Combining Senior Seminar and Sabbath

Hello Readers! Hope your week is going well, I know mine is off to a crazy start! School is going well. I’m busy, involved, and loving every second of this intense semester, but one of the things I didn’t expect to love so much is the classwork (crazy, I know, since the sole reason I’m …

How To: Church Hopping in Holland

I’m not sure if “church hopping” is common language or Hope College lingo for “I’m trying to find a church that I really enjoy in the area.” This is the only place I’ve ever heard it, so I’m going to go with the latter. The name is a little misleading, because to me it sounds …

What I’ve Learned on Worship Team

As you may know if you’ve read my blog before, I have the privilege of being on the worship team at Hope. I get to help lead music at Hope’s worship services multiple times a week. It is my favorite thing that I do at Hope. When I look back on my time in college, …

A Trip to the Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin

This past Saturday night, I went down to Calvin College with one of our chaplains, Lauren Taylor, some other girls from Hope and a faculty member and his family. Calvin hosts the Festival of Faith and Writing every year, which is probably its most redeeming quality. (They’re our big rival, in case you missed that one). …

Poverty, Inc.

This Saturday night at the Knickerbocker Theatre on 8th Street, the documentary Poverty, Inc. was shown for any Hope students, faculty, or Holland community members who were interested in attending. Sure enough, there I found myself, on Saturday night, with some friends of mine watching a film on worldwide poverty. Over the past few years, …

An Immersion Excursion: New Jersey Immersion Trip 2016

Hope’s campus is filled once again and bursting with life, especially now that the sun is out. Yet I feel a little bit lost and in the wrong, all because I’m not in New Jersey with the 12 other people I spent the last week with. Last Saturday, our group left bright and early to …

I Can’t Fix Everything

Last week was a bad week. They happen. I was kind of expecting it. By Friday morning I was convinced I was going to make myself feel better.  How? I basically just did a bunch of things that I always want to do but consistently tell myself I don’t have the time for it. I bought Ben & …

Finding My Home Church

Having a church to go to every Sunday is a little bit like having a home team, I think. A church can be a community of love, support and faith outside of the college context. Up until recently, I’ve only attended Hope’s Chapel and Gathering services. One of my best friends, Rachel, and I decided …

A Word on Lent

Lent There’s this app on the iPhone called 1 Second Everyday that I’m using to commemorate my study abroad trip in Ireland. It’s a really cool concept of making a video of your entire trip by filming one second every day that captures the essence of the day, then mashing all those seconds together to …