Life at Hope College

Student Life (First Month)

Sunset in Holland

So, here I am, an international student from Central Asia, Uzbekistan, and I’ve been living in the beautiful town of Holland, Michigan, for about a month now. Let me tell you, it’s been quite the ride so far—full of new experiences, new friends, and way too many trips to the cafeteria (because who can resist good food, right?). Adjusting to life at Hope College has been a bit of a roller coaster, but that’s all part of the fun.

Studying Econ 211

Now, let’s talk about classes. If you’re expecting me to say it’s all smooth sailing—surprise! It’s not. But that’s what makes it so interesting. I’m majoring in Economics, so Econ 211 is one of my core classes. It’s the type of class where you think you understand supply and demand until your professor drops a concept bomb like “elasticity” on you, and suddenly, you’re questioning everything.

One little struggle I had—on one occasion, I had to skip my Econ class because I needed to travel to another city to fix some documentation issues (ah, the joys of being an international student). But, my professor was super understanding! Not only did they allow me to miss class, but they also texted me later, wishing me luck and hoping everything would go smoothly. Honestly, I was blown away by how caring the professors are here. I mean, when was the last time your teacher texted you just to make sure you’re okay? That’s some next-level kindness.

Computer Science 112? Well, let’s just say if coding were a dance, I’d still be stepping on my own feet. But thanks to some extra practice and patient guidance, I’m starting to catch the rhythm. Learning how to code is hard, but it’s also one of the most rewarding things I’ve done so far. (Seriously, when your code finally works after hours of trial and error, you feel like a wizard.)

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

– William Butler Yeats.

One of the coolest things about Hope College? People here love to study together. Honestly, it’s like a study squad at all times. I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I don’t get the topic at first (or second, or third…), but here’s where my classmates come in.

Meet Dennisse

Enter Dennisse, my study buddy hero. Whenever I am confused, Dennisse is there to help me out (thank you, Dennisse!). And it isn’t just casual help either. The night before an exam, we reviewed all the topics together for 2–3 hours straight. It was like a mental marathon—so exhausting but also so necessary.

Pro tip: If you’re ever struggling with material, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your classmates are more likely going through the same thing and might just save your sanity.

Let’s talk about where I live: the dorms. Living on campus is probably one of the best things about college life. The dorms here are cozy, and the attention to detail is something I really appreciate. From hand sanitizer stations (yes, they’re everywhere) to common areas with comfy couches, everything is designed to make life easier.

Even the bathrooms are on point. There’s hand soap that actually smells nice (a rare find in public restrooms, trust me). Little things like this may not seem like a big deal, but when you live here, it all adds up to create a comfortable environment. Plus, I have never seen so many outlets in one room before. Charging my phone, laptop, and who-knows-what-else has never been easier.

If you’re worried about being the “different” one here at Hope College—don’t be. Trust me, I was a little nervous too, coming from Uzbekistan to a small town in Michigan, but everyone here is so welcoming. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what you believe in; you’re accepted for who you are.

I was pleasantly surprised at how friendly people are. Whether it’s professors, staff, or other students, there’s this vibe of inclusivity that makes you feel right at home. I mean, I’ve only been here a month, and it already feels like I belong. And that’s coming from someone who traveled halfway across the world to be here!

My first month at Hope College has been a whirlwind of experiences—new classes, new friends, and a whole lot of learning, not just from books but from life itself. I can’t wait to see what the next few months hold. If the first month is any indication, it’s going to be an unforgettable ride. Stay tuned for more stories, more laughs, and probably more sushi.

Hope College, you’ve been good to me so far. Here’s to many more adventures!

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