle will feature a 2017 Family Membership to the Outdoor Discovery Center.

The program is part of the Living Sustainably Along the Lakeshore series that seeks to educate and empower Holland area residents to live more sustainably.  The series is sponsored by the City of Holland,, Herrick District Library, Hope College, League of Women Voters, Meijer Campus of Grand Valley State University, and the West Michigan Environmental Action Council.

In September, the Living Sustainably group received the “2016 Top Project Award” from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s Neighborhood Environmental Partners Program. The advocacy group was recognized for its 2015 educational series and for collaborating with 50 local partners on behalf of sustainability education.  The announcement was made at the First Annual Michigan Sustainability Conference, held in Grand Rapids.  Follow us on Facebook.

  • Paul Lilly and Michelle Gibbs are members of the Holland-based Living Sustainably Along the Lakeshore Committee.

Three Things to Know about Dark Skies

  1. Light pollution is costly in both economic and environmental terms.
  2. We can enjoy the nighttime sky without compromising our sense of safety.
  3. Holland can reduce its energy costs and carbon footprint in line with its vision for a more energy-efficient future.


Cutline: This NASA image shows the glow seen in space from lighted areas on Earth.




Living Sustainably is a collection of community voices sharing updates about local sustainability initiatives. It is presented by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute, a joint project of Hope College, the City of Holland, and Holland Board of Public Works. Go to for more information.




If You Go

What: “Where is our Starry Night?”
Who: Free to everyone, sponsored by Living Sustainably Along the Lakeshore
When: 6:30-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 7
Where: Herrick District Library, 300 S. River, Holland



Smart Energy: We need to use both conservation and efficiency measures to manage our resources to provide access to reliable and cost-effective energy.

Involving All of Us in So Many Ways


Involving All of Us in So Many Ways

By Michelle Gibbs
Director, Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute

Welcome to the new Living Sustainably series!

This weekly column is sponsored by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute as a way to keep our community informed and engaged in all of the great work in sustainability that is happening around the greater Holland area.  

You may be asking yourself, what really is “sustainability?”  The term sustainability has been defined in many ways, but the most commonly referenced definition comes from the Brundtland Commission’s Report Our Common Future which states “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  This weekly column is aimed at showing how issues of sustainability are actually at play in so many areas of our lives.  

Each week, guest authors will share information about events or work they are involved in as it relates to seven categories. These categories make up our “Sustainability Framework,” which demonstrates the many ways in which sustainability awareness can improve our community’s future. They are:  

  • Smart Energy 
  • Economic Development
  • Transportation
  • Community & Neighborhood
  • Quality of Life
  • Community Knowledge
  • Environmental Action & Awareness

Our City of Holland Sustainability Committee has created this seven-pillar Sustainability Framework with “lenses” to help us evaluate and make more sustainable choices. We are using this framework as a way to share information about our journey to become a more sustainable community. Each week’s column will look at an issue through one of these lenses.

The city’s vision statement says Holland is “a vibrant, world-class community in a beautiful lakefront environment where people work together, celebrate community, and realize dreams.” We believe for that to be true, we must look at all aspects of our community – including the economic, social, and environmental impacts we all have.  In doing that, we are working hard to ensure that Holland is a great place to live, work, and play for generations to come.

The Sustainability Institute is entering our third year of partnership between Hope College, the City of Holland, and Holland Board of Public Works. The purpose of the Institute is to support efforts to encourage, engage, educate, and drive sustainable culture in water and air quality, energy efficiency, land use, and environmental innovation.

Our vision is a healthy and economically vibrant community that promotes environmental stewardship and mutual respect for people and the planet.  Our mission is to foster collaborative efforts to infuse sustainability into the minds and practices of the greater Holland community.  

We invite anyone and everyone in the community to join in. Check out the new community sustainability dashboard at to see dozens of metrics in all seven framework areas. You can also follow us on Facebook by liking the group “Living Sustainably Along the Lakeshore.”


We hope you will enjoy this new series and that it encourages you to join us on this journey to become a more sustainable community.  


Living Sustainably:  is a collection of community voices sharing updates about local sustainability initiatives. It is presented by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute, a joint project of Hope College, the City of Holland, and Holland Board of Public Works. See more at

December 2016 News

December 29, 2016 – It wasn’t all bad news for the planet: 5 positive environmental stories from 2016.

December 28, 2016 – Grant money, park improvements headed for Ottawa County

December 28, 2016 – How Can Manufacturers Save Billions? By Reducing Food Waste.

December 27, 2016 – UPS Says Its Electric Bikes Are Advanced and Reduce the Company’s Carbon Profile

December 19, 2016 – Take a quick look at Holland’s proposed master planDecember 19, 2016 – Dan Callam, Greenway Manager at the Outdoor Discovery Center, talked about a recently completed wetlands restoration project

December 19, 2016 – Consumers Energy receives sustainable business practices recognition

December 18, 2016 – Community Action Agency served thousands in Holland area in 2016

December 17, 2016 – Holland hair salon taking donations for My House Ministry

December 16, 2016 – Holland’s Trendway named best and brightest in sustainability

December 16, 2016 – Research institute named ‘stakeholder of the year’ for watershed work

December 15, 2016 – Motion lights up and running in several Holland parks


December 9, 2016 – Ford, Automakers Call on Trump, EPA to Put the Breaks on Fuel Economy Rules

December 8, 2016 – What Do EPA Chiefs Have To Say About Trump’s Environmental Plans?

December 8, 2016 – Leonardo DiCaprio meets with Trump to talk about green jobs

December 7, 2016 – EPA’s McCarthy Cautiously Hopeful on Transition


December 3, 2016 – Cashing in On Climate Change

December 2, 2016 – Shopping at Small Michigan Businesses ‘Would Mean a Lot’ During $20B Holiday

December 1, 2016 – Downtown ‘Edible Food Forest’ Proposed Near West End of Kalamazoo Trail

December 1, 2016 – HOPE COLLEGE DINING RECOGNIZED FOR SUSTAINABILITY EFFORTS   and Holland Sentinel  Hope College Awarded Gold Certification

November 2016 News

November 30, 2016 – New Bills Would Make Sustainability Bigger Part of Michigan Schools

November 30, 2016 – First Sustainable Urban ‘Agrihood’ in U.S. to Launch in Detroit

November 30, 2016 – Cities and States Lead on Climate Change

November 29, 2016 – Muskegon County Commissioners Swear Off Bottled Water for Sustainability

November 25, 2016 – This Island Is Now Powered Almost Entirely by Solar Energy 

November 25, 2016 – Michigan’s Biggest Electric Provider Phasing Out Coal, Despite Trump’s Stance

November 24, 2016 – Holland Every Park Readies for Power Production in February 2017

November 23, 2016 – Global Warming Alters Arctic Food Chain, Scientists Say, With Unforeseeable Results

November 21, 2016 – Obama Administration Blocks Arctic Oil Drilling

November 18, 2016 – They May Save Us Yet Scientists Found Way to Turn Our Carbon Emissions into Rock

November 18, 2016 – The Face of EPA May Change. But its Mission Will Continue

November 17, 2016 – Hundreds of Companies Tell Trump ‘Don’t Dump Paris Climate Agreement’

November 17, 2016: Networx: Heat Your Open Plan Home Up and Keep Fuel Bills Down

November 16, 2016: Pipeline Company Seeks Federal Court OK to Proceed With Plan

November 16, 2016: U.S. Companies to Trump Don’t Abandon Global Climate Deal

November 16, 2016: Go Green and Save Green with High Efficiency Water Heater

November 15, 2016 – Trump’s Election Overshadows Energy Pipeline Protests Around The U.S.

November 15, 2016 – What Happens If the Clean Power Plan Is Ultimately Tossed?

November 15, 2016 – New Call2Recycle Study Highlights the Importance of Accessibility in Driving Recycling Behavior

November 15, 2016 – How Microsoft’s Latest Wind Energy Purchase Will Enable Faster Adoption of Renewables

November 15, 2016 – How Smart Waste Collection Can Reduce Costs, Improve EHS Performance

November 14, 2016 – What Happens to Renewables in a Trump Administration?

November 14 – 2016 – The War On Carbon Is Over

November 14, 2016 – Closed Loop Fund’s First $20M Recycling Investments Show ‘Recycling Makes Economic Sense’

November 13, 2016 – Holland’s first female mayor Nancy DeBoer ‘coming into her own’

November 11, 2016 – Join a spring nature tour through DeGraaf

November 11, 2016 –  Trump, state utilities on different paths

November 11, 2016 – Are Glory Days Here Again for Coal?

November 11, 2016 – EPA Proposes Denying Oil Refiners’ Renewable Fuel Standard Petition

November 11, 2016 – Crane comes down at Holland Energy Park

November 10, 2016 – Trump Presidential Victory: What Industry Leaders Are Saying

November 10, 2016 – Disney Trash Tracking: Waste Management of Tomorrow(land)?

November 10, 2016: Senate Passes Energy Overhaul with 15% Renewable Mandate


November 9, 2016 – What Does a Trump Presidency Mean for Environmental Managers?

November 9, 2016 – The Evolution of Whole Building Interval Data

November 8, 2016 – Walmart, Target, US Chamber Foundation to Launch Circular Economy Pilot

November 8, 2016 – Working with China to Advance Energy Efficiency Around the Globe

November 8, 2016 – Energy Efficiency’s Healthcare Facility Challenge

November 8, 2016 – EPA Finalizes ‘Illegal’ Clean Power Plan Tools, Draws Ire of States, Energy Companies

November 8, 2016 – Walmart Wants to Set a Global Example and Vows to Represent all Stakeholders

November 8, 2016 – 5 easy ways to ‘charge up’ your recycling habits

November 7, 2016 – Even the Biggest Coal Utilities Are Investing in Renewables. AEP is the Latest Example

November 3, 2016 – DiCaprio’s documentary calls for a green future, but his vision isn’t radical enough

November 2, 2016 – Video:  Before the Flood

November 2, 2016 – What Does a Carbon Tax Mean for Manufacturing?

November 2, 2016 –  Innovative Recycling Helps Ford Rouge Center Go Landfill-Free

November 1, 2016 – Concentrated Solar Power Could Get a Big Boost

November 1, 2016: Lowell Biodigester in Compliance Before Stink Deadline

October 2016 News

October 31, 2016: We Don’t Need a War on Climate Change, We Need  a Revolution

October 30, 2016: 300 Million Children Breathe Highly Toxic Air , UNICEF Reports

October 30, 2016 – Guessing Wrong on Climate Change

October 28, 2016 – Energy Efficiency and Leased Spaces

October 28, 2016 – Corporate Community Leading the Charge Into the New Energy Economy

October 28, 2016 – How Circular-Economy Approaches to Wastewater Can Cut Costs, Emissions, Water Use

October 27, 2016: Elegant yet Efficient Hydroponics for Home

October 26, 2016 – Aquinas College Named West Michigan Sustainable Business of the Year

October 26, 2016 – Energy Department Celebrates 40th Anniversary of National Weatherization Program

October 24, 2016 – 5 Ways for Every Business to Address the 3 P’s

October 21, 2016 – Bill to Ban Plastic Bags in Michigan Introduced

October 20, 2016 – Bottled Water or Tap: How much does your choice matter?

October 18, 2016 – Carbon Emissions are the Lowest They Have Been Since 1991. Can That Last?

October 18, 2016 – Holland-Hope Upcycle Event Helps Urge Sustainability

October 18, 2016 – How Ford, PepsiCo Plan to Slash Manufacturing Water Use

October 18, 2016 – And the Green Power Leadership Award Goes To…

October 18, 2016 – New Jersey Waste-to-Energy Bill Would Require Corporations to Separate Food Waste

October 17, 2016 – Celebrate 100 Years of Majesty with Visit to National Park

October 17, 2016 – On the Role of Chinese Religion in Environmental Protection

October 17, 2016 – PepsiCo Sets Global Target for Sugar Reduction

October 15, 2016 – Board Votes to Fix ‘Ecological Disaster’ at Windstrom Park 

October 13, 2016 – Genius Teacher Installed Pedals Underneath Her Students Desks 

October 12, 2016 – Last Home at Holland Energy Park Moved Wednesday

October 12, 2016 – U.S. Fossil Fuels Emissions Lowest Since 1991

October 12, 2016 – Why It Matters: Energy

October 10, 2016 – Holland Awarded for Coolest Downtown in America in Bloom Contest 

October 8, 2016 – New Hampshire College Heats Campus with used Cooking Oil

October 6, 2016 –  Ottawa County Parks System Looks at Rules on Drones, Hammocks

October 4, 2016 – Why Partnering with Cities on Climate Goals Makes Good Business Sense

October 3, 2016 – Home Help: Weatherizing your home with these easy tips

October 3, 2016 – What Does It Take to Meet a Science-Based GHG Target?

September 2016 News

September 30, 2016 – Driving Energy Efficiency by Improving the Owner/Tenant Relationship

September 30, 2016 – Three Trends Align to Save Buildings Millions in Energy Costs

September 29, 2016 – Local, State and the Federal Government Excel at Energy Efficiency

September 27, 2016 – Last house at energy park to move to Holland Heights

September 26, 2016 – Home Help: Tips to stop drafts, save money and improve your home

September 26, 2016 – Global Business Community Is Key to Solving Climate Change, Report Says

September 26, 2016 – Clean Power Plan: Manufacturing Boon or Bust?

September 26, 2016 – Will Electronics ‘Right to Repair’ Laws Fix the Growing E-Waste Problem?

September 25, 2016 – Schools of choice contributes to enrollment drops, economic disparity in local districts

September 23, 2016 – Johnson Controls earns Star of Energy Efficiency Chairman’s Award

September 22, 2016 – Conserve energy and save money this fall by weatherizing your home with these easy tips

September 21, 2016 – GLOBAL WARMING: WHAT CAN WE DO?

September 21, 2016 – The invisible American: Millions not reflected in official unemployment rate

September 21, 2016 – 10 Smart Ideas to Heat Your Home for Less

September 21, 2016 – Whole Foods Reaches $3.5 Million Hazardous Waste Settlement

September 21, 2016 – Native Americans Oppose Dakota Pipeline on Environmental and Safety Grounds

September 21, 2016 – Mars Drinks’ Single Serve Packaging Redesign Cuts Carbon Footprint by 31%

September 21, 2016 – Art collective: Artists represent Zeeland group at ArtPrize

September 21, 2016 – Get a garden program growing at your school with these tips

September 20, 2016 – Holland, Townships Plan Fall Leaf Recycling and Collection

September 20, 2016 – Why Sustainable Supply Chains Matter


September 19, 2016 – Congress Comes Together to Set Modified Terms for Coal Ash Disposal

September 19, 2016 – France Bans Plastic Plates and Cutlery

September 19, 2016 – H&M’s $6.5M Effort to Advance Textile Recycling

September 18, 2016 – Michigan Budget Director Brings Energy to Governor’s Office

September 17, 2016 – How B Corps Are Redefining Small Business Success

September 15, 2016 – Senate Approves Funding for Flint Water Crisis

September 15, 2016 – Senate Approves Bill for Water Projects; Millions for Flint

September 12, 2016 – Michigan Estimated to Have the Biggest Apple Crop Ever

September 11, 2016 – Taking a deeper look at sustainability

September 10, 2016 – Yellow, Fuzzy and Flat: Where Do Recycled Tennis Balls Go?

September 19, 2016 – Bank of America Pledges Carbon Neutrality by 2020

September 16, 2016 – GM Pledges 100% Renewable Energy by 2050, Expects to Save More Than $5M Annually

September 16, 2016 –Think Bio-Based Materials Are Costly, Perform Poorly? Think Again.

September 8, 2016 – Holland, MI: Smart Lights for Parks

September 8, 2016 – Climate Change Builds the Case for Increased Resiliency

September 8, 2016 – California Extends Most Ambitious Climate Change Law in U.S.



September 7, 2016 – 2 Bridges Planned for Bike Trail Gap in Kent County


September 1, 2016 – Holland is featured as one of the Most Beautiful Small Towns to Visit in the U.S. by Trips to Discover.