Life at Hope College

Birthday, Birthday, So much Birthday!

Hello Everyone!

I hope all is well. This past weekend was packed with fun. I’ll fill you more on what I did later this week, but today I’m going to highlight Grace’s 20th birthday. Her birthday was on Sunday. My roommate Amy and I woke up and drove to Grandville to bring Grace Biggby coffee, because she absolutely loves Biggby. When we arrived at her dorm with coffee she was so excited! Then we ate in Phelps with her. While we were eating some of the guys in her dorm decorated her room with streamers and balloons.

In the afternoon, Grace and I ran for a long time and enjoyed the most beautiful weather. It was sunny and in the 70’s. We also had a great running discussion. I love our talks when we run. We are right now in training for a half marathon in Nashville on November 12. I love running with Grace and training together, it helps the time pass by much faster.

City Vu in downtown. We all enjoyed an absolutely delicious meal. The meal even came with a free carrot cake dessert for her birthday!

Hope you all have wonderful weeks!


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