Life at Hope College


I absolutely love fall, it is by far the best season! This past weekend I was able to enjoy some wonderful fall weather with my family during break. Here is basically the break down of my wonderFALL break


I drove to Wheaton and visited my friend from high school at Wheaton College. [Hope is way better, my sister went to Wheaton and my parents like hope more too =)]. After visiting her, I drove to my sister’s new apartment in Wheaton. I helped my dad assemble some of her new furniture, and my dad and I had some quality bonding time together.

Friday evening:

We ate at my favorite restaurant in Naperville called Jin 28, and they have the BEST sushi! Then we ate ice cream and walked around downtown. Once we arrived back at her apartment we watched House together, which is my favorite T.V. show. All four of slept in her bedroom apartment for the evening.

Bike Trail in Springfield

Sunday evening:

My friends from high school came home to surprise me. We basically just caught each other up on life and enjoyed Sonic together. It was so great to see them again!


Both of these days I had lunch with some friends and worked on homework. I basically slept a lot and caught up on some much needed sleep. I went on a walk in the park with my PE teacher from high school and gained some wonderful insight from her.

This break was so wonderful. I now feel replenished and refreshed. I am so thankful for the wonderful people in my life. I have so much to be thankful and love home, but I also love coming back to Hope. I am glad I am now back in the swing of things and loving my time here!

Have a great weekend!

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