Life at Hope College

Stress For Dummies (or College Students)

Stress is probably one of the most used words in college. “Oh, how are you doing today?” “Stressed.” That’s my response at least. But I just wanted to post on stress, because it’s an issue we all face. Usually, stress is a great thing, and is a common thing. In healthy amounts, it helps us gets motivated to achieve what we want to do. Sometimes, I work well under stress because I take it as a challenge. So there’s one way of managing your stress, accept it as a challenge.

Another way you should manage stress is by getting sleep. More than 8 hours, at least. Why? Because you’ll retain the information you learned the night before while studying, and you’re more alert so you can learn more. When you’re stressed, you’re also more prone to getting sick. So, sleeping will help because 1) you’ll retain more, 2) you’ll be more alert and awake, and 3) you’ll be less prone to sickness.

So far, we have accepting our stress as a challenge and sleeping. Now, I want to talk about time management. College is such a busy time with academics and social groups. Both play such a big role in your college career. That’s one thing I learned last year; I was too busy with my work, and I spent a lot of time doing extra-cirriculars. I had no balance between school and social life. So, I had to manage time. At first, this was hard. For some, it comes easier. But you need to realize that you’re here for school, so that should be your priority. Don’t join too many extra-cirriculars you can’t handle. Definitely though, if you are interested in doing something, go for it! But realize how much time you have and prioritize. So, there’s another way to take on stress, time management.

And lastly, my favorite way of relieving stress. exercise. This can be running, walking, weightlifting, swimming, playing sports, and being physically active. My body just feels so awesome afterwards. I feel like I am unstoppable and that I can take on the day. To tackle stress, we should all accept it as a challenge, sleep, manage our time, and exercise. By all means, there are so many more ways. But these are the things you can do immediately that can produce immediate, to almost immediate effects. NOW, you are all thinking why are you telling me this? We already know this. Well, in my defense, we all know how to manage our stress, but most of us don’t do anything about it. This leads to stress just piling up, so it’s harder and harder to get rid of. So, I’m encouraging that you at least do some of these techniques, because trust me, they will help. Managing my stress immediately helped me in so many ways. I wish I would have done it sooner that later, but hey, better late than never, right?

Ok, that’s all I have for now. Expect another post later today! If you have any questions, TWEET me, and follow me! It will be a grand time.

RESOURCES: Here is an awesome link about stress management. There is also a questionnaire you can take to see where you are with stress. Click here!

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